
Chapter 23: Father

Yagami walked out of the room where Uruti was and walked in a long hallway where doctors were walking too. Suddenly, he bumps into a man, Yagami looks at the man and it was Aoki.

Yagami's eyes widen and he smiles slightly, Aoki's eyes widen too and he smiles.

Aoki - "Yagami…?"

Yagami - "Aoki…?"

Aoki saw Yagami's robotic arm and his black eyepatch, he looked at him worried and said in a worried tone,

Aoki - "Are you okay… i mean… are you feeling alright?"

Yagami sighs and looks down, he says in a serious tone,

Yagami - "It could be better…"

He sighs again and looks up at Aoki in sad but cold face, he says in a disappointed tone,

Yagami - "Guardian Shinsuke… he… he perished in the battle against Flamebreather… he… *groans* he… died a hero… if it weren't for him, i'd be dead meat, he saved both of our asses, he saved me."

Aoki looks down with a sad face and said in a sad tone,

Aoki - "Poor kid… i wonder what his parents…"

Yagami cuts Aoki off from his sentence,

Yagami - "And how are you?"

Aoki sighs and groans again,

Aoki - "It could be better too but… i can also be worse…"

Kaito was in The Bunker, he walked in the hallway and entered the musculation room, he saw Neji doing sit-ups while sweating, he didnt have a shirt on which revealed his 6 pack, he had a cold stare

Neji - "Whoo… whoo…"

He was breathing heavily, he looked about 19.

There was also Mamoru and his henchmen, Koro and Taoki.

Mamoru was on a musculation machine while sweating his ass off, Koro and Taoki were lifting weights.

Kaito entered the musculation room and sat down on a bench, next to the bench were big weights and started lifting them, it was really hard for him and he struggled.

Kaito - "Gahh…"

Suddenly, Taoki and Koro walk up to Kaito with a smile on their faces,

Taoki - "hehe… looks like you're struggling!"

Kaito stopped and looked at them in agreement,

Koro - "You want help?"

Kaito sighs and nods, he smiles slightly, Neji stopped doing sit-ups and started looking at them.

Yagami walks out of the hospital, takes his phone out of his pocket and goes on an application, he orders an Uber.

4 Minutes Later

His Uber finally arrives and he enters, he says in a cold tone to the driver with a black hat and black glasses,

Yagami - "Yagami Ocha, Fushû Prison, please."

The driver takes a cigarette, lights it on fire and smokes it,

Driver - "On the way."

He starts driving and after a good 20 minute drive, they arrive in the dirty places of Tokyo, slums all around, drunked people, drugged people, apartments in low quality and in the distance, Yagami sees Fuchû Prison, a dirty but large prison.

The driver stops in front of the prison and Yagami gets out of the Uber, and looks back at him,

Yagami - "Thank you."

Driver - "No problem"

Yagami enters the prison, a guard that's at least 6'5 stops him and tells him in a serious tone,

Prison Guard - "Why are you here?"

Yagami looks up to him and tells him in a cold tone,

Yagami - "I'd like to see Hisoka Ocha."

Prison Guard - "And for what reason?"

Yagami - "He's my father."

Prison Guard looks down at Yagami, sighs and lets him pass,

Yagami walks in the hallway to the Closed-Visit rooms.

Hisoka was in prison cell 287-G on the top layer of a bunk bed sitting on it, looking at the ground.

Suddenly, the announcer on the prison speaker says,

Announcer - "Hisoka Ocha from Cell 287-G, someone wants to visit you, you may come out of your cell."

The door from Hisoka's cell opens and 2 guards come and grab him and bring him away.

Hisoka enters the Closed Visit room and he sees Yagami, his eyes widen and he sits down in shock.

Hisoka - "Son… Yagami…"

Yagami - "Hi… dad."