System's Ability

[The Respawn was successful and Leo has returned to the battlefield. But there's something different about him, What could it be?]

'Leo Howard... Even after stabbing him in his throat and his head, he still lives. No, there's no wound on his body at all... What's going on?' Storm questioned.

{♥️♥️♥️♥️ Remaining}

{Leo's lightning blade upgraded}


(I've lost a thousand experience points. My strength, Agility and Intelligence have dropped too. So has my level. I've never died outside the dungeon. So this must be what happens.)

"Leo Howard, I finally figured it out. You've respawned haven't you! That shouldn't be possible but that's the only conclusion I've come to. It just proves you're not human," Storm said.

Leo slowly turns around and looks at Storm.
