Dungeon Escape Part 1

Leo slowly opens his eyes and finds himself back to the First level of the Dungeon.

"I'm still alive...I thought the Demonic Beasts killed me...Ouch, My head hurts."

Leo sees a Red Status Window before him.

{Status Window}

{Name: Leo Howard}

{Age: 19}

{Race: Human}

{Job: None}

{Title: None}

{Class: F-}

{Level: 1}

{HP: 100/100}

{MP: 100/100}

{XP: 2/100}

{Strength: 5}

{Agility: 3}

{IQ: 10}


Active Skills:


Passive Skills:




"A Status Window? But it's different from the first time. This one is red."

He gets on his two feet and dusts himself and starts to look around. He sees a sword lying around.

"That sword...It's Mr. Walker's Sword."

Leo remembers Grey running out of the Dungeon.

"Never mind."

Leo sits on a rock and stares at the Status Window.

"Level 1? Am I really that bad? My Strength is 5 and my Agility is 3. My other skills are locked and will have to gain points to unlock it."

{Starting Quest. Objective: Kill 200 Enemies in 1 Hour.}

{Reward: New Skills}

"No way, I'll have to tackle 200 Demonic beasts on my own?!"

The Demonic Beasts all come out of hiding and walk towards Leo.

"Wait, Aren't these the same Demonic Beasts we fought when the Dungeon opened? How are they still alive?"

One of the Demonic Beasts swings at Leo and Leo manages to dodge it and he moves back.

"Based on my observation, they're far stronger than before. But since I fought them before, I know how to counter them."

Leo picks up Grey's sword and gets into a stance.

{Notice. Item: Grey's Long Sword. (Lv.1) Damage+2}

"Level 1 huh?

Leo swings at one Demonic Beast but the Beast connects a backhand sending Leo flying.

(This won't be easy.)

One of the Demonic Beasts jumps for Leo and Leo rolls out of the way dodging the attack.

"I gotta get out of here."

Leo tries to run away but a Demonic Beast appears before.

(They're fast.)

The Demonic Beast connects a clothesline sending him flying back to the crowd. The other picks him up and slams him to the ground while the other steps on him causing the ground to split.


This Continues until an hour passes. An hour later, Leo is left in a bloody mess.

{1 Hour Limit Over. Enemies Defeated:0/200}

{Task Failed. Penalty: 1000 Push Ups

1000 Seat ups

1,000 KM Sprint

Defeat 10,000 Penalty Monsters

Time Limit:1 Month}

"What...is this?"

Leo is transported to a different plane. He is transported to a village Destroyed and flooded by lava.

"A Village Destroyed by lightning...**Cough** No way..."

Lightning strikes him and he drops to a knee and coughs up blood.

(I didn't even rest and they want me to start. This is a penalty but I've never really done exercises.)

Leo gets down and starts doing pushups. He keeps going but when he reaches his 99th Push he drops to the floor.

"**Huff** I really can't do this."

Lightning strikes him again.

"Not again!!"

{Restart:1000 Push-ups}

"So I got no choice huh?"

Leo gets down again and starts doing pushups again. The Push-ups take him a whole day and the Next Day without resting he does 1000 Seat ups.

The Following days he does a 1000 KM Sprint around the lava village. In his last two weeks, he battles 10,000 lava monsters. We have arrived on the last day of the penalty, Leo pants hard and his hair has grown two inches, and has grown a bit of a physique.

{Time Remaining_ 00:00:03}



{00:00:00. Penalty Time Limit Over.}

{1000 Push-ups. Complete.

1000 Seat ups. Complete.

1000 KM Sprint. Complete.

Monters Defeated:1000/10,000}

{Strength:5 (+12)

Agility:3 (+12)}

{Returning to Dungeon in 3,2,1}

Leo is transported back to the Dungeon and he drops to a knee and starts breathing hard.

"**Huff** What was up with those penalties?"

Leo looks at his status window, "My Strength and Agility has gone by 12. A Month has already gone by here."


The Demonic Beasts come out of hiding and approach Leo.

{Objective: Defeat 200 Enemies in 1 Hour}

{Reward: New Skill}

"I take a 1 Month Penalty after a beat down and I'm not even given a chance to rest. My Health and Magic Power are low. Maybe there's something that can help me with my health, Open Store."






He taps the screen which opens the Potion store in the Inventory.

"Woah, Amazing. Looks like there are different types of potions. But I want the one that can help me recover my Mana and Health."

He finds one which happens to be 10 Million Gold Coins.

"This is Crazy expensive, and what's my balance?"

{Balance:500 Gold Coins and 100 Silvers}

"Wow, Just harsh. Wait, this one is 200 Gold Coins, but it can only recover 25% of my Mana. Better than nothing. Buy."

{Item Bought and added to Inventory.}

{Would you like to use Item?}


{Item used. MP and HP Recovered+25%}

{MP:3/100 +25%}

{HP:6/100 +25%}

"I better not use this up. Bring it on you Damn Demonic beasts."

The Demonic Beasts charge in for Leo and Leo charges in too. One swings at him but he ducks and stabs it by the neck putting it down.

"How was I able to move like that? Must be the 1000 Km Sprint. After all my stats did go up."

Leo crouches and leaps for the Demonic Beasts and starts killing them one by one. One flies for him but he cuts it in half.

(This is difficult since I have no skills. I'm already at Mr. Adelbert's level, but I can do this.)

Leo proceeds to kill more and a few minutes later he kills a 100.

{Time Remaining:30:00. Enemies Defeated:100/200}

{XP Gained +200}

{New Level Unlocked: Level 2}

{Class: C}

{Strength:17 (+15)

Agility:15 (+15)

IQ:10 (+20)}

{XP: 158/200}

"My Stats just went for climbing up a level. Amazing. Each Demonic Beast is worth 2 Points."

A Demonic Beast appears next to Leo and connects a kick sending him flying straight into the wall. Leo comes out of the rubble Coughing up blood.

{Damage Taken: -10}


"Okay Demonic Beast, I see I shouldn't have let my guard down. And you must be the Boss of this level."

The Demonic Beast smirks at him.

"You guys are far stronger than when I first entered the Dungeon but I've grown a bunch. I don't what's going on right now but fine, bring it on."

All the Remaining Demonic beasts come charging in for Leo and Leo starts to cut down every single one.

The Boss jumps for Leo and throws a kick. Leo blocks but it sends him flying and crashing through the wall once more.


{Damage Taken: -10}



{Time Remaining:00:00:05:48}

"I have to quickly put an end to this."

Leo gets into a stance. Leo uses his agility to decapitate every Demonic Beast.

"Eat that, Damn Beast."

The Level's Boss punches a hole in Leo.




{ -♥️}


{Enemies Defeated:199/200}

{Objective Failed. Transporting to Penalty Zone}