The Beginning Part 5

{Welcome to the Final Stage of the Dungeon. Congratulations on making it this far}

"Looks like we've made it to the last level." Grey said.

"We can finally go home!" Ava shouted.

"Now it's a castle." Adelbert said.

"I have a bad feeling. We'll proceed with caution."

Inside the Dungeon, A Mysterious being sits on the throne with a large sword waiting for the Hunters.

They all walk into the Castle and are all on guard.

{You have arrived at the Demon King's Castle}

(So this is the Dungeon Boss's Layer. If we clear this, we'll be able to leave this Dungeon.)

"This Status Window just said Demon King's Castle, Will we be okay?" Davis asked.

"Just stay by my side and I'm sure everything will be okay." Grey said.

"Says the Guy with one arm. You might be the leader but we're in this together, We'll clear this together." Adelbert said.

They kept walking until they arrived at the end and before them were two large wooden doors.

"The Mana is sending chills down my spine." Davis said.

"This place spooky." Ava said.

"Stay alert, we don't know what we'll be facing beyond those doors." Grey said.

"What's that over there?" Adelbert asked.

They all look left and next to the doors is a huge stone tablet with ancient drawings.

"What does it say?" Grey asked.

"It's talking about the Nine Demon Emperors." Leo said.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Elias said.

"But it doesn't matter, we're getting out of this Dungeon. Let's go."

Grey opens the wooden doors and behind the Doors are Fourteen large Demonic Beasts lying in wait.

"So much for our luck. Why are High-ranking Demonic Beasts in a C-Rank Dungeon?" Grey asked while shuddering.


Behind the Beasts was a throne and seated on the throne was a fox with a human figure wearing armor and carrying a large sword.

"Hey, So that's the Dungeon Boss." Davis said.

The Fox Demonic Beast speaks in a Demonic language.

"I'm surprised you made it this far, humans. I had minions decrease their strength but it's still impressive."

"I-It's Talking."

"Demonic beasts capable of speech, this really isn't a C-Rank Dungeon." Grey said.

"Since you made it this far I'll have to reward you with a special gift. This Gift will be the last hurdle, Will you be able to survive in 30 Minutes." The Fox Demonic Beast said in a Demonic language.

The High Ranking Demonic Beasts start to walk towards the Hunters.

{Objective: Defeat 14 Enemies within 30 Minutes}

"The Rules just suddenly changed." Adelbert said.

"But 30 Minutes is short. And our opponents are High-ranking Demonic Beasts that even S-Rank Hunters struggle against." Grey said.

One of the Demonic Beast swings at the Hunters and they all manage to dodge it. The Beast lets out a roar which pushes them all back.

"Let's go, Adelbert."


Grey and Adelbert charge in for the Demonic beasts but a Demonic Beast appears next to them and swings at both of them sending them both flying.

Grey balances and leaps for the Demonic Beast but the Beast steps him down.



A Demonic Beast appears behind Adelbert and grabs him and hits him with a German suplex.

The other Demonic Beasts walk towards Leo and the Hunters.

"It's all or nothing." Elias said.

Elias casts a spell that allows him to launch a blast at the Demonic Beasts but the blast does little damage.

A Demonic Beast grabs Elias and eats off his head and tosses his body aside.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! That was our last remaining mage!" Davis shouted.

A Demonic Beast besides the Fox Demonic Beast launches a blast from its mouth at Leo and the Hunters and they all manage to evade it.

"Time to be useful."

Leo grabs a dagger and charges in for the Demonic Beasts.

"Hey, Leo! Wait!"

A Demonic Beast appears before Leo and throws a hook sending him flying through the doors. The Fox Demonic Beast uses a magnetic pull to bring Leo back into the chamber.

"None shall escape the chamber without completing the objective. I shall ask again, His many of you will be remaining when 30 Minutes is up?" The Fox Demonic beast asked with a smug look on its face.

