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Whilst every one was preoccupied with their lovers,a dark fog appears on the floor.Four bulky men in suits emerge and head towards the room where Lexi reported Pierre was in.After a three count,they kick down the door aiming their guns.The men walk into an empty room and look around.

"Where are they?"one of the men says.

Rita and Pierre manage to escape through the window and jump two storeys down.The pair runs down the dark alley circling to the exit of the club.Rita runs towards a nearby car,"Get in.We'll use this car!"She reaches for the door as Pierre did.Scott had stepped away from his post for a smoke break when he noticed someone breaking into his car.He quickly rushes there and is surprised to see Rita and Pierre."Rita,what are you doing?"he asks her."Cover for me,I promise to bring back your car !"Scott sighs,"You know Madame J has eyes everywhere.She will notice you're gone."Scott looks up and sees two men in black suits ahead of him.Pierre looks in the rear view mirror and noticed their exit had been blocked by the men in black.He looks at Rita,"Lock yourself."He gets out of the car as the men surround them.Scott stands back to back with Pierre,"Friends of yours?"Pierre shakes his head,"Stay close big guy!"

The two men engage the assailants in a fist fight.Despite his physical appearance,Scott barely keeps up with his attackers and is knocked out unconscious.Pierre dodges several hits.Upon seeing Scott on the ground,he slides to him.The four men surround him.He gets up and quickly punched around before he is slammed onto the car's hood.Rita gasps and decides to lock herself in.Pierre breaks free and flips,jumping onto one of the goons.He hits him with his elbow on its face.He kicks one of the goons who flies and gets impaled on a metal pipe before dissipating into black smoke.He displays a flurry of martial arts prowess.All the goons groan and try to get up whilst stunned.Pierre immobilizes the attackers in his dark crimson fog.The men roar before exploding.Pierre dusts the black ashes off himself and gets into the car.He turns to face a stunned Rita who bats her eyes at him,"Wow that was so hot!"Feeling an adrenaline rush,Rita and Pierre fiercely kiss each other before pulling a seat back.

Around 9p.m....

Moments later,the pair arrives at the location where Genesis was hiding.Zack opens the door to the sight of Rita and Pierre.Pierre embraces Zack.

"You alright,"Pierre let's go and looks at Zack."We good man,"he nods.They are led into the living room were Genesis and the rest of his friends were dressed in bandages.Genesis gets up and embraces Pierre."Good to see you brother."Pierre sighs in relief and looks at him,"Same here.What happened?I woke up alone in the hospital.I even gave a statement at the police station.Report said that no one was on sight."Genesis sighs as both men take their seats,"It was quick.We had to make sure no one was compromised.Hence I entrusted this location to one person I trusted,Rita."Pierre looks at Rita who rolls her eyes and shakes her head.Genesis looks from Pierre to Rita and picked up an unusual energy.He turns his gaze at Pierre and grins,"Did you?"Rita and Pierre both bark at Genesis,"No!"The entire gang mutters as Genesis leans back,"Ok alright.Goodness."Pierre turns to Genesis,"Dude what the hell where those things you guys were fighting?"

Genesis sighs and points at the portrait of templar knights above him."You remember this picture?"Pierre snickers,"Of course.You have always been obsessed with knights and medieval shit."Genesis shakes his head,"I wish it were an obsession brother.After seeing what you did to those demons,I knew you had awakened."Pierre is left much confused,"Wait what is this awakening?What is it that y'all want me to remember?"Genesis gets up,"Your past.You and I go a really long way."He walks up to a potrait of templar knights that hanged on his wall.He points at a knight on the picture who was on the center left,"My name was Drustan."Jon gets up,"I was called Elric."Pierre turns to Zack,"I used to be Crispin."He looks up at Arman,"They called me Florian."He then points at the knight who was in the middle,"We knew you as Conrad."Pierre walks up to the portrait and turns to Genesis,"When was this?"

He looks at Pierre,"Eleventh century."Rita stands next to Pierre as her eyes glare in disbelief,"You are kidding right?"Pierre shakes his head,"No,this was one of my lives!"Rita raises a brow,"Lives?How many lives have you had?"

