WebNovel9th Life50.00%


Petra had been born to powerful mages Betram and Martine.They lived in an isolated castle fortress Caertram.Her family had amassed vast knowledge in magic.Petra knew this would come as a huge advantage once reunited with her friends.Petra and Virgil track down their former team mates.Elric went by the name Orvyn,Crispin became Rufus,Arman was Brian,Bruce was Odel and Marco was Valerius.

She trains them in the art of what she dubbed as combat magic.Five years later,they recreate the Dark Guild.They also recruit a few new members,amongst them her brother Gregory and her girlfriend Olivia.After much difficulty,the guild is able to track down Father Benedict who was still alive.He resided at an old Catholic monastery.By now Father Benedict had grown older and his head was full of grey hair.Upon meeting he is surprised and intrigued whilst listening to tales of their adventures.

Petra sighs and turns to the priest,"What went wrong father?What where those things that Kazamir unleashed on our army?"she asks.

Father Benedict gets up and walks to his collection of books.He picks up several of them and brings them to his guests."Have any of you heard of Nephilims?"

They all look at each other muttering,"Nephilims?"It was clear they were clueless.

"I have read about them in selected scribes.They were a race of humans born of man and angel."The guild members continue to mutter as Father Benedict clears his throat gaining their silence and attention.He continues,"This race existed around the first and fourth Century.Heaven did not want half breed children of angels and man.A lot were slain whilst other are believed to be in Hell.There is a possibility our old foe Kazamir is a nephilim and is using his kind as an elite army."

Petra clutches onto the wooden chair and interrupts the priest,"That scumbag is still alive?"He nods slowly,"He is the reason I'm hiding out here.Thanks to his enforcer Daegal,he has become much stronger and continues his tyranny in the dark."He sighs before he continues,"Our solution then required us to fight darkness with light.This time we fight light with light."Corbett looks up at the priest,"What do you propose?"Father Benedict sits up and looks at them,"If you were to separate the blood of a nephilim,it is part angel,part man.We find something that can irritate the angel."Virgil rubs his chin and glares,"All you have is a defenceless human we can kill."The guild nod in agreement and turn to the wheezing priest."Although I am of no use to you.I will assign to you my former novice Father Gomez."Petra looks around the place,"If you do not mind,can we use this place as our base of operation?"Father Benedict smiles wearily,"Not at all.I would like to see how your plan fares."

The guild quickly move into the monastery and settle down.A few metres away they build a training ground inside a cave.They spend three months carving sigils inside the cave.Once done,one evening they gather and begin an incantation.Suddenly amidst their chanting,a bright light shines and in their midst falls a weakened being.The group quickly chains the being which was an angel,a female one."It worked.We captured an angel!"The guild members celebrate having succeeded in a single attempt.Rufus turns to the angel,"Let us kill it."Petra stops him,"We did not capture it so that we can kill it in a few seconds.Now our work begins."

The team spends a year studying the angel and subjecting it to lethal experiments.Although at times,Petra stepped in to prevent it's death.One afternoon she brings food to the angel.She unshackles the chains on her hands."You are now a mortal.Might as well eat to regain your strength,"Petra brings the food closer to her.The angel nods,"Thank you."Petra sits across the angel and asks,"Are you angry with us?"The angel shakes her head,"It will take more than this to break me.Besides why should I?"

Petra scoffs,"Any normal being held against their will would be angry with their captors."The angel smirks,"If you wished me dead,you would have killed me a long time.My prolonged stay here means I am worth something and I will help in any way I can."Within a short time,her plate was empty.Petra having taken pity on her brings her more food to which she eats."What is Heaven like,is it real?"The angel looks up at Petra,"If you can escape Hell over and over again,then Heaven exists.I won't say much but you'll see once you are there the kind of place it is."After she was done,Petra slides the plates away and chains her once again."If you must know I will set you free."The angel nods,"I do hope my cooperation has been to your satisfaction."Petra scoffs,"You are an odd one.Do you have a name?"The angel smiles,"I am Celestiel."