One of the D-Rank Hunters tries to escape but he instantly gets decapitated.

"Hey, We can't even take a breather." Davis said.

Leo struggles to stand up and the Demonic Beasts surround him.

(Why today of all days?)

The Demonic Beast connects a kick to the guts of Leo.


Another Demonic Beast grabs him and connects a hook to the guts sending him flying towards the Fox Demonic Beast and the Beast grabs him and slams him to the ground. Leo's Iris rolls back and his Screla is all white.

"Leo!!" Davis shouted.

The Demonic Beast kicks him towards Davis and both are sent flying. 30 Minutes are over and all the Hunters on the floor are bloodied and Two D-Rank Hunters have been killed.

{Enemies Defeated:0/14. Objective Failed}

"Only two died, I am truly impressed." The Fox Demonic Beast said in a Demonic language.

(**Pants** These guys are monsters.)

"Since the rest of you lived, it's time for a new hurdle. Send out your leader and we'll duke it out and the fates of both sides will be decided by the victor." The Fox Demonic Beast said in a Demonic language.

A Status Window appears before Grey.

{Objective: Defeat the Dungeon Boss within Five Minutes}

"So I have to fight the Boss, What tough luck."

The Fox Demonic Beast ascends from its thrown and walks down the stairs while Grey struggles to stand up.

"Pick up your Sword Damn human." The Fox said in a Demonic language.

"I don't understand what you're saying neither do I care, I'm just going to kick your ass." Grey said while breathing hard.

The Fox Demonic Beast smirks and appears before Grey in a blink of an eye. It swings and scars Grey's chest.


The Fox Demonic beast kicks Grey away and teleports above him and steps him to the ground.


The Fox Demonic Beast uses a magnetic pull to pull Grey in and grabs him by the neck and slams him to the ground.

{Five Minutes Over. Enemies Defeated:0/1. Objective Failed.}

"Human weak, not satisfying. I'll give you an option of escaping the Dungeon but You'll have to leave one hunter behind." The Fox Demonic Beast said in a Demonic language.

{Option: You may leave the Dungeon on the Condition of leaving one hunter behind}

They all slowly stand up while looking at the window.

"So we're able to escape the Dungeon." Davis said while shuddering.

Leo breathes hard while on a knee and Davis suddenly stabs him from behind.


"I'm sorry Leo, but you're going to be our sacrifice."

"Why? I thought we were friends?"

"Friends? I always found you a nuisance. I always looked for a way to get rid of you and this is perfect. After all, what happens in a Dungeon stays in a Dungeon."


"What's taking you time Davis, just finish him off." Ava said.

"If he dies we can't escape. We'll just ditch him here." Davis said.

"You're so cool."

Davis and Ava hug it out while Leo drops on the floor and bleeds out.

"You guys..."

"Guts, We gotta get out of here." Adelbert said.

"Mr. Adelbert..."

"The World should thank us for eliminating the weakest hunter. Pitiful." Adelbert said.

A Gate appears and the three run in.

"Mr. Walker..."

"I'm sorry Leo, but I want to survive."

Grey goes through the gate.


The Fox Demonic Beast swings at Leo sending him flying and being buried beneath a rubble.

(So this is how I'm going to die... betrayed by my own teammates...)

When I thought I was going to die, A Red Status Window appeared before me.

{Demo Complete. Would you like to Start Quest? Y/N}

(What is that? It's different from the first status window.)

Leo stayed silent for a few seconds and said,


{Starting Quest: Birth of the Strongest Hunter}

{Status Window}

{Name: Leo Howard}


{Race: Human}

{Job: None}

{Title: None}

{Class: F-}

{Level: 1}

{HP: 5/100}

{MP: 3/100}

{XP: 2/100}

{Strength: 5}

{Agility: 3}

{IQ: 10}


Active Skills:


Passive Skills:




{Reawakening Complete. Starting Quest}