Somewhere in Damascus,Muslim heretics clash with an army of Templar Knights.The knights fight off the Muslims in a dilapidated building.A unit of knights runs into an ambush,surrounded by the heretics.They lunge on them.The knights go on the counter and mercilessly dispose off the attackers.Later this unit is seen at an outpost.

Their commanding general meets one of his lieutenants as he was on watch duty."Everything good here?"he asks him.The knight Conrad salutes,"Yes sir"His general nods,"Keep your eyes peeled.These fanatics are cunning.We do not want to be caught off guard."Conrad nods as the commanding general leaves.He is then shortly joined by his mates."That's a total of three hundred and fourty five kills for me,"says the knight Elric."I have four hundred kills,"says Crispin who boastfully walks ahead of his friends.Elric runs up to him,"How did you jump to four hundred when you were at two hundred and fourteen?"From behind them comes Drustan who grabs the heads of the knights.He looks at them,"Will you cut the shit out."The two nod as they sit next to Conrad who unexpectedly places a jar of wine in their midst.

Drustan looks up at Conrad,"Where did you find this?"Conrad smirks and uses his sword to remove the lid,"God knows where you guys went.I stumbled upon some good old wine."Elric crosses his arms,"Sir you do realise we are in enemy territory."Drustan nods in agreement with Elric,"He is right.Besides what if that is poisoned."Conrad scoffs,"Only one way to find out."He opens the jar and takes a sip passing the jar to Florian.He hesitates for a moment but takes a sip.He passes it to Marco who drinks and gives it to Bruce."Careful mate,"Drustan cautions him although Bruce already had his lips at the mouth of the jar.The men set their sights on Drustan."Well go on."Drustan knew Conrad was going to bully him.He sighs and takes a sip when Crispin falls to the ground.He writhes in pain as Drustan jumps back,"Fuck,I told you not to drink this shit!Now we are all going to die!"Crispin gags when he and the rest burst into maniacal laughter."We got you,"says Conrad as he takes another drink.The relieved Drustan laughs awkwardly,"Haha yeah fuck you all!"He snatches the jar from Conrad and takes a long drink.

The men are seen engaging the heretics in a fierce fight within a Damascan abandoned market."You know our team is quite formidable.I was thinking of having us knighted,"Conrad says as he dispatches off a heretic.Drustan sweeps and stabs his attacker,"Oh yeah?And what would our unit be called?"He defends himself from three attackers when Elric comes to his aid."Brotherhood's Guild.Since we are all brothers,"says Elric as he digs his sword into the chest of the heretic.Conrad stands back to back with Drustan and Florian,"Dark Guild,"says Conrad.Drustan grunts and hacks a heretic in half,"Sounds menacing but I love it."

The men try to catch a breath when a strong wind blows in their direction.They cover their faces and look around."Where the hell is this wind coming from?"says Crispin.Conrad picks up a scent of brimstone in the air.His heart skips and turns to Drustan."We need to get out of here,now!"Before he knew it,the heretics they had slaughtered rise up.They had a menacing aura,their eyes were pitch black and roar."What in God's name is fucking happening?"One of the undead heretics stabs Crispin to death.Elric is tackled into a house and overpowered.He cries out as his blood runs down from the house.Florian,Marco,Bruce,Drustan and Conrad fight off the possessed heretics and kill them.

Marco takes off his helmet and becomes hysterical,"The fuck is this?"Marco takes a step back when a spear is shot out from the ground.It penetrates him from his mouth to his head,falling to his death.There is rapid movement in the sand.From it jumps out a four armed sultan demon wielding a mace and swords.The demon was fast and quickly takes out Bruce and Florian.Drustan and Conrad fight and kill the undead creature.

Drustan takes off his helmet and pants.He looks at his dead friends and turns to Conrad."What is going on?"he asks him.Terror striken,Conrad is caught off guard and stabbed from the back.Drustan has his throat slit before he could act and falls to his knees.As his vision fades,he catches sight of a vague figure dragging Conrad away.

Drustan gasps and sits up.He awakens in a dark cell,"Where are we,what is this place?"He touches his throat and is shocked to feel no wound on it.In the right corner were Elric,Bruce,Crispin,Florian and Marco.For the first time,he saw fear in their eyes and knew something was definitely wrong.

