A hidden gem

"Min-ho get over here!" His coach said.

Kim Min-ho walked towards his coach after a 20 minute heavybag session.

"You're next opponent is Leon Pierce" He said in a nervous tone.

"Is that the guy who did an armbar?" Min-Ho asked.

"Yeah and he's a tricky one. We don't know how good his skills are because the match ended in the first round however he won't go down easily." The coach said while watching the match on his monitor.

"He has great boxing skills as his foundation and his takedowns are fast and deadly. Not only that his BJJ is like a purple belt.." His coach said with a frown.

"He might be good but no one has came out victorious after meeting my fist" He thought and then started snickering.

"So make sure to avoid his takedowns and respond appropriately" the coach continued.

"Do you understand?" His coach asked after not hearing a reply.

"Got it" Kim Min-Ho replied in a daze.


"This guy wants me to be bloody" Leo said to his coach.

"Yeah I know but I can assure you that you are better than him so don't worry." His coach replied trying to convince Leo.

"Defeat him with fashion..hehehe. I've got an idea." Leo thought.

Leo decided to make Kim Min-ho bleed quickly and then knock him out when he was getting angry.

"Welcome my fellow viewers to the second round of the amateur MMA competition! Today we have 8 rounds of exciting fights" the announcer said with a high note.

Leo fight was on the 3rd round which meant he had to wait an hour depending on the matches outcomes. He watched the matches closely and found a hidden gem.


[Basic Information]

Name: Elijah Kimani

Age: 20

Weight: 80kg

Height: 6'1

Potential: SS-

Body: Muscular with explosiveness

Title: King of Dodging [100% better spatial awareness. 50% maneuverability boost.



Boxing A+

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu B-

Wrestling S-


"What the fuck is this monster??" Leo said after reading his status window.

"And what's with that OP title?" Leo scoffed.

"He has great stats but he isn't using them. Is he trying to hide his power?" Leo thought.

"And the winner is Elijah Kimani after a close match! The Kenyan showed his willingness to a victory after not giving up." He exclaimed.

Elijah Kimani then walked out of the octagon with a smile on his face.

"I don't get why he's hiding his power but I'll make him reveal it" Leo murmured.

"Get ready we are next up" His coach said.

"Alright" Leo replied while putting on his gloves.

"Now onto round three! This will be an exciting one ladies and gentlemen. We have Leon Pierce versus Kim Min-Ho!" He shouted.

The crowd got excited and started hyping up the fighters.

"On the right is Kim Min-ho making his entrance!" He said.

After a minute or two Leo walked out with his coach.

"Now the famous American fighter.... Leooooonnn Pieeerce!" He shouted.

The crowd instantly started screaming after hearing the handsome American walk out.

Leo waved to the crowd before jumping up and down and entering the octagon. He then got his black mouthguard put in by his coach.