Gather Eight Guilds

In a Different Dimension, A black Dragon comes flying for a castle. It lands and reverts to human.

Two Minions wait at the entrance and offer their greetings.

"Welcome, Master Ryu."

"I heard the report, who are here?"

[Ryu _ Demon Emperor and King of the Dragons]

"Only Master Shagrat, Lady Ananke, and Master Agnes."

"The rest refused to come huh? Not even the Angel Demon."

Ryu walks into the meeting and sees three figures sitting in their chairs.

"What's with that distressed look Ryu, It doesn't make you look cute at all."

[Ananke _ Demon Emperor and Serpent Goddess/Queen of the reptiles]

"You act like you haven't heard the news about Kagero's defeat." Ryu said.

"But it's not like it brought a bad name to us demons. The Humans still fear us. That's why the other Demon Emperors didn't come."

[Agnes _ Demon Emperor and King of the Wolves/Wolf Emperor]

"One of my Generals was defeated. He was one of my top. This isn't a simple matter."

[Shagrat _ Demon Emperor and Orc Lord/Boar Emperor]

"There's a human out there capable of battling us. He is the one giving off the same energy as Kagero." Ryu said.

"Ryu, Allow me to take care of this human giving off the same energy as Kagero." Shagrat said.

"It will take time and immense mana to create a portal for you to make it to the human world. Only Kagero was capable of it." Rui said.

"Rest assured, I'll offer you my best support. For I also want the human who killed my dear Kagero dead." Ananke said.

"We are the Eight Elites of the Demonic beasts. One measly human won't stop our plans. We'll kill the Human that defeated Kagero in our process of world conquest." Ryu said.

Emperors Scene Over.

Shakunetsu, It is one of the World's Greatest Nations, producing the best Hunters. Due to Leo's Reawakening, Shakunetsu has now produced a Total of thirteen hunters.

In this year, What was about to occur has never occurred in five years. The Shakunetsu Hunters Association has held a meeting between the Five Major Guilds. Once again, The Five will gather in one room.

Meanwhile in the Lion's Guild building. The Blonde woman dressed in a lion fur coat seated in her chair asked, "So Akari, How was he?"

"Amazing ma'am. It's hard to believe someone like him was once the weakest hunter. He defeated that beast with a Cinch."

"That so. **Smokes**"

"So what are you going to do, Guildmaster?"

"I know for a fact that tomorrow's meeting will be all about him. Who will recruit him and who won't."

"Are you going to recruit him, ma'am?"

"What's with that look, Akari? Have you already fallen for him?"

Akari's face turns red and she yells, "No, You're wrong! I just thought it might be fun having him around! I haven't fallen for him!"

"Okay, Okay, No need to get flustered about it."

"You're such a tease ma'am."

"I wouldn't have been sending you to gain intel if I wasn't interested in him. Of course I'm going to recruit him. It will be fun having him on our side."

Meanwhile, in the Fox Guild building, Juang Han is seated in his office and is staring at the ceiling. Aisha walks into his office.

"Sir, Here are the records you requested and the latest newspapers." Aisha said.

"Thank you, Aisha."

"Since his departure from the Guild, he's already cleared two Dungeons on his own. Don't you think it was a shame letting him go? Fox Guild could've had another S-Rank Hunter apart from you and me." Aisha said.

"Aisha, Just what are you trying to pull?"

"Forgive for I didn't mean anything by that."

"That bastard Leo, trying to make a fool out of I. Like father like son."

"Tomorrow the meeting will occur, you should finish up your work today."

"I know. The Five Major Guilds gather in five years. Of course the world would go crazy about it."

Meanwhile, in Leo's apartment, Leo is out doing pushups shirtless, and Piper walks into the apartment.

"Hey, I brought homemade pizza, maybe we can --- Why are you shirtless?!!"

"I was doing my morning exercises."

"Just put a shirt on!" Piper said while covering her eyes.

Leo puts his shirt on and starts wiping off the sweat on his face with a towel.

"Are you sure you should be here, Vice Guildmaster of the Lion's Guild?"

"I know with the Five Major Guilds gathering, a large crowd is bound to appear and I cannot handle that."

"Is that so." Leo responded while drinking water.

"I was going through your old records, records say you were a member of the Fox Guild but left two weeks ago. What's your reason for leaving?"

"Personal reasons, Don't bother." 'Why are you even going through my records?'

