Post Fight

Leo regained consciousness a few seconds later still in the octagon. This time however the coach had a wide smile on his face. Not many fighters have the will to not tap out of a painful headlock. The coach put out his hand to help Leo up. He later went to the chair with a water bottle in hand. After enjoying his water the coach approached Leo with a gym membership.

"Boy i have seen you're will and have decided to give you 40% off the gym membership, I hope you will take this chance" He said.

"Also from now on I will help you as a coach, from diet to techniques you name it" the coach continued.

"Thank you coach!" Leo replied.

"You brat, bow down. This isn't America.. kekeke" the coach said seriously.

"Also give me you're phone number" He continued.

Leo simply nodded and gave the phone number, then went to change his clothes. Afterwards he was approached by Ji-Ho who complimented his tenacity. Leo smiled before hearing his sister talking shit about him.He ignored her arrogance and grabbed his gymbag before returning home.

On his way home he analyzed the fight and decided there wasn't much more he could do. The only option now was to train until he dies from exhaustion.


[Congratulations you have completed the quest]

Reward: 150points and acknowledgement from Lee Jong-Pil

Leo decided to improve his boxing and then check the shop notification.



Jab: 73% E+

Cross: 3%E-

Hook: 0% F-

Uppercut: 0%F-


Upgrade 25 points or train.

Apparently during the fight he had gained Proficiency in the cross and jab.

With his 150 points he decided to upgrade his Jab to D+, his Cross to D+ and then the hook to F+.

Before Leo started spending more points on his skills he wanted to test training them first. He decided that for 2 weeks he would only train boxing and see the results. With the points he gets from daily quests would be saved until further notice.

Leo then opened the shop and started browsing.


Minor stamina regeneration potion 150 points

Minor strength potion 150 points

Minor agility boost potion 150 points.

Medium stamina regeneration potion (30 minutes) 300 points

Medium strength potion (30 minutes) 300 points

Medium agility boost potion (30 minutes) 300 points

Adrenaline boost (10 minutes) 2000 points

" I need to test these potions, if they do help in my training I will use all my points on them" Leo thought.

"And this adrenaline boost... this is to op.." Leo exclaimed.

The reason adrenaline is so overpowered is the effects. It makes the heart beat faster which causes the blood vessels to send more blood to the brain and muscles. This makes you more alert and stronger. Not only that, the lungs starts breathing more efficiently providing efficient oxygen to the heart. This also gives more energy, improves all senses and helps with pain.


[Daily Quest extender]

For every 20 daily quests the host completes you will receive a silver ticket. Every 100 days will lead to a golden ticket. Goodluck.

"Nice now I can improve even faster..hehehe.." Leo said.

When Leo finally returned home he explained what had happened and asked for money to buy the membership. His uncle agreed after hearing what he wants to do and decides to fully support it, even though he doesn't have much knowledge of the sport. Leo went to sleep and started thinking about the future..