Pesky Thugs

After the spar with Johnny Leo decided to stay in the gym. He was gonna practice his calf kick until it reached the B- tier. Some time later he reached it and decided to stay with his coach to review his spar. The coach was nagging about how Leo had many opportunities to end the fight however he hadn't seen them. After hearing this Leo decided to in the future buy a camera to review and self reflect after sparring.

When he was done and walked outside he was surprised to find it dark. Leo put his hood on and started walking home. He stopped by a nearby convenience store to buy a onigiri since he was hungry. Leowas sitting near the window enjoying his food when in the corner of his eye saw a crowd surround someone. He didn't think much of it as first since there where usually crowds of people walking around the area. So called delinquents and so on, Leo simply ignored them until he got a quest.



Save the woman from those pesky thugs!

Reward: 300 points and a favor from the woman

Leo was surprised to see a quest as it wasn't usual. He thought about it until he agreed to help her. He checked the surroundings to find nobody nearby. He could see 2 girls and 5 boys in a crowd kicking something. Leo quickly ate the onigiri before approaching, he had been taught that you have to strike to kill from his father. Therefore he decided after assessing the situation to quickly intervene and get a KO before anything else.

He approached the boy that seemed to have tattoos on his arm before shouting.

"Hey what are you doing?" He said in English.

The crowd was surprised to see a foreigner confronting them on their turf. Upon further inspection he realized that Ji-Ho's sister was one of the 2 girls beating the woman. They made eye contact and she immediately looked away. Even tho it was his friends sister he still wouldn't forgive her. Leo pointed to the wall and everyone looked at it, he then unleashed a full powered hook to the korean boy in front of him. His lifeless body immediately dropped to the ground with a loud thud. Altough it was cowardly its better to use everything at your advantage especially in a street fight.

Leo felt a burning sensation on his knuckles but did not care. After knocking the boy out the others started getting uneasy until they started ganging up on Leo. Since this was a street fight he had more weapons in his arsenal and decided to shove one of the boys onto the wall before elbowing him on the nose. He immediately got down on the ground and started screaming in pain.

"Enjoy having surgery on that later" Leo said and then started to laugh.

The remaining boys started to back up until a large opponent emerged. He most likely weighed 120kg however he was short. Leo sighed before getting ready to fight the "boar". He had two options, fight the boar or grab the woman throw her on his shoulder and start running.

Leo chose the latter because this was no place to get injured. He then sprinted to the woman before grabbing her and lifting her. She responded with a scream however stayed quiet after Leo shushed her. He started running into the alleyway until stopping when he realized the thugs where not following him.


[Congratulations for completing the quest]

Reward: 300 points and a favor from the woman.

After getting the rewards the woman shyly thanked her savior before giving him her phone number.

"Why would I need you're phone number?" Leo asked.

"I will pay back the favor" the woman said in a apologetic tone.

"Hmm, alright. You can walk with me for a bit before I need to return home."

"T-thank you.." she replied while avoiding eye contact.

They then walked until the woman said her thanks and goodbyes. Leo decided to run home after realizing the time. He quickly covered his knuckles before entering the house.

"Sorry for being late uncle" Leo said.

Robert ignored him as he was watching TV.

Leo took a shower before eating and then went to bed with his newly acquired points.