WebNovel9th Life57.14%


Martine holds a funeral procession for her husband.Meanwhile Petra watches from the tower.She walks to her room and begins to pack her belongings.She turns around to the sight of Gregory."Where are you going?"he asks her.Petra stops and sighs,"Father is gone.It won't be long till mother takes advantage of the situation.I cannot stay here."

Gregory takes Petra's hand,"Mother is just grieving.Trust me she will eventually be much nicer to you."Petra scoffs and shakes her head,"Oh please we know that you are the golden child.Mother wouldn't hesitate to die for you.In her eyes I'm just the child she never wanted.I will ease her burden and just go."Gregory stands in her way when she tries to walk past him."First of all that is unfair of you to say I'm mother's favourite.More than ever we must be united."Petra phases through Gregory and walks away as Gregory shouts to her.She does not look back and walks out of the castle.

After walking a few metres away from the castle,Petra has her leg pulled and falls to the ground.She turns around and looks up at Martine."And where do you think you are going?"Petra sits up and gathers her scattered belongings.Martine attempts to forcibly grab Petra but she defensively brushes her off."Leave me alone!"Petra shouts at her."Martine snickers and grabs Petra's hair,"You will show me some respect insolent child!"

Petra manages to turn and grabs Martine's hair.The two wrestle and fall to the ground.They exchange slaps until Martine gains the upper hand.Petra gets up as her hands begin to release steam."Go on,do it.Kill me like you killed my husband.Better make sure I die or else I will hunt you and kill you myself,"Martine angrily says to her.Petra turns her back on Martine."You will face me murderer!"She once again grabs her hair.Petra bites the arm which she had burned.Martine unleashes a vicious back handed slap.Petra falls back and sits up looking at her,"What do you want from me?"Petra sniffs and breaks down in tears,"All you do is hurl insults at me.To you I'm nothing but some abomination.You didn't want me alive,you don't want me to leave.What is it you want from me?"

Martine raises her hand and then stops.She exhales and picks her up.She looks her in her eyes,"Whether you like it or not,my husband had a fondness for you.Prove me wrong."Martine let's go of Petra,"Get your things and return to the castle.It is as much as your home as it is to Gregory,"she looks the other way.

Petra dusts herself up and picks up her stuff.She walks up to her mother,"I was weak and could not stand up to you nor the monster that killed father.I am going to get stronger.Strong enough to protect my loved ones.And that includes you,even if you don't deserve it.That is my promise!"

These words leave the sorceress speechless as Petra walks past her.The following years to come,Martine keeps a close eye on her.Petra studies hard and assembles an elite team of acolytes.Too proud to admit it,she secretly is impressed by her.Martine walks past the room of Gregory and sees him packing his belongings.She walks into the room and stands there,"What is this?"Gregory is startled by his mother's voice,"Mother."She looks up at him,"Where are you going?"Gregory goes silent for a moment before he speaks,"I am going to join the guild."Martine shakes her head and sits down on his bed,"Why would you disobey my instructions to not follow that girl."

Gregory sits next to her,"Mother my sister and her friends are amazing.They are doing something great.And I want to be a part of it."

Martine sighs and turns to him,"And we are just sitting here on our asses,is that it?Look what happened to your father.Do you wish to die like he did?"

Gregory angrily gets up and closes his bag,"You are hiding in the comforts of these walls.People out there could benefit from our knowledge,skills and protection.Something you should be doing."

She smacks him across the face."How dare you speak to me like that huh?"Gregory smirks,"Classic mom.You can solve any problem by raising your hand.Look what it did to Petra."He tries to walk past her but Martine grabs his hand and goes on her knees,"Listen son,all I'm doing is for your safety.That girl is cursed and she will lead you to your death."Gregory brushes her off,"She is my hero."

Gregory leaves the castle and joins his sister and her friends.Some years later,the castle finds itself in peril when it is attacked by multiple undead.Martine discovers that one of her students had been practicing necromancy in secrecy.A feeble attempt to bring back to life a recently deceased friend results in the awakening of a legion.Martine and a few select experienced acolytes are overwhelmed in their efforts to fend off the oncoming wave.