"Guys,where are we?Have we been captured?"Drustan walks up to them.Crispin shivers and points at the window.Drustan takes a peek through the heavily fortified spaces of the cell bars.Stretching into the horizon was red skies,inhuman creatures flew in the sky.Screams of agony could be heard in every corner.Drustan is left powerless and falls in despair."What in the bloody fuck is this place?"he says shaking uncontrollably with fear.

Conrad steps out from the dark corner and stands in the middle of the cell.He looks at his scared friends and scoffs,"First time dying?Welcome to Hell."

Crispin sits up as tears uncontrollably run down his cheeks,"The fuck sir.What do you mean by first time dying?"Conrad walks up to Crispin and places his hand on his shoulder,"I am afraid to inform you that we are all fucking dead.And we are in Hell."

Drustan grabs Conrad,"Did you say Hell?The inferno afterlife?"He looks around the cell,"I am not sure.It could be purgatory but the reality is we are here.The outside is proof enough."

A terrorizing echo of horrific screaming startles the men.Elric shakes his head,"We fought in a fucking bloody holy war."

Florian cradles on the ground in fright,"I am a good person.I do not deserve to be here."

Marco frantically paces up and about behind Conrad and Drustan."We are so fucked.We are gonna have our skin flayed."Conrad turns to Marco,"Who told you that?"Marco looks up at Conrad,"The stories from my childhood.Here they flay your ass.There is dismemberment,roasting which occurs for eternity till you go insane and numb,"he angrily says and goes back to his corner.

"I died a virgin for nothing.I will never get the pleasure of laying with a woman,"the men all look at Crispin,"Don't look at me like that.You all died virgins for nothing!"

Conrad gets Drustan's hand off his cape and casually walks to the cell door.Much to their surprise the door opens.The men quickly spring up to their feet.

Crispin points at the door and looks at Conrad,"The cell door was unlocked this entire fucking time?"

Conrad sighs,"If you are done mopping around,get your acts together and follow me.Or you can stay here"The knights clamor and line up behind Conrad.

They walk out of the cell to the sight of a hallway filled with dead bodies of what looked like demons.The knights look up at Conrad."You did this?"Drustan asks.Conrad nods,"Welcoming committee as I call them.Grab that axe thing."Crispin quickly picks up the weapon and clutches onto it."Where are we going?"Drustan asks.Conrad turns to him,"Remember that time we infiltrated the camp of the heretics at Aqomoros?"The knights nod as Conrad continues,"We are going to sneak out of this dungeon.This place is crawling with Hellguards.Key to our survival is aiming for their heads and feet.Stay close and do not make a fucking sound till we reach the checkpoint."

The knights quietly traverse the dungeon.Along the way,they encounter several hellguards whom they silently slaughter without alarming the others.Conrad leads them to a room in which a small ball of light floated mid air.

"Come on.Hold hands,"he says to them as they surround the glowing orb.Upon doing so,they are sucked into the light and emerge near a lake.The skies where no longer red nor could they see any flying creatures.They had escaped Hell.Drustan marches to Conrad and punches him.He towers Conrad,"Start talking.How do you know how to escape the hellish afterlife?"

Conrad rubs his chin and gets up,"We did not entirely die.We were dragged alive to Hell."Muttering sweeps through as Conrad continues,"Only spirits are sent to the after life.We were being held captive against our will.Since we were in another plane with our bodies and souls intact,it means we can walk in and out."Drustan shakes his head,"It does not answer the question.How do you know all this?"

Conrad sighs and sits on a rock,"It was not my first time being there."The knights become silent as they listen to his revelation.''Fucking horde of demons pillaged my home town and I was dragged to Hell.I was tortured for years until I discovered a way out.And that is how I was reborn and have this name which is not my original by the way."The knights are shook by this discovery.Drustan looks at him,"Why did you save us?"

Conrad sniffs and looks up,"It just occurred to me that I am being hunted.This was the second time I went to Hell and back.I have no idea why these demons are after me.Perhaps they want me to suffer."He looks the other way trying his hardest to hold back his tears,"My mother was killed.I watched my new family get butchered as well.You guys are the only family I have.I couldn't let you be pawns in whatever this is."

The knights look at one another.Drustan then sits next to him,"We have been through worse situations."

Crispin walks up to them and sits on the other end,"Thanks to you we have a second chance.I guess now I can put my dick to good use."A momentary laughter sweeps through.The knights surround and embrace Conrad."We are not going to leave you.We will be brothers for ever,"says Elric.