Once their studies were complete,the team returns from the castle to find the angel gone.Corbett looks around the cave,"Where did it go?"

Petra who had been nearby casually walks in,"There was no use keeping her.I set her free."Corbett angrily walks up to Petra,"We were supposed to kill it."Virgil steps in between them,"Enough,our main priority is not killing angels."She then sits in the spot Celestiel had been kept,"We must prepare for the real test."

Petra sits in the cave alone when she senses a malevolent presence.She sits up as a dark shadow creeps in and transforms from a Hellguard to a man.

Petra looks up at the demon,"Took you long enough."Daegal takes a step and stops,"Time to go back to your cell brat."She leans back unguarded and crosses her arms,"Well it is not like I am resisting."

Daegal snickers,"Arrogant little bitch.You do not make things easy.Perhaps a little reminder."

Loud thumps are felt on the ground.Two giants walk into the cave and stand next to Daegal.Petra sits there unfazed."Dear little me!I am so scared.Please do not take me back,"she taunts them.

As soon as one of the giants places it's hand on her,Gregory swings in and slices off it's wrist.Daegal takes a step back astonished."Secure that thing,"Petra shouts to her team mates.The unit jumps on the back of the giant nephilim and successfully subdue it.Ovryn and Thaddeus drag Daegal to a dungeon and lock him up.

Petra runs off whilst being chased by the other giant nephilim.She stops at the entrance of the cave.Wielding mystic dual blades she ferociously attacks the nephilim.Petra stands as the nephilim staggers towards her and falls unconscious.Her acolytes using magic levitate the Nephilim and chains it.She is led to the cell of Daegal.She walks in and points her blade at him."You tell your boss what happened here."Daegal narrows his eyes furious,"He will not spare you."She presses her sword to his throat,"Let him come.I would like to face my torturer."

Petra had Daegal freed much to the discomfort of Corbett who begins to question her leadership.The guild conducts brutal experiments on the giants till they die.Having them exposed to several rune combinations,an effective counter is found.The guild grows in numbers as their heroic exploits are echoed in all corners of the region.They continued to hunt down the demons and encounter the nephilim who prove to be no match for them.They amass a private elite army that vigorously trains in combat magic.

Whilst Petra observes new novices in training,Thaddeus walks up to him."Hey uh you have a visitor."Before he could announce,next to Petra stands The Professor of Caertram and her mother Martine.Thaddeus quickly leaves as Petra faces Martine,"Mother."She sighs and looks at her army,"Quite impressive.Your students look formidable."Petra nods,"Indeed they are."Martine turns to Petra,"An army,fighting monsters and demons?I even heard you have made enemies of the nephilim kind.You do this like you have been doing it your whole life.Tell me child,what secret are you not telling me?"Petra looks the other way,"It is none of your concern."Martine scoffs and grabs Petra's arm tightly,"Don't think you are special.You are still a curse.This campaign of yours will only end with your death.Spare my son and send him back to Caertram."Petra brushes off her mother,"Gregory is brave like our father.You are a jealous spiteful bitch.The great Professor scared of being in the shadow of a daughter she never wanted."Martine slaps Petra and walks away angrily.She stops and looks back at Petra,"I hope you die very soon."Martine walks away as Petra turns to her novices.

The guild and Father Gomez are called to assist in an exorcism.The unit stands ready to release the host from the demon and kill it.During the exorcism the demon takes hold of the victim and runs amok into town.They chase down the victim and are able to free them from the demon.Upon capture,the demon laughs at the Guild.

Corbett points his sword at the creature,"What is so funny asshole?"