"Professor,they are too many!"cries out one of her acolytes as the undead scale the walls whilst others nearly break down the doors.Martine begins to panic when a hand touches her shoulder.She turns to the sight of Gregory."Gregor?"she is surprised by his sudden appearance.He smiles,"Everything is alright.We are here now."Gregory points across the field.

Several lights flash in the misty night.The guild appears and fights the undead.They showcase skills that impress the onlooking acolytes and novices.Like a broom being used to sweep out dust,the castle grounds are cleared and the undead are put to rest.The novices applaud the heroics of the guild.Martine too is impressed but too proud to admit it.The guild walk in to a massive heroes welcome.The academy applauds their exploits.Martine walks up to the guild as her students begin to put the place in order.She turns to Gregory,"You did not need to come.We had everything under control."The guild members look at one another as Petra openly scoffs.Martine turns her gaze at her,"You have something to say?"Petra looks down and shakes her head,"No professor.Just can't stand the smell of bullshit in the air!"Virgil and Olivia snicker much to the annoyance of Martine.Petra walks up to her mother and leans in closer.She whispers,"I know it's hard for you to say it.You are welcome."She turns around and conjures a portal in which they all walk in.Gregory sighs and follows his sister,leaving Martine.

Petra lays back on the bed,her body glistening and panting next to her lover,Olivia.She turns to her and asks,"What is on your mind?"Petra sighs,"Caretram boasts of being majestic when it has a bunch of inexperienced disciples who can't defend their home.Everyone would have died if not for us arriving on time.And what do we get from the professor?"Petra sits up as Olivia does too,"As long as I'm around,every thing I do is not enough.She always finds means to make me feel worthless!"

Olivia rests her head on her shoulder,"You are not worthless to me.Thanks to you I don't have to hide my true self."Petra smiles,"I'm glad I make you happy.You too complete me."

Petra sighs,"She couldn't send for our help at the risk of the many novices in the castle.Selfish cunt!This will be her downfall.I eagerly await the day all her followers abandon her.I will be waiting to see her walk her sorry ass here.And I will have her beg on her knees for our assistance.She will submit to my leadership."Olivia turns Petra to her,"I love it when you talk like that.Come here!"She proceeds to kiss her as the pair falls back on the bed.

After burying Gregory,the sorceress goes on for the next centuries trying to figure out why she had outlived her days.She had abandoned the academy which falls in her absence.Martine goes into hiding and does her own research.One night she holds a seance and summons her dead husband and son.They appear in front of her.

"Hello my dear,"Betram smiles at her."It is wonderful to see you,"Martine begins to sob."I miss you.Both of you,everyday."Betram nods,"So do I.But you must not worry.We are in a better place."Gregory nods in agreement with his father.Martine turns to Betram,"I need your help.You are the only one to have come across studies relating to immortality.How is it possible I am still alive?"

Betram crosses his arms,"If you are questioning your immortality,perhaps we should look at the root cause."

Martine paces up and around in front of the two ghosts,"After Gregor was killed,a demon tried to touch me but was pushed back.If I hurt myself,my wounds quickly close up."She stops and glares at Betram,"Goodness did you make a deal with a demon?"

Betram smirks,"I should be asking you how you got that runic tattoo at the back of your neck?"Martine touches the back of her neck much to her surprise,"Who could have put a mark on me?"Betram and Gregory exchange glances.



The door to the building opens.Pierre and the angels stand there as an elderly man appears.He is in awe at the sight of Pierre.

"Hello."He greets the man who without warning hugs him.He stands there clueless on how to react,"Pierre,it's you!"Pierre glances at the angels much confused at what was going on."Uh yes,it is me!"He pats the man's back who let's go of him and looks at him."Look at you monsieur.You have not aged one bit.You even look younger."

Pierre shakes his head and raises a brow,"I'm sorry have we met?"

The man smiles,"I am Cinto,Jacinto.We go way,way back.You are the one who told me to seek guidance in my arcane skills and this place."

Pierre nods,"Right,right.Is the uh professor around?"

Jacinto nods,"Certainly.Please come in.She will be happy to see you."

Pierre scoffs,"You have no idea!"He says with much uncertainty.The trio is led to the main hall.From the stairs atop,Martine appears.