"We are the Dark Guild.And we will show whatever this demon is that we have strength in numbers.They messed with our brother,they messed with the guild!"Drustan says with much enthusiasm.

Conrad nods,"Thank you guys.Really!"

The knights are startled when a tremor is felt in the ground.Screaming is heard in the distance but grew closer.A body out of nowhere drops in their midst and splatters.The knights separate and are in shock."Holy shit.What the hell?"cries out Elric.

The men turn to each other and run towards the screaming.

"Hold it down,"a ginger haired man orders his men who tug the ends of ropes.

"Keep pulling,"he says to them as he helps one of the men to pull the rope.

Upon arrival,the dark guild stops.A handful of men attempt to bring down a werewolf.The berserk alpha proves too strong.The werewolf breaks free as the disorganised men who held onto the ropes are flung across the place.

Conrad points at the ropes,"Go grab them!"The knights scatter and get a hold of the ropes.They drag the werewolf to a nearby tree with much difficulty.They manage to subdue it.The werewolf growls and snarls before the ginger haired man cuts off it's head.The men step back panting."What on earth was that thing?"asks Drustan.

"Werewolf.Part man,part wolf.Bloody bastard was terrorising these villagers.Thank goodness we took care of it,"says the ginger haired man as he wipes the blood of the creature off his blade.

Conrad noticed a familiar tattoo on the man's neck."Wait a minute.You are a knight."

The ginger haired man stops and turns to them.He sighs and then nods,"Former member of the Crimson Knights."They all gasp,"Oh my god.Those men were heroes,"says Crispin.

"Why did you leave?"Conrad asks the man."I didn't.Our convoy was massacred by a tribe of werewolves.A few of us survived and we discovered these aren't the only hellspawn monster roaming the lands.So we started hunting monsters on our own but with a price.This line of work is costly but hey peace comes with a price,"says the man.Conrad looks around and noticed all his men were dead."If you don't mind we would happily join you.Seems like you'll be needing much assistance."

The man extends his hand,"Names Milo."

Conrad introduces himself as Godfrey.They all changed their names to prevent suspicions of them being warlocks or worse.Drustan adopts the name Leoric,Eric turns to Wilkin,Crispin takes Neville,Florian becomes Finnian,Bruce renames to Odel and Marco to Valerius.

Milo teaches the Dark Guild the art of monster hunting.Within a year,the party raids a vampire coven and lay waste to their kind.They kill a cyclops and some sirens that terrorized fishermen.This makes the group so popular throughout the region.Milo is knighted as a Dark Guild member serving as the teams strategist next to Leoric.Godfrey is helmed as their leader.After killing some druids,the guild celebrates in a tavern.Neville walks in and sits amongst his comrades.

"How are your marbles,are they dried up?"Finnian asks him as they all laugh."Ha ha fuck you Finn!"says Neville who grabs his beer mug.Milo sets his cup down and shakes his head,"Goodness.Never have I seen such a horny creature as yourself.Really every town we arrive in,you always have to fuck someone.Are you trying to spread your seeds all over the region?"The men burst in laughter.

Godfrey steps outside when he is joined by a staggering Milo."Party is this way,what are you doing here out by yourself?"Godfrey turns to him,"We have made quiet the noise being monster hunters.It is all thanks to you for giving us this opportunity."Milo playfully bows but spills his beer,"Careful mate."Godfrey grabs him but Milo shakes his head,"We have plenty of gold to spare.Do not worry if I spill my drink."Milo rocks and tries his best to stand straight.Godfrey sighs,"You know we have paved the way for other brave men to stand up and fight monsters too.Sooner they will capitalize on the monster hunting and we may go out of business."Milo nods in agreement,"You too have noticed huh.What do you propose?"

Godfrey turns to Milo,"Is there a way to kill a demon?"Milo stays silent and for a moment scoffs but realised Godfrey was being serious."That is impossible.Demons are spirits who inhabit men against their will.How do you kill a spirit without killing the man?"

Godfrey sighs,"These are dark times.Surely there must be some one with knowledge or you might have heard whispers."

