
Chapter 24: Fatherhood

Yagami looks at his dad and sits on a chair and Hisoka too.

Hisoka - "I assume you're here not because you want to…"

Yagami sighs and looks at his father right in the eyes,

Yagami - "Definitely not… i heard you have information on where the Black Reaper is… if you have any… give em to me."

Hisoka says in a direct tone without even blinking,

Hisoka - "If i tell you, will you love me again."

Yagami - "No… what you did to mom… you're disgusting… you're not worth more than a fucking aswong."

Hisoka looks down and tears form in his eyes,

Hisoka - "I'm really sorry for what i did to your mom… if i didn't do that, she would still be alive. I changed, Yagami… im not the alcoholic i was…"

Yagami looks at his dad with a serious face but not angry not like he used to,

Yagami - "Look… are you gonna tell me where the Black Reaper hides?"

Hisoka sighs and looks up at Yagami again,

Hisoka - "I'm sorry, son."

Yagami walks out of the prison disappointed