The demon sets his sight on Petra,"Caertram!"Her heart skips,"Its a distraction!"Virgil beheads the demon.They hold hands and portal to the monastery.They find it reduced to a rubble and in ruins.They then portal to Caertram.Upon arrival,Reginalt,Orvyn and Gregory are killed with a single blow from a giant armored nephilim.A combination of demons and nephilims lay waste to the less experienced acolytes of the Professor.Petra fights her way through the hordes and goes underground.She reaches the library of forbidden magic.After a brief incantation,she siphons the words out of the books.The spells are marked onto her skin.Martine catches her in the act and is shocked,"What are you doing?"Petra pays no attention to her,"There is no other way to stop them.I can still save everyone!"Martine proceeds to slap Petra who falls to the ground.She rubs her cheek and looks up at an angry Martine,"You brought this plague upon us.You will pay for my son's death.This is all your fault.You are a cursed child.I fucking curse you."Petra holds back her tears,"Gregory was my brother just as much as you are my mother!"Martine grabs Petra and continuously slaps her,"How many times will I tell you not to call me your mother?''She angrily yells in her face and grabs Petra's hair,"I am not your bloody mother hellspawn devil child!"

Martine is knocked to the side by Daegal.She falls to the ground and passes out.Suddenly Kazamir emerges and swiftly grabs Petra by the throat."I tire of having to baby sit you insolent child."Petra comes to the realisation.She deduced Kazamir to be the figure that was responsible for her continuous deaths.

"Why are you after me?Who do you work for you piece of shit?"she struggles to break free.Kazamir scoffs tightening his grip on her throat,"You will only meet him when the time is ready.For now you need to be taught another lesson."

Petra breaks free from Kazamir's grasp and briefly fights toe to toe with him.Using his masculinity Kazamir overpowers her with brute force.He buries her into the ground,her bones entirely shattered.Petra chokes on her blood and looks in the direction of Martine.Kazamir stabs her in the heart and she finally dies.Daegal turns to the Professor.He slowly walks up to her whilst she tries to escape."She loves company.You will make a fine collection to the tortured souls."Martine whimpers,aware this might be the end of her as well.

Daegal attempts to grab Martine but he is pushed back.He tries once more to grab her but discovers there was an enchantment repelling both of them.

Daegal transforms into the Hellguard and points at Martine,"I will be seeing you."

The denizens of Hell leave the academy.The surviving handful of acolytes recover the bodies of Petra and Gregory.The Professor leads a funeral procession for her son and buries him.

"Master,are we not going to bury your daughter?"one of her acolytes asks her.The bitter Martine turns around and frowns,"She is not my daughter.Toss her body into the wild so that the wolves may feast upon it."

The acolytes carry Petra's body which is thrown into a forest.Wild animals surround and devour her body.

Around 10p.m...

The car of Genesis stops in front of a building.They all get out and walk up to the sidewalk.Pierre looks around and realised this area to be in the entertainment district.He looks up at a club which was supposedly the new base of the guild."Dude this is the new HQ?"He looks at Genesis."Yes it is."

Pierre clicks his tongue and scoffs,"I mean it looks like a nightclub.A drunk person can waltz in and out.Nothing suspicious at all."

Genesis shakes his head,"You underestimate my skills as your second in command.Come,follow me."

They walk into the club.Once inside,the club security searches them for weapons.Then Madame Jezebel appears much to the shock of Pierre and Rita.

"Miss J?"Pierre turns to Genesis.

She salutes,"Good to have you back sir!"Pierre is confused momentarily."Jezebel was one of my students whom I trained.I was fortunate enough to find her in this life."She nods and turns to Pierre,"Hope you don't mind my recent act towards you.It was just a cover."Jezebel offers Pierre a drink as he nods,"No worries.I look forward to working with you."Genesis leads them to a highly guarded elevator which descends several levels underground.After four storeys down,they step out of the elevator and walk down a hallway.Pierre takes note of the sigils encrusted on the walls.

"Have you been attacked here of late?"he points at the carvings."Expecting a less demonic enemy?"Genesis looks up ahead,"This is ground zero for those motherfuckers."He opens the door wide and makes way for Pierre.

Pierre is amazed at the sight of a sizable elite army in training.He sees an armory as the weapons are tested out.The others engage in a sparring match.They see even those who had been practicing arcane magic.Pierre walks up to a tank and rubs against it.

Genesis shakes his head,"Please don't do that.You are embarrassing yourself."

