You Can Be So Cruel

Chapter 22: You Can Be So Cruel


Kaito was training with Shino in the training room, Mio was sitting on the ground watching the training.

Shino and Kaito were in fighting stances preparing for battle, suddenly, Shino starts running towards Kaito trying to tackle him but he backflips and kicks her in the face while in the air. Shino falls to the ground and her nose starts bleeding,

Shino - "Agh…"

She quickly gets up and runs towards him, Shino tries to punch him but he grabs her fist twists it and frontflips to the back of Shino and kicks her knee.

Mio was watching from a distance and she looks at Kaito surprised on how he is strong compared to how he was in the past. She thinks to herself,

I can't believe that he's this strong… ahh… i remember when he tried out judo when he was 6… i was 4 and watching his brawls… he was ass… ha ha ha…

Little 6 year old Kaito was in a judo match against an opponent, Kaito was a yellow belt and he got in a fighting stance and a couple seconds later, he was on the floor.

Uruti was on a chair waiting for something, suddenly, the door on her right opens and a figure comes out. Uruti looks at the figure, and it was Yagami, he had a metallic arm and a black eyepatch on his missing eye and a black suit and a white tie. Yagami looks at Uruti in an emotionless stare,

Yagami - "Hey."

Uruti's eyes widen as she sees the new version of Yagami.

Yagami was sitting down next to Uruti now and Uruti looks at Yagami curiously as she crosses her fingers, she asks in a curious tone,

Uruti - "So… what made you into a guardian?"

Yagami looks down while thinking about this question, he sighs and then breaks his emotionless character, he looks at Uruti in quite a sad tone but at the same time, full of anger.

Yagami - "My dad… he was an alcoholic…"

Yagami's dad was in the living room watching the television while drinking an alcohol, he didn't have a shirt on which revealed his fat belly. He drinks the alcohol and then burps, he finishes his bottle and throws it on the ground, it breaks and a bunch of broken glass is on the floor. Yagami's mom was sitting on the couch next to him and she looked at him in fear, he points at the broken glass,

Yagami's dad - "Clean it up."

Yagami's mom - "B- but…"

He yells at her in an enraged tone,

Yagami's dad - "NO BUT'S!! CLEAN IT UP NOW!!"

She looks at the glass and starts cleaning it up, young Yagami, about 8, who's watching from the corner, stands up for his mom and yells to his dad in a defensive tone,


His dad slowly gets up and slowly turns around, he looks at him in a curious and enraged tone,

Yagami's dad - "The fuck you say to me?"

He unsheathes the belt and holds it tightly, Yagami's mom sees what he's going to do and she tries to stop him, she grabs his belt but he's too strong.

Yagami's mom - "Please don't…"

He violently slaps her across her face and she falls to the ground, he walks up to Yagami, Yagami backs away but his dad catches up to him and starts whipping him violently,

Yagami - "AHHH!!!"

He screams in agony as his abusive dad whips him.

Yagami was on his bed, crying because of the pain while sleeping, suddenly, his mom enters the room and she wakes him up in a whisper.

Yagami's mom - "Yagami…"

He wakes up and looks at her curiously,

Yagami's mom - "We're leaving, without dad… he's… he's… he's gone crazy…"

Yagami - "With… without dad?"

She nods…

Yagami's mom - "He rap… nevermind."

Both of them are outside after they escaped their house, they walk on the dark streets with little to no light. They are both sad about leaving dad and the house, but it was for their well-being.

Suddenly, a dark figure appears in front of them, a man in a red jumper and messy black hair comes out of the shadow, he smiles to them, his name was Akane.

Akane - "hey… are you lost?"

Yagami and his mom look at each other and nod, his mom looks at Akane and says,

Yagami's mom - "Yes… we are… d- do you have shelter?"

Akane - "Oh yeah! Yeah, we have shelter."

Yagami - "Great…"

They arrive at the shelter, it's a small house with a couple of rooms. Akane shows their room, they have seperate rooms.

Yagami's mom - "Thank you… for… for all of this… how can i pay you back"

Akane chuckles and walks into his room,

Akane - "You'll see."

He closes his door, Yagami and his mom look at eachother and she hugs him,

Yagami's mom - "It's gonna be alright. We found shelter…"

The next morning, Yagami wakes up in his warm bed and gets up, he goes into his mom's room to say hi, but she isn't here. Yagami looks nervous and he looks around,

Yagami - "Mom?"

Akane went behind Yagami and he put his hand on his shoulder,

Akane - "Your mom went for a walk, you know, to get fresh air, it's tough losing someone."

Yagami - "Ok."

Akane - "I made lunch, come to the kitchen, you'll love what i made."

He walks to the kitchen with a slight smile on the side, Yagami goes to the kitchen and sits down on a chair and waits for his food. Akane takes out a plate full of grilled meat, it looked delicious, Yagami looks down at his plate with joy as it looks so good, he then looks back up at Akane curious.

Yagami - "Shouldn't we wait for mom?"

Akane - "She will be here soon, start eating, bonne appétit."

Yagami takes his fork and knife and starts eating the meat, his eyes lit up,

Yagami - "Mmm… that's very good."

He continues eating the meat, putting chunks of it in his mouth,

Yagami - "You gotta give me the recipe, i'll tell to my mom. What's the recipe?"

Akane walks to the fridge and puts his hand on the fridge handle,

Akane - "So, there is only one ingredient and it's the main ingredient!"

Yagami - "Really?!"

Akane - "The main ingredient is…"

He opens the fridge, Yagami's mom was inside but she was barely recognisable, her eyes were carved out like a pumpkin, her jaw was hanging from her head, intestines were spilling out of her abdomen and chunks of meat are missing.

Yagami's eyes widen and he tears up to the horror,

Yagami - "M- mom… no… no… NOO!!!"

He looks down at the meat on his plate and realises what he was eating. He falls from his chair with wide eyes full of trauma, Akane's eyes turn red and black and he takes out a Light Fang Claw (Hikarikagitsume) and attempts to slice Yagami but he starts running away and leaves from the front door, Akane chases him and still attempts to slice him. Suddenly, a guardian slices Akane's head off and he dies, blood splatters on the guardian and Yagami. Yagami looks up at the guardian in fear,

Guardian - "I'm not gonna hurt you… im a guardian, i kill aswongs like him… my name is Aoki Kishugoyo, what's your name?"

Yagami looks at the house in horror, he says in a shaken tone,

Yagami - "mom…"