"Cinto,who was at the door?"She asks him.Jacinto smiles and points at the guests,"Professor look who has come to visit us."

Pierre gulps and nervously waves at her,"Hey.Professor."

Martine looks at Jacinto,"Am i supposed to know who he is?"

Jacinto was beaming with much excitement he couldn't stand still,"Professor this is Pierre.The amazing man who led me to you."

She crosses her arms,"I see.And what does he want?"

Pierre steps forward,"I wish we had the time for a quick stroll down memory lane but our history is an unpleasant one professor!"

His statement peeks her interest,"And who exactly might you be.Friend or foe?"

Pierre hesitates and then sighs,"Mother it's me Petra!"

Jacinto,Jaciel and Celestiel glare at him shocked by his reveal."She is your mother?"Jacinto asks still in doubt as he looks from Pierre to Martine.

"Petra!"Martine says softly.The calmness in her tone makes him uneasy.He takes a step back,"Every one back away from me.Now."

"Why?"Jaciel asks as Celestiel noticed the expression changing on the face of Martine.A frown is visibly shown on her face as Jacinto takes the angels to find cover.

Pierre taps into his mystic abilities and warps the pillars as he narrowly dodges a lightning strike.The entire hall comes to life as it rotates and folds on itself.Martine relentlessly attacks Pierre who defends himself.The professor after much difficulty finds a counter and strikes Pierre.She electrocutes him with murderous intent.Pierre nearly falls unconscious when Celestiel steps in.She flaps her wings that knock away Martine.The room comes to a halt as Pierre is helped up by the angels.Martine dusts herself up and levitates towards them."I cannot say I am happy to see you,"she says in a cold tone.

Pierre stands up and looks at Martine,"The feeling is mutual but desperate times."

Her feet touch the ground whilst she mantains her hostile glare,"What do you want?"

Jaciel speaks up,"We are being hunted.You might be the only person whom Pierre trusts enough to give us sanctuary."

Martine scoffs,"Of course you are being hunted.I have no desire to know which enemy's attention you have sought."

Celestial lets go of Pierre and stands in between him and Martine,"It's just for the night.We need rest."

Martine shakes her head,"Last time I allowed that thing into my life,I lost my husband,my son,my students all killed.All thanks to the fearless leader of the Dark guild,"she mockingly says.

Pierre takes a step and stands facing Martine,"You seriously can't blame me for the attack on the castle."

Martine clinches her fist and begins to shiver.Jacinto places his hand on her shoulder.She exhales,"The castle would have never been attacked if you were never there.Your enemies wanted you."

She begins to circle Pierre and his friends,"The high and mighty Petra,nowhere to go,nowhere to run,nowhere to hide.Where is your little guild that you trusted so much huh?"

Pierre looks down as Martine grabs his face,"I saw how your friends turned on you.They sold you out.They played the long game.They knew your existence only meant death for them."She lets go of him."Are you part of the deal?To hand me over to Nick?"he asks her as she takes a step back.

"I want to personally see you suffer the same way I suffered.You are lucky I am not a traitor like your friends,"she turns around and brushes her hair aside.She shows them the glowing runic tattoos on the back of her neck,"Instead you prevented me from doing so and let me walk this earth alone."

Pierre crosses his arms,"I deserve a thank you for not allowing you to be touched by the demons."

She stares at him with almost teary eyes,"Then why didn't you do the same for my son.The brother you claimed to love."Martine grabs his shirt,"Answer me.You had the skills right but you failed to protect your brother!"

Pierre hangs his head,"Your son knew the risk of joining my cause.Of us all,you were the weakest."He looks at her,"You didn't put any protection spells around the castle.Your negligence brought Caertram to its knees.You are to blame for his death."

Martine slaps Pierre who falls onto the ground.Jaciel and Jacinto rush to his side as Celestiel steps up to Martine,"What kind of a mother treats her child like that?"Martine frowns,"THIS WAS NEVER MY BLOODY OFFSPRING!HE IS A FUCKING CURSE!"she shouts at the top of her voice."Every where he goes,whom ever he touches,even sets his gaze will destroy.He is a plague."