Pierre jumps on top of the tank,"A sanctified death machine worthy of blowing right through Satan's balls!"Rita couldn't help but giggle."All right that is enough from you.Get your crazy ass down!"Pierre jumps to the ground and looks around,"We do have drones right?"

"Yes sir,we have drones!"says Genesis.Pierre gives him a nudge,"That's what i'm talking about.Modern warfare baby.We can track these fuckers anywhere in the world.We got guns,We got magic!Do you have a war room.I think I might have a strategy on how we can start an operation that will end the reign of demons."

Genesis sighs,"Kazamir is still alive."Pierre stops in his tracks and goes silent before frowning.He clinches his fist remembering how he was killed three times by him."You are telling me that clown is still kicking?"Genesis walks up to Pierre,"Let us talk in the war room."

Genesis leads Pierre and Rita down another hallway.Suddenly Pierre begins to feel light headed and tired.He rubs the back of his neck and yawns."Are you alright?"Rita places her hand on his shoulder.Pierre could barely look straight at Rita,"Why is this hallway spinning?Is it enchanted or something?"He groans and falls to the ground.

Pierre awakens and sits up.He looks around and sees himself alone in a deep pit.He looks up and sees Genesis,Rita and Madame Jezebel.He slowly gets up to his feet and looks up."Dru,is this some kinda test?"

"As much as I admire your resilience,you are the biggest idiot I have ever met!"Genesis' voice echoes through the speakers.Pierre looks around and sees a couple of speakers and cameras.He looks up at Genesis who continues,"You spoke of things like valor,honor,dignity which you lack.I have never met a person as selfish as you."Pierre is shocked at what he was hearing and left speechless.Genesis continues,"You and the Empire were no different.You dragged us along to fight in your wars.You should blame no one but yourself for ending up in this situation."

Pierre points up at Genesis,"The fuck you saying?I saved you didn't I.I told you this was what I could do for you but you all agreed to help me."He sniffs and looks up,"We fought,we died together."

Genesis scoffs,"We died in a pointless war.You don't even know the name of your enemy.All you have is the blood of many men you led to their deaths.Martine was right.You are a plague."

Pierre shakes his head,"Why are you saying all these things to me.I thought we were brothers for eternity?"

Genesis sighs,"Well there is a limit to loyalty."He crosses his arms,"Didn't you ever wonder why we never came looking for you after Caertram fell?"

Pierre shakes his head,"No I do not recall anything after Caertram.How about you fucking enlighten me?"

Genesis looks at Madame Jezebel and laugh before turning to him,"I guess you had some rough re-entries.Aren't you in the least curious as to how we have new bodies?Or the bigger mystery,why we didn't go down with you that day?"

Pierre feels the presence of a malevolent being approaching.He knew this person."What did you do Dru?"The figure appears ahead of Genesis and Madame Jezebel.Pierre narrows his eyes with much rage,"You!"Kazamir emerges.Next to him stands his enforcer Daegal.He grabs the microphone and speaks,"Good to see you again.What do they call you these days?"

Daegal leans into Kazamir,"He's Pierre."

He nods,"Perfect name.As stubborn as a rock."He clears his throat,"We haven't been formally introduced.I used to be Kazamir but you can call me Nick."

Pierre looks at Genesis,"Y'all went ahead and made deals with the devil?"he roars angrily.Genesis grabs the microphone from Nick,"He offered us a solution."Pierre looks away and shakes his head,"You think this is going to end well?Use your fucking head!"

Genesis sighs and then speaks,"At least he has not led us to our deaths.And he has been generous."

Moments after Petra dies,the remaining guild members are captured and brought to Kazamir.They kneel before him as he paces up and about.The Hellguard grabs Corbett and drags him to the center.He is about to land a blow when Corbett cries out,"Wait.Please do not kill us!"

Kazamir walks up to Corbett.He looks down at him and grabs his face,"You have broken the laws of nature.You now belong to Hell."

Corbett grunts,"We can serve you."