Milo taps his chin and turns to Godfrey,"You know there is a man.He was once a priest.After a failed exorcism,he kept mumbling what you are saying now.A way to trap and kill demons."Milo turns to his cup but it was empty."Come.Ask me about this tomorrow.Right now I think not straight at all.I want more beer and to get fucked!"Milo falls to the ground and snores.Godfrey sighs and then struggles to pick him up since he too was drunk.

After riding for two days,the Guild arrived in a small town of Greyrock.They ask for the whereabouts of a Spanish priest Father Benedict.The team is led to his Abbey which was far from the village.Milo knocks on the door.A figure slightly opens the door,"Who goes there?"he asks in a frantic voice.

"Are you the priest?"Leoric asks stepping closer to the door.The man did not open his door fully,only his fingers could be seen."Who is asking?"Slowly a head peaks out.Godfrey then forces his way in.The man falls to the ground and looks up crawling into a corner."We need your help in killing demons."Father Benedict sits up a bit curious,"Why do you seek to destroy demons?"Godfrey sighs,"Because they are after me and my men."Father Benedict gets up and dusts himself,"Demons cannot hunt you unless you have been marked.Either you made a deal with them,someone summoned them to torment you or the usual spirit wives who visit you in your dreams."

Neville forces himself in between Leoric and Godfrey,"Sorry are you saying one can mate with a demon?"Godfrey shoves Neville back as Valerius and Wilkin smack his head.Godfrey looks at the priest and shakes his head,"None of the above."

Father Benedict hesitates for a moment,bringing much suspense amongst them.He snaps his fingers,"Come along."The priest grabs a book and walks outside towards the forest.Godfrey turns to Milo, "You sure this man is in his right senses?"Milo walks past him,"You asked me to find the guy?He is the guy."Leoric walks up to Milo,"How certain are you he is our guy?"Milo smirks,"You think one could stare into the eye of Hell and come back with his sanity intact?"Godfrey and Leoric look at each other and decide to agree with Milo.The guild follows the priest into the forest and appear in an open field.He opens a book and begins to chant an incantation.

Godfrey noticed two riders on the horses.Neville leans into Valerius,"You think this man is alright up there?"Valerius sighs,"I don't know mate.Fucker sounds beyond crazy."Leoric walks to the priest,"What are you doing?"

From the forest,roars are heard.The group stands ready to attack."The fuck was that?"Neville grabs onto his sheath.Suddenly from the shadow emerges two small demons.

Milo draws out his sword and brings it to Benedict's neck,"Stop whatever it is you are doing?"Benedict slowly gets up,"Observe."

He slaps the back of the horses the riders were on.They run in opposite directions,circling around the demons.Tied to the horses were sacks of salt that draw a circle.The monsters draw out their demonic weapons and attempt to strike the riders.Surprisingly their weapons bounce back.It was like an invisible barrier had been set between them.Whilst the guild knights observe Benedict strains and sets down a bucket of water."Place your weapons in here."Godfrey looks at Benedict,"What is this?"Benedict snatches Neville's sword and dips it into the water,"Holy water.You now have sanctified weapons.Now go and kill."

The guild knights do as instructed and stalk the demons.Beyond the circle,they are unharmed by the demon's attacks.Once inside the circle,the demons do not hesitate to land the first blow.Upon contact with the weapons of the knights,the demons screech as they receive burns.A strike from the holy blade proves extremely efficient.The men proceed to mercilessly slaughter the demons.

The knights smile satisfied and look around."How did we do that?"Neville looks at his sword.Benedict walks to them,"We trapped the demons in a circle of salt,sanctify the weapons and these bastards stand no chance."Godfrey eyes his sword and grins,"You know what this means right?"Leoric looks at him with much concern,"What is going through your mind?"The knights surround him as he waves his sword and scoffs,"We are going to war with Hell."

The exploits of the Dark Guild reaches the Romans.They receive enormous support in means of an army.Their raids attract a new enemy.Whispers are heard of a sorcerer called Kazamir.He commanded a horde of demons and pillaged many villages and cities.The dark guild and Kazamir go on an intense war for two years.

