Juan Manuel

[Manuel's Pov]

[I was not that great in my past. I was born in the village of hunters runned by the Clan of Howard. Though I was born with a high affinity of mana, I still couldn't use magic well.

People in my village called me defective and looked at me with disgust. From that day, I hated hunters.]

[The one who understood my hatred for hunters was none other than Lord Baphomet.]

In Storm's Burning Village...

"Now that I've taken you under my wing. It's time to take you where I reign supreme," Baphomet said.

"Where is that?" Storm asked.

"It's a different world from earth. It's known as the Underworld," Baphomet said.

"The underworld?"

"No more talking. I can't stay in this world for much longer," Baphomet said as he opens a gate. "Let's go."

Baphomet and Storm walk through the gate. They both arrive in the underworld and they see shadow figures looking at them.

"What are those?" Storm asked.