Martine stands in front of Pierre who was still on the floor.She sarcastically laughs at him,"You wished to see me fall.Here I am,still standing.Look at you,still that useless little bitch I smacked around.Weak,pathetic,trying to prove herself worthy."

Pierre looks down.He quietly picks himself up.Her words left him utterly shattered and is filled with much guilt.The angels look at him with much pity.Celestiel places her hand on his shoulder,"Pierre."He looks up at Martine,unable to utter a word."Get out and never come back!"Martine conjures a portal that engulfs the trio.They were back on the streets.The building in front of them was nowhere in sight.Jaciel turns to Pierre,"Any other options we should look into?"

He sighs,"Nope,we are fucked!"

Jaciel paces frantically and looks around,"We are sitting ducks here.It won't be long till they find us."

Pierre looks at the angels,"Do yourselves a favor and leave me alone!"He pulls his hood on and walks away from the angels.

Celestiel turns to Jaciel,"We need to help him."

Jaciel sighs,"After hearing what his mother said,he needs some time alone."Celestial looks in the direction of Pierre,"He needs not to be alone."

Jaciel takes a step back,"Well I do not plan on getting into whatever it is you want to do."Celestiel rolls her eyes at Jaciel and walks up to Pierre who had taken shelter by the bus station.He sits in the corner with his arms crossed.

She sits next to him,"Are you alright?"Pierre sniffs and keeps to himself,"Yeah,yeah.Just a fucking night cold is all."

Celestiel takes a closer look at him,"Are you crying?"

He sniffs and shakes his head,"No?"

She moves closer and places her hand over his shoulder,"Are you upset about what the professor said?"

Pierre exhales and looks up,"Fuck that bitch.She has always been an asshole ever since I can remember."

She holds his hand tightly,"You should not talk about your mother like that."

He scoffs,"She never liked me nor acknowledged me as her child.All I can remember is her never ending abuse.As much as I want to be angry with her,I can't blame her.She is right about me.I destroyed her life."

Celestiel rests her head on his shoulder and comforts him,"You are not a destroyer."

He gets up angrily and turns to her,"It's the truth.My father is a demon lord,what do you expect from his offspring."He scoffs,"Leave me the fuck alone.You heard what Nick said.I'm a magnet for badluck.I am going to get you killed."

Celestiel tries to get her hands on him but he walks away from her,"You are not a bad person."

He sniffs and turns to her with an angry expression,"Why can't I be bad?It's funny you call yourself my guardian,where the fuck have you been huh?Why didn't you show yourself then,saved me from all this shit?"

Pierre continues to wipe the uncontrollable tears streaming down his cheeks,"Of all my lives,this has to be the fucking worst.In this life,every one has a grudge with me.This betrayal is unbearable."He looks the other way and continues to cry,"Let me be.Leave me the fuck alone alright."

Celestiel grabs him,"You have us.I know it looks like the world has turned against you.You do not have to do this alone."

Pierre shakes his head looking away,"I don't trust anyone.You too will resent my campaign and sell me out.This is my fight,not yours!"

Celestiel grabs his arm as he tries to walk away,"My job is to guard you till your death.Till then you will not have to fight this alone!"Celestiel embraces Pierre who breaks down in her arms.Jaciel joins in on the embrace.After he had calmed down,she looks at him."Feel much better?"her hand wipes away his tears.Pierre nods,"A little."

Jaciel smiles,"You are not alone.We are on your side."

They separate when his pocket vibrates.He quickly takes out his phone which was ringing.He sniffs and looks at Celestiel."It's a strange caller!"he says to them as they exchange glances of concern.Pierre opts to answer the unknown caller,"Hello?"

On the other end was the voice of Rita,"Pierre,oh my god are you alright?"He turns around and frowns,"What do you want?"

Rita sighs,"Please can we meet.I want to talk."

Pierre clicks his tongue,"Why should I trust you?"

Rita stutters,"You don't have to.At least hear me out."

Pierre turns to the angels,"It's Rita.She says she wants to meet me."

Jaciel shakes his head,"She is supporting the bad guys.Celestiel talk to your boy please."

Celestiel sighs,"You won't like my response brother.But this can work in our favor."

Pierre nods and returns to his call,"Fine.Where?"