Milo and Valerius had been gone for three days when they enter the tent of Godfrey.They had been tasked with spying on the servants of Kazamir to find his camp.Godfrey quickly gets up."You are back!"Milo and Neville salute,"Yes sir.We come with great news."The men sit down,"We followed a caravan that had been looted by some lackeys of Kazamir.They were kind enough to lead us straight to the den of the lion,"reports Milo.Godfrey sighs in relief,"Where exactly are those fuckers?"Milo rolls out the map and pin points the exact location of Kazamir's hideout."Unfortunate for them,it's in a valley.We can divide the demons on several fronts and take them out,"Milo crosses his arms and grins."We are going to bury them for good."Godfrey pats Milo's shoulder and smiles,"It's all thanks to you my friend."He felt relieved knowing he would no longer have to be stalked by the demons.

The dark guild engages the demons in the valley.Having successfully surrounded them,their victory is imminent.A boulder flies before rolling and squashes several knights.A huge hand appears at the edge of the mountain as four giant demons appear.

Leoric stumbles and looks up in utter fright,"What in the fuck are those things ?"On the shoulders of the demons was a hooded figure who had an ominous glow."That must be Kazamir!"He helps up Leoric,"We drew out their leader.Today it all ends.These monsters are nothing we cannot handle."Godfrey motivates Leoric and rallies the army.

The giants however easily walk past the salt circles much to the shock of the knights.Using their superior speed,they run through the knights easily.In an instant,the knights are reduced to a handful.Demons spring out and overpower the last of the knights.The guild barely keeps up with this wave.

"Fall back.Retreat!"Godfrey yells out to the soldiers who are crushed by the giants.One by one his friends are killed and trampled on as he looks in horror.An enormous club knocks Godfrey,sending him flying in the air.He hits into a rock and falls into the stream running with the blood of his soldiers.Godfrey crawls to a near dead Leoric.A hand turns the body of Godfrey who chokes on his blood.The hooded figure kneels next to him.

"Did you really think you could defeat us?"Kazamir laughs as he puts his thumb into Godfrey's wound on his hip.He cries out in agony much to the amusement of Kazamir,"I must applaud your resilience this time around.You amassed an army to best us.You did well.Do not worry.Your suffering starts here."Kazamir gets up and stabs Godfrey.

Grunts and cries of pain are heard in the distance.Leoric slowly opens his eyes to the sight of the cold cell.He was alone with both his hands and legs chained.The door to the cell swings open as a Hellguard drops to the floor.Leoric watches as the head of a Hellguard rolls towards him.Standing at the door is a demon blood soaked Godfrey panting.Leoric gulps as Godfrey walks up to him with a battle axe,"Did we get dragged again?"

Godfrey frees him from his shackles,"Worse,we really died this time.Even killing demons did not guarantee us a place in the silver city."He sighs and turns around "Come along."

Godfrey leads Leoric out of the cell and walks past the dead bodies of Hellguards.

"How long have we been down here?"Leoric asks as he remembered the rules of escaping Hell by arming himself with a battle axe too.Godfrey keeps on the look out,"Very long time.They scattered us across this prison and it took me some time to get us all out."They run into a Hellguard who is hacked by Leoric,"You found the others?"Godfrey nods,"Yes,it's now you and me."

Godfrey leads Leoric to a room where an obscenely fat grotesque being floated mid air.From it's belly a bright light luminates.Godfrey points at it,"Get in the stomach!"Leoric glares in shock,"What,are you insane?"Godfrey sighs,"It's a portal out of here."Leoric takes a step back,"No fucking way.I do not remember us going through such the last time."

Footsteps could be heard in the distance,"Different deaths,different ways out.Last time we got dragged alive but this time our souls came here.Now only way out is by rebirth."

Godfrey pushes Leoric towards the being and is instantly sucked in by the light."I will find you!"he says to himself and runs in the opposite direction of the oncoming Hellguards.Leoric is reborn through child birth.The woman cradles the baby in her arms.


Rita glares in shock,"It almost sounds unbelievable.You guys have been through a lot."Pierre sits back down,"That plan was foolproof despite it bombing so hard."Genesis smiles,"And here we are.No matter what era,we always find each other and stick to our oath to find one another and continue our fight."

Genesis gets up,"Come on.Let us go to the Guild."Pierre is stunned by his statement,"Wait I thought the Guild went down after the sanctuary."