Virgil gets up,"No!"He is hit in the stomach by a demon.Kazamir picks up Corbett,"Why should I trust you?You are companions of the one who constantly spits in the face of my master."

Corbett continues to strain under the grip of Kazamir,"We are loyal soldiers.We just want our freedom."

Kazamir scoffs,"You betrayed your friend and expect me to trust you?"He drops Corbett and paces amongst the last of the guild."I am going to spare you.I give you all a year to live your dream lives.Onward you will be in my service.I will grant you immortality.You will not step foot into Hell.You will be honorable men and woman.I offer you freedom and power."

Virgil shakes his head in disagreement,"This is wrong Crow!Petra would never agree to this!"Corbett turns to Virgil,"She is dead.As your new commander,I speak for all of us."

Thaddeus spits at Corbett,"Fuck you Kazamir!Fuck you Crow!You are a sellout!"Daegal slits Thaddeus throat in an instant.Kazamir looks at the rest of them,"Anyone has anything to say?Speak up!"They all are terrified and cower in silence.Kazamir laughs at them,"I will take your silence as a yes.You will build me an army.One that will serve a greater purpose."

Presently Pierre stands in the pit shaking his head.He looks at Genesis with much disappointment.Nick grins,"These are no longer your people.They are mine now.They had one task and they delivered."

Pierre's eyes pace from Genesis,Madame Jezebel to Rita,"All of you were in on it huh."Rita hides behind Madame Jezebel as Pierre points at Genesis,"You are a fucking traitor brother!"

Genesis looks at Pierre with much hate,"I'm not your brother."He walks in the pit until he gets a view of Rita and points at her,"And you?You used me.Well played!"

Nick scoffs,"You and your need for closure.So pathetic!"Pierre falls to his knees powerless.

Nick scoffs,"I feel so sorry for your ass.I was going to fight you for old times sake but I won't."

He snaps his fingers and a portal opens.From it jumps two small demons snarling.Nick walks up to Rita and grabs her chin,"Thank you for your services darling."Madame Jezebel takes Rita away.The demons prey on the hopeless Pierre.

A light beams into the room momentarily blinding everyone.As Pierre's vision comes to,he sees a horde of incoming demons.Jaciel fends them off as Celestiel rushes to his side,"Get up.We must leave at once!"

Nick grunts and turns to Genesis,"Deal with these holistic fucks!"He nods,"On it."

Celestiel grabs Pierre and flies up.She breaks through the earth and lands on the third floor.

Celestiel glares in terror as Jaciel flies to them.She looks around and looks in the corners of the hallway,"The rune carvings.I do not feel my angelic power."Jaciel is unable to flash his halo and turns to the sound of oncoming marching."We need to leave right now.This place is a death trap."Pierre gets up,"You are skilled warriors.I will blow our way outta here.Stay close."

Guild members appear ahead of them.Pierre,Celestiel and Jaciel engage in a fierce brawl.Pierre vents out his anger on the acolytes and mercilessly batters them.From both sides,a crowd attempts to trap them.Pierre's eyes and fists glow before punching the floor.A barrier shields him and the angels whilst the surge knocks away the oncoming attackers.The blast rocks the building which falls apart.A portal opens in which the trio jumps out.Another portal opens as Genesis steps out with Nick,Rita and Madame Jezebel.Nick turns to Genesis before pointing at Pierre,"Kill him!"

Genesis points his powered anti-nephilim crossbow and fires a shot.Pierre conjures another portal which sucks in the angels and vanishes.Some guild acolytes arrive on the scene."Spread out!Find them!"Nick roars at them. 

Madame Jezebel grabs Rita's hair,"What should we do with this one?"She struggles as Nick walks up to them."She is still useful.Keep her on standby."Madame Jezebel nods,"Yes my Lord."

Pierre and the angels appear at a safe distance.Jaciel looks around,"We need to get to safety."

Before they could decide,Jaciel is shot with an anti-nephilim arrow.Guild members had caught sight of them.They are chased down the streets whilst dodging stray shots.

