Little Monster

Chapter 21: Little Monster

Aoi looks at Kaito reassured and she says kindly,

Aoi - "Thank you, Kaito… i would've died without you."

Kaito looks at Aoi with a smile while unconscious bodies are in the alley,

Kaito - "It's no probl…"

Aoi cuts Kaito in his own sentence and says in a grateful tone,

Aoi - "Not only for this… but thank you for watching the movie yesterday and atleast trying to go make me go on a trip to the art museum… thank you."

Kaito smiles and he says in a gentle tone, clearly touched by this remark,

Kaito - "I'm trying my…"

Suddenly, a kurokatana impales through Kaito's back to his chest, his eyes widen and he spits out blood,

Kaito - "BAH!!"

A guardian was behind Kaito and he says in a cold tone,

Guardian - "That's an emotional conversation, huh? Saddens me that i broke it."

He had full white hair and a black bandana covering his mouth, he had the casual black suit APA costume.

He removes the kurokatana from Kaito's back and he collapses to the ground.

Aoi looks at Kaito in fear and then looks at the guardian, she says in a trembling voice,

Aoi - "kaito…"

The guardian slowly walks up to Aoi

Guardian - "My name is Kojika Tosaki and i will exterminate you right here, right now, you little monster."

He starts doing tricks with his kurokatana such as flicking it around as he walks towards her and as he gets close, he stops and holds his kurokatana tightly.

Kojika - "Do you want to die, kid?"

Aoi, with her innocent face, looks up at Kojika in fear, she slightly screams at him,


Aoi's words falls into deaf ears as Kojika looks down at her with ruthless eyes and a dark shadow covering his face, he says in a mocking tone,

Kojika - "Your whole existence is wrong! Your kind morphs this world into hell!! If you never existed, innocent people wouldn't die everyday and earth wouldn't be a shithole!! You don't understand, you are going to die today, so i ask you again… do you want to die, kid?"

Aoi doesn't respond and she starts to look down as she shakes in fear and despair, she breathes heavily. Suddenly, Kojika swings his kurokatana at Aoi's neck and she thinks to herself,

I can't die now… not after everything i've been through… if they want to kill me… then i guess i… will."

Aoi suddenly dodges the swing at full speed, Kojika's eyes widen and he gasps,

Kojika - "Huh?"

He then smiles terrifyingly as the dark shadow hides his nose but not his eyes and mouth, he says in a joking tone but he wasn't kidding,

Kojika - "I don't mind fighting against a youngling, it'll be one-sided!!"

Aoi's kuragaze eyes activates and she looks at Kojika with a cold stare,

Aoi - "It will."

Her kagitsume was still in production so she couldn't use it so she had to figure out other ways to defeat him. She sees a sharp wooden stick on the ground and she grabs it and holds it tightly. Kojika runs towards Aoi with his kurokatana and he swings it at her violently and fast,

Kojika - "RAA!!!"

Aoi slides under Kojika's kurokatana and she tackles him and he almost falls but manages to keep his ground.

Kojika - "Impressive but…"

Before he could react, Aoi plants the wooden stick in Kojika's eye and he lets out a gut-wrenching scream,

Kojika - "AHHHHHHHHH!!!! YOU!!!!!! YOU INBRED TRASH!!!!!!!!!!"

Aoi removes the bloodied wooden stick from his eye and holds it tightly, Kojika holds his missing eye socket in pain as a bucket of blood comes rolling down his cheeks,

Kojika - "FUCKK!!!"

He swings his kurokatana at Aoi's neck but once again, she dodges it but stepping back, Aoi looks at Kojika's face disgusted by the horrible gore in front of her, she thought that it would be inhumane to leave him suffering like this since she has a big heart so she stabs him directly in the heart and he falls to his knees. He looks up at Aoi with hatred in his eye,

Kojika - "I'll kill… you… someday…"

He finally collapses to the ground and a pool of blood forms under his body.

Kaito finally wakes up and he's in his childhood bed in the house where his family massacre happened, he looks around and the nostalgia kicks in, he starts tearing up, he already had this dream before. He gets up and leaves his room, he walks up to the living room and kitchen and he sees his mom washing the dishes and she looks at him with her sympathic smile and says in her normal gentle voice,

Maria - "Hey Kaito, we're eating sushi tonight!"

Her voices echoes away as Kaito looks at his dad that was sitting on his chair reading the daily newspaper, he says in a joking tone as he smiles,

Dad - "Hey there stranger, you finally decided to wake up, huh?! Ha Ha Ha!!"

His voice echoes away too as Kaito looks around and young Mio starts running towards the kitchen and runs up to Kaito, she says in a huge smile full of excitement,

Mio - "Kaito!! You told me we could play dolls together?! Come on, let's play!!"

Mio's voice echoes away as Kaito looks away, he thinks he's gonna see his brother, but no, he sees a man dressed in a dark cloak with a plague mask covering his face, the figure looks at Kaito straight in the eyes, building up the tension of the situation, Kaito starts sweating in stress.

Kaito wakes up back up to reality and he's on the bed in his room in The Bunker, as he slowly opens his eyes, he sees Mio in front of him and Shino next to her. Mio waves at Kaito worried,

Mio - "Kaito? Hang in there…"

Kaito fully opens his eyes and Mio sees this, his eyes widen and he sits up,

Kaito - "MIO?!!"

He looks at Shino in happiness and he says in a grateful tone,

Kaito - "Th- Thank you!!"

Shino nods, Mio hugs Kaito and he hugs her too,

Mio - "I missed you… so much…"