Genesis smirks,"How many times have we rebuilt the Guild.Ever since The Sanctuary,a lot has changed.We are more of a covert organisation.Wait till you see the improved version."Pierre gets up and leans towards Genesis,"Do we have tanks and drones?"Genesis raises a brow,"Why would we need those?That is overkill!"Pierre grins "Dude,its modern warfare!"

Rita gets in between the two,"What is the Sanctuary?"

Genesis looks at Pierre who shakes his head."It was around the fourteenth Century,about twelve years after we died.In fact,this time we had new bodies,new faces."Rita looks at them,"What do you mean by bodies?"Genesis points at another portrait on the wall.It was an image of a fierce looking young woman leaning against a tree."That is your boyfriend!"Genesis grins at Pierre.Rita gasps,"Oh my God.He was a trans?"Pierre shakes his head,"I was the full package."Rita scoffs,"You were hot.I bet you had a handsome lover!"His friends burst in laughter,"He was a cranky bitch!"Jon speaks up and continues,"His only weakness was his then girlfriend Olivia who was twice the bitch he was.A match made in Hell."Rita gasps,"So he was lessing around.Les be honest!I want to hear more of this story."

Genesis smirks,"It's a long drive to the guild.I will be happy to walk us down memory lane."Rita follows Genesis as Pierre looks at his friends with a threatening gaze.The trio walks out of the hideout to the cars and drive off.

A teenage boy falls to the ground as a bucket of apples scatter all over.Three boys proceed to stomp on him.

"Well come on,get your boney ass up!"one of the boys screams in his face.

The lone boy is viciously kicked in the stomach and rolls on the ground coughing.

"Get your ass up soldier.I can't believe you are letting these cocksuckers embarrass you!"The boys turn to the voice of a girl who appeared out of nowhere.One of the bullies walk up to the girl,"What do you want,who are you?"The girl scoffs and walks to the boy on the ground."Come on,get up and fight back,"she says to him.The bullies laugh,"Oh look,his girlfriend has come to rescue him."One of the boys nudges his friend,"Hey look.This girl is beautiful."The girl kneels besides the boy,"For fucksakes get up damn it!"One of the bullies grabs the girl's arm,"Come here little miss pretty!"The girl slaps his hand off of her,"Do not lay a finger on me."The boy grabs her face and takes out a knife,"Who is going to save you,hmm?"he says whilst running the blade on her cheek.She kicks the boy on his crotch loosening his hold on her."You mess with one,you mess with all of us."

The boy who was being bullied tackles one of the bullies.A single vicious kick to the face knocks him out.The girl grabs one of the bully's fingers and cracks them.The boy kneels and cries in pain.The bullied boy like one possessed mercilessly beats his attackers without mercy.The girl tosses the bully in front of him.He looks up sobbing,"I'm sorry.I surrender."

His plea is ignored as the boy grabs his shirt and proceeds to beat him.The boy falls to the ground battered beyond recognition.

He walks up to the girl covered in the bully's blood."Are you a friend of one of my brothers?"She walks up to him."I was.But now as you can see I'm a girl.So I'm your sister."She extends her hand,"I'm Petra."The boy shakes her hand,"They call me Virgil.I don't remember us having a female soldier in our ranks.

"Petra sighs,"Dru,it's me Conrad!"Virgil is shook and is silent for a while before he bursts in laughter.Petra crosses her arms as Virgil wipes away the tears,"When you mentioned rebirth I wasn't expecting this.How did you end up a woman?"She sighs,"Don't know,don't care.As long as it's a useful body that is all that matters."Virgil picks up his apples,"You don't even behave like a girl!"He looks up at her,"Did you find our friends?"She nods,"Only Bruce and Marco.The rest we'll track once we are at the Sanctuary."Virgil stands up with his basket,"What is the Sanctuary?"Petra smiles,"Our new home.You are going to love it.We have much work to do and some scores to settle."Virgil nods,"Well firstly let me bring these home to my parents."The two walk side by side,"You have parents?"He nods,"Yes.They are very good people.And also a couple of older siblings.And you?"Petra looks the other way,"My dad recently died.It's just me and my brother."Virgil scoffs and looks at Petra,"You better hope Crispin does not try to fuck you."She picks up an apple from his basket and takes a bite,"I will cut his dick off!"

Virgil glares and looks the other way,"So not lady like!"They walk towards a house ahead of them.