"We cannot outrun them.They plan on trapping us!"says Celestiel as they run for their lives.The Guild members then lose sight of the angels and Pierre.

"They have not gone too far.Search the entire place,"Jon orders the acolytes who spread around the block.The numbers of the Guild members increase as they search the area with their dampening weapons.The three used the cover of darkness in a corner to hide.Jaciel pants and whispers,"It will not take long before they find us."Pierre turns to him and shushes him,"Will you calm the fuck down."

Jaciel keeps on the look out and scoffs,"So much for loyalty.Your trusted allies turned out to be traitors."

Pierre looks at Jaciel,"Yeah no shit.Don't you guys have a place we can hide?"Celestiel shakes her head,"It was compromised."They stand perfectly still as the acolytes run past them.They continue to sneak around in the dark."What about your family?Besides your friends might try to use them as bait,"says Jaciel."Even though he is being an asshole,Genesis would never go that low,"says Pierre."Do you even have anyone we can trust and does not wish to kill you?"

The guild members hear some sounds coming out of a dark corner.They quickly rush and flash their lights.The party leader looks around and sighs,"Let us go.We will continue with the search later."

Pierre manages to portal them to safety.He walks towards a huge building across the streets.The angels follow him.

"Where are we going?"Celestiel asks him following closely behind.

"A safe place.This is the last place I could think of,"Pierre runs up the stairs.

"Think?"Jaciel asks as Pierre sighs,"Just a heads up,things might get a whole lot bumpy.We haven't seen each other in ages and there is a huge possibility she wants me dead."The angels look at each other with much uncertainty as Pierre rings the doorbell.

Cries echo down the hallways.A young Martine strains in pain as she gives birth.

"Be strong dear,"Betram holds her hand tightly as she lays back breathing heavily."My lady you need to push,"says one of the midwives.Martine gives it her all and continues to push.She falls back breathless as cries of a baby are heard.

The midwife brings to Martine her child,"My lady it is a boy."The couple is overjoyed and Betram kisses her forehead."You did it my love,"he says as she happily tugs the arm of her husband.Martine winces in pain,followed by random visions.She sees an unknown figure being chased down.The figure then jumps through what looked like a portal.

"Hold on,"says the midwife.Betram looks up,"What is it?"She looks up at the couple,"There is another child."Martine goes into rapid labor contractions and her belly deflates before growing again.Her eyes turn white as she saw the figure trying to escape through her.

"No!"She cries out as she snaps out of her trance."What is it?"Betram tends to her when she quickly pulls out his sword."Kill it,this is not mine!"Betram quickly snatches the blade away from her,"What do you mean?"She grabs Betrams's arm,"I said fucking kill it.It is not our child!"She cries out and falls back weakened.As her vision fades,she hears cries.

"That is not my baby,"Martine mutters as she hears her husband call out to her.

Two years pass,two children run around a flower field playing.They rush towards a castle building.They run past many long cloaked figures.They run into Martine who stops the two.

"Where did you go?"she asks the boy."We were in the field playing mother,"says young Gregory."Mother look I picked out this flower for you,"says young Petra as she extends her little arm holding a lily.Martine quickly slaps the hand of Petra who drops the flower."I told you not to call me mother.I am not your mother,"she yells at her.Little Petra begins to sob.Betram was nearby and had seen what transpired.He quickly rushes to Petra's side and picks her up.He turns to Martine,"What is wrong with you?She is an innocent child?"he whispers angrily.Martine crosses her arms,"I speak the truth."Betram motions her to stop talking,"Enough woman.Get your head straight alright!"

Betram sits besides little Petra in her room whilst she calms down.She rubs her eyes and looks up at her father,"Papa why does mother hate me?"

He strokes her cheeks,"Mommy is stressed these days."She curls up and sniffs,"She never shouts at Gregor.I take the blame for things I have not even done,"Betram could feel his hip getting warmer with her tears.He picks her up and sits her on his laps.He wipes away her tears,"As long as I am alive she will learn to love you."Gregory who had evaded her mother joins them.That night the couple gets ready for bed.