Rita heaves a sigh of relief,"I am texting you the address."She hangs up as the angels stand next to Pierre.Jaciel looks up at him,"Do you have a plan Romeo?"Pierre eyes the two and smirks.

Rita paces back and forth at a gas station.She keeps on the look out for Pierre.She feels someone attempt to pickpocket her.She jumps to the sight of no one around.She screams when her pocket vibrates.She digs in her hand and takes out a strange phone.She looks around and answers it,"Hello?"

On the other end was Pierre's voice,"Speak,I am listening!"Rita looks around,"Where are you?I want to see you."

Pierre scoffs,"After that stunt you pulled?"

Rita keeps on walking down the block looking around,"I can explain.I honestly had no idea of what was going on."

Pierre watches her from a safe distance,"So the whole you fucking me was just part of your betrayal huh?A way to lead me into a trap."

Rita stops and leans against a wall,"You have all the right to be upset with me.But what happened tonight was not part of the act.It was different.And special."

Pierre looks at Jaciel who motions him not to believe her words.Pierre resumes his call,"Should I feel flattered?You blew me off and all of a sudden I'm special?"

Rita sighs and looks around,"How can I convince you to trust me?"Rita is unexpectedly grabbed and finds herself in the arms of Pierre."I am here now!"She looks at him and sighs,"I'm so sorry."Pierre meets her forehead,"That will not suffice.I need more to go with!"

Rita cups his face whilst he strokes her cheeks before leaning in for a kiss.

She hugs him,"I am sorry.They used me as bait.They are going to ambush you,"she whispers to his ear.

"Motherfuckers!"he quickly let's go of her and looks around.Two cars park at a distance.A device from atop the vehicles begins to emitt a pulse like energy.

Jon turns to Genesis,"There are two body signatures above them. "

Genesis speaks to his men,"All units converge on the building.Grab the angels."

Rita points at the device on top of the cars,"That thing.They want to capture the angels."

The pulse from the device dampens the angel's powers.Pierre aims his fingers in a gun position.He fires a single shot beam which not only destroys the pulse emitting device but blasts a hole in a building.

"Whoa!"Rita glares in shock."I'm still learning this one,"says Pierre who glows and flies towards the attackers.A fist appears out of nowhere and sends him back flying,crashing into a nearby store.Pierre is rocked and staggers out of the store.A being appears and grabs his throat.Rita grabs a chair which breaks on the assailant's back.Unfazed,he turns to Rita and shoves her.The attacker turns to Pierre and once again punches him.He crashes through another building.He hits his head at the edge of a concrete and passes out.A gas pipe hisses as the being slowly makes his way through the mess."Hey!Asshole!"the attacker turns to the voice of Rita.A lighter hits it's face before the entire building explodes.She rushes to Pierre and cradles his head still unresponsive.She looks up and sees two more mysterious men stalking them."Hey wake up.Please wake up,"she calls out to him.Pierre grunts and opens his eyes.Seeing the enemies ahead of him,he shoots another precision beam that flies through one of the men's chest.The force instead knocks out it's entire body frame.

As one attempts to lunge at them,Celestiel counters with her heel to its mouth.The attacker is grabbed by Jaciel who hoists him up,and stabs him to death.Pierre cracks his knuckles as two other assailants gun for them.Celestiel,Jaciel and Rita stand behind him ready to attack.A small wave of guild acolytes unexpectedly charges at them.The trio easily fights off the acolytes.The mysterious men are able to stun Celestiel and Jaciel.Pierre stands his ground and goes on the defensive.A combined attack formation from the trio finally puts them down for good.They all stand there out of breath and turn around.Suddenly as they walk away,the bodies of the last men they fought begin to crack loudly and contort.

Pierre grumbles and shakes his head,"You gotta be shitting me!"

Their bodies expand into giant behemoths."Nephilims?"Jaciel looks at Celestiel as both are taken by the surprise emergence of what they thought was an extinct race.From a distance Pierre sees the Hellhunter and Genesis as four cars arrive with the anti-angelic pulse emitters being released.

"We need to fall back.We are useless if they activate those machines,"Jaciel says.Behind them another wave of acolytes blocks their way out.The group is backed in a corner as their enemies close in on them.