"Really? So have you taken Lion's Guild into consideration?"

"They haven't approached me yet."

"I've approached you."


"Not in that way of course." Piper said while blushing.

"They'll start recruiting after the meeting is over. We'll see how everything goes "


Two days later in the Hunters Association building.

"All the Guilds have been notified about the meeting. They'll be here shortly, The Meeting will begin at noon sharp." Kyouko said.

"Right. I wonder what they would think?" Daiichi said.

A Large man with a neck tattoo, wearing shades, a green vest with a necklace, green pants, and black boots walks into the office.

"For you to suddenly call a meeting, Is there an emergency, Chairman?" The man asked.

"Guildmaster of the Serpents Guild, Diego. What are you doing in my office?" Daiichi asked.

"I don't want to participate in this boring meeting so I want to get the jist of what's going on."

[Diego _ Guildmaster of the Serpents Guild. Ranked:#3]

"Sorry, but you'll get all the details in the meeting. That was the main purpose of calling up this meeting."

"Huh? Who are you?" Diego asked.

"Do you love stirring trouble that much everywhere you go? I don't find that attractive."

A blonde woman, wearing a lion fur coat and a green shirt with black tight pants and black boot heels walks into the office.

"Katerina you bitch."

"**Smokes** We all are in the dark about what's going on. So don't you dare think that you would get special treatment?"

[Katerina _ Guildmaster of the Lion's Guild. Ranked:#1]


Diego walks out of the office with his hands in his pocket.

"My, my, what a troublesome man."

"Ms. Katerina, Smoking isn't allowed here." Kyouko said.

"Oh! My bad."

"Well then, Shall we get this meeting started."

Later in the Hunters Association meeting room, All the Guildmasters are seated.

"Good, Looks like everyone is here. No need for introductions so we'll just get into it."

"For you to have summoned all five of the major Guilds, Do we have an emergency?"

[Mylan _ Guildmaster of the Mantis Guild. Ranked:#2]

"Fewer questions so we can get over with this. I was supposed to be in a photoshoot."

[Hilda _ Guildmaster of the Ravens Guild. Ranked:#4]

"**Smokes** Woah, I like the flavor of this cigarette." Katerina said.

"What do you think you're doing you damn bitch." Diego asked.

"I just want to get out of here." Han said.

"Today's meeting will be the Discussion of Shakunetsu's Thirteenth S-Rank Hunter, Leo Howard." Daiichi said.

"Tch." Han said with an angry expression.

"Ms. Akari of the Lion's Guild, I believe you recorded footage of the raid. Do you mind showing it to the Guildmasters?" Kyouko asked.


Akari steps forward and places the Magic Crystal on the desk which creates a projection, displaying footage of Leo's battle against Muzgash.

"Amazing, He's beating that Demonic Beast without effort." Mylan said.

"Nothing I or my S-Rank Hunter couldn't do." Diego said.

'When did this brat get so powerful?!' Han asked himself.

"The Recruitment Day will be in four days and for the sake of Shakunetsu, I'd like to hear your opinions."

"**Smokes** I'd like to recruit the kid but it's up to him after all." Katerina said.

"The Kid is a powerhouse. He'd make a great addition to the Serpent Guild." Diego said.

"He's cute, it'll be fun having him around." Hilda said.

"I need to get a closer look at him in action for me to make my decision." Mylan said.


"Well, I heard from one of my men that the guy that cleared the Seven Year Dungeon was formerly a member of the Fox Guild. So of course you wouldn't fire your only S-Rank apart from you and the Vice Guildmaster. So he left in his own volition." Diego said.


"It's so sad. What a pathetic fall for the avaricious Juang Han." Katerina said.

'That damn brat is making me a laughing stock! I'll make him pay!'

"Another reason I called up this meeting was because of the rise in Gates. One of the nations we support experienced a Gate Outbreak which leveled civilization." Daiichi said.

"Yeah, The Lion's Guild's first party led by Piper Taylor took care of the Gate Outbreak. It was good since the beasts' ranking were B and Lower." Katerina said.

"We'll have to put an end to these Demonic beasts for the sake of the world. In three months, we will begin re-ranking Guilds. Thank you for your cooperation." Daiichi said.

In the Shakunetsu Hunters Association Hallway.

"So Akari, the footage you just showed, he really was Leo Howard?"

"That's right ma'am."

"Interesting, I do hope he joins."