
In the Shakunetsu Hunters Association Operating Room.

"Captain, We have an emergency?!"

"What is it?"

[José _ Leader of the National Strategic Intelligence]

"Gates have spontaneously appeared in different parts of Shakunetsu. The Team reports that in the South is a B-Rank, and the one in the east is a C-Rank, and the one in the east is a C-Rank and the north is a B-Rank." The Scout said.

"Let the Guilds know about these gates." José said.

In Leo's apartment, Leo is out doing pushups shirtless again. As he's doing it, he receives a phone notification.

He gets up and walks towards the direction of his phone. He picks it up and switches it on to check the phone notification.

Notification: Gates have spontaneously appeared in different parts of Shakunetsu. Hunters have already taken their post and I know it's too sudden but I'd like you to lead a raid in the South.

"Lead a raid? That's the first time that has happened."

He keeps scrolling down.

Notification: The Team you will be leading consists of One B-Rank Archer, Four Healers; One A-Rank, Two B-Ranks, and One D-Rank; One D-Rank Mage, Seven Battle Hunters; Five B-Rank, One C-Rank, and One D-Rank.

"I See, So I'm leading a raid consisting of 12 Hunters. This is such a drag, but it's the perfect way of starting my journey to the top."

In one of the buildings located in the Southern City, Sherry returns home from college.

"I'm home." Sherry said.

"Hey babe, You're home early."

[Lyam _ Sherry's Boyfriend]

"Yeah, Lessons were short and I wanted to see you soon. What are you doing?"

"Getting books that should be signed."

"Books that should be signed? Why?"

"A Gate has spawned near the gates of South City and Shakunetsu's Thirteenth S-Rank Hunter will be leading the raid to clear the Dungeon."

"This hunter stuff is bullshit. Let's just spend time together." Sherry said while clinging onto Lyam.

"Please babe, I really need to meet this Hunter. Will you come with?"

"Argh, Fine."

"Great, Let's leave quick."

In the location of the Gate located in the South City, The Hunters have gathered and are fully geared. A Crowd of News reporters, and fans wait in line as security tries to keep them in check.

A Hunter stands on his own polishing his sword till another walks up to him.

"Look who decided to raid once more. It's been a long time, Adelbert."

"Grey, I didn't think I'd see your face once again." Adelbert said.

"Yeah, Gotta make the money. I need to pay the kids' fees."

Two more people walk up to them and call on them,

"Mr. Walker, Mr. Adelbert."

"Well look who it is. Davis and Ava." Grey said.

Ava offers her greetings, "Greetings, Mr. Walker, Mr. Adelbert."

"What a beautiful reunion. I heard you two got married five years ago, what are you doing here?"

"Since the Fox Guild claimed the Dungeon, Mr. Han said we should participate." Davis said.

"I See, He trusts you that much." Grey said while chuckling.

"So Mr. Walker, Are you going to lead today's raid?" Davis asked.

"Unfortunately, I'm not going to lead today's raid." Grey said.

"I wonder who it's going to be?"

On the other side, Akari sits by herself, holding a magic staff with a tight grip.

"Is it because I'm a part of the third party the reason they sent me here."

Male Hunters approach her as she's talking to herself.

"Hey beautiful, are you on your own?"

"Join us and we'll provide you with the protection you need."

"If you don't want me to incinerate your ass then you best get out of my way." Akari said.

"How rude."

"It's girls like you that end up dying first."

The two hunters walk away while chuckling.

"Those bastards."

Meanwhile, Sherry and Lyam arrive at the area of the gate and get through the front of the crowd.

"Good thing we got front-row tickets." Lyam said.

"I really hate this, we could've been home spending time together. Who's this S-Rank Hunter you're so excited to see?" Sherry asked.

"You really didn't see it, he's been the talk of the media and appeared twice on the front cover of Magazines. If I remember, His name is Leo Howard."

"Leo... Howard...?"

"Yeah, He cleared the Dungeon that hasn't been cleared for Seven years. Not only that, he cleared two more Dungeons all on his own."

They hear a noise rising as the crowd around them starts to Murmur amongst themselves,

"That's him! It's Leo Howard!"

"I didn't think he'd be that cute."

Leo arrives at the scene with a large security escorting him.

"Big Brother..." Sherry silently said to herself.

"What was that babe?"

"It's nothing." 'So you were still alive all along.'

"Who's that guy? He looks kinda cute." Ava asked.

"Hey, you do know I'm here." Davis said.


"But I do wonder who he is and why they're giving him a red carpet entrance." Grey said.

A Hunter approaches them.

"Who, that? That's the Thirteenth S-Rank Hunter of Shakunetsu." The Hunter said.

"Oh yes, the one the news has been going crazy about lately. Who's he?" Adelbert asked.

"The S-Rank Hunter, Leo Howard."

"Leo Howard!!" Davis and Ava both yelled.

"Howard..." Grey silently said while trembling.

Akari looks up and sees Leo walking in her direction.


She immediately gets up and runs towards Leo and jumps on him.

"Woah there."

"Thank Goodness, I thought I was going to be the only one joining this raid."

"..." Leo stays silent for a few seconds and later gives off a gentle smile.

Leo starts to pat her head and Sherry just stares from a distance in distress. Kyouko steps forward and prepares an announcement.

"Greetings to every Hunter present today. My Name is Kyouko Aoki, Vice Chairman and Representative of the Hunters Bureau. This Gate appeared this morning and hasn't been cleared for four hours. We've requested you guys to clear this B-Rank Dungeon. And it will be led by this gentleman right here."

Leo steps forward with Akari by his side.

"My Name is Leo Howard and I'm an S-Rank Hunter. It's a pleasure working with you guys."

The Crowd cheers loudly and starts snapping pictures.

Leo slowly turns around and stares at the Gate.

"Let's clear this Dungeon."

Leo walks through the Gate with Akari and the other hunters follow behind. Sherry extends her hand toward Leo's direction but she's beyond reach. Tears fall from her eyes and she says,

"Big Brother..."