"You need to change the way you treat your daughter,"Betram starts.Martine sighs and looks at Betram,"My love for the hundredth time."Betram furiously knocks down a nearby candle stand,"For bloody sakes dear.Just stop.She is just a kid!"

Martine crawls onto bed,"I had a vision.We were expecting a single child.I saw that thing forcing it's way into our world."Betram sighs,"I don't care.If it came out of you that means it's mine."

Martine shakes her head,"But not mine."

The man begins to walk towards the door.Martine rushes to him and grabs his hand,"Where are you going?"He looks at her,"To be with my daughter."

Martine scoffs and sits back down,"I see you have made up your mind."

Betram is left stunned by her actions,"This is beneath you.The great sorceress jealous of her own daughter.You should be ashamed."He grabs his cloak and walks out of their room.

Martine continues to physically and verbally abuse Petra as she grows.Betram urges her to endure and that one day she will love her back.Petra clings onto that hope despite of her growing hatred towards Martine.She follows in Martine's footsteps and becomes a child protegeé of arcane arts.Her knowledge slowly begins to rival that of her father who takes her under his wing.

In her early teens,Petra begins to practice necromancy in secret.Martine stalks her to the dungeon cells and catches her in the act.She swings the door open,"What are you doing silly girl?"

Petra is startled as she looks up at her mother in fright,"Practicing my magic."

Martine walks around and picks up the book she had been using,"And who gave you permission to study such arts?"Martine closes the book and puts it under her cloak,"These are advanced studies.You shall cease these practices immediately."

Petra gets up and grabs her hand,"No mother.I need to learn more!"Martine turns around and viciously slaps her,"How dare you touch me?I have told you not to call me mother."Petra looks at Martine and retaliates with a slap of her own.She rubs her cheek as she had not expected her to fight back.

Judging from Martine's angry gaze,Petra knew she had crossed the line.She kneels and begins to plead,"I'm sorry mother.Please don't hurt me!"

Martine grabs her by the hair,"Stop mother!"She tightly pulls her hair,"You will pay for this you little bitch!"She drags her out of the cell and roughly tosses her to the ground.Martine uses a combination of magically infused whips and beats Petra.Her cries echo in the dungeon and reaches the ears of the nearby disciples.One of the men rush to Betram who had a class in session.He stops his teaching and goes with the disciple.Martine continues to whip Petra when she grabs the end of the whip.She narrows her eyes and unleashes her own pyromancy.The fire runs through the whip to Martine's arm.She falls back and cries out in pain.A portion of her arm had sustained minor burns.Betram slides to his wife and takes a look at her arm.He noticed the steam that came off of Petra's hands."I expected better from you,"Petra freezes at his words.He gets up as Martine grabs the end of his cloak,"My love!"He pulls away his cloak and looks at Martine,"Is this what you want huh?If you and your daughter want to kill each other.Fine,go ahead!"

Martine and Petra run after Betram who had taken a horse and a few of his belongings.Whilst in pursuit,Betram is ambushed by a Banshee that knocks him off his horse.The creature is confronted by Martine who due to her injuries is tossed around and falls unconscious.Petra rushes to her father's aid,"Get up father."The creature knocks them both.Petra momentarily stands up to it but is proven too weak to stop it.The creature too tosses Petra to a distance.Betram crawls back as the Banshee charges towards him.It shrieks and proceeds to drain the life force of her father.

An enraged Petra lunges onto the banshee.The sorceress awakens to the sight of Petra on the back of the creature.She digs her hands into the flesh of the Banshee and burns it.It cries out before Petra summons a thunder bolt.In one strike,the Banshee is obliterated.However,the body of her father which was in close range gets scorched.Martine rushes to the body of her husband.She attempts to cradle him but he turns to ashes.The woman weeps uncontrollably.Petra freezes in horror.She slowly walks up to her,"M-mother."

Martine hurls stones at Petra,"Get away.Get away from me.You murdered my husband.Go away!"she cries out angrily.She falls onto his ashes and continues to wail.