The Beast

Note: This is the author and I have decided to release longer chapters from now on.

To spice things up the announcer decided to question both of the fighters about the fight.

"So Kim Min-ho will you win the fight?" He asked.

"Don't worry I will make him into a pet" He replied while laughing.

"What is your response Leon Pierce?" The announcer asked trying to get a satisfying answer.

"I will make him my personal slave" Leon said confidently.

The crowd went silent before screaming with excitement after seeing Leos bold statement.

"Well you heard that folks, this is gonna get rowdy!" He lastly said.

He then exited the octagon and let the referee take over.

"Touch gloves if you'd like" the referee said looking at both of the fighters.

Leo and Min-ho backed up instead of touching gloves. Leo had a wide smile on his face being confident. The complete opposite of Min-ho, he had a deadly looking face ready to kill Leo at any moment.

"Oh no my slave must be mad huh?" Leo scoffed while pointing at Kim Min-ho.

Min-ho was already angry and this made it even worse.

"I won't let this guy live today.." Min-ho thought.

His rage had taken over before the match even started. His coach took notice of this and decided to let it go, this would be a learning opportunity for him.

"Go!" The referee shouted.

Kim Min-ho charged recklessly towards Leo unleashing a fury of punches.

"System activate focus skill" Leo thought.

[Focus skill activated]

"Here he comes hehehe" Leo murmured.

Kim Min-ho saw Leo trying to dodge to the side and he followed Leo's body with his eyes.

"He's going to the left kekeke" Kim Min-Ho thought to himself.

After seeing Leos body turn to the left he followed him only to be met with nothing?

"Where did he go!?" Min-Ho murmured.

Leo had done a spectacular body feint which left Kim Min-ho in a daze. Leo swiftly turned and looked at Kim Min-ho's back before grabbing onto his waist lifting him into the air.

Leo lifted Kim Min-ho and threw him onto the floor and started punching him in the face.

He instinctively put his arms and knees up to block the incoming strikes.

Leo did not jump onto his stomach or try to knee it. He would humiliate Kim Min-ho today and leave the octagon with his fists covered in blood.

He then stopped and stood up waiting for Kim Min-ho to rise.

"Wow! An incredible move used by Leon Pierce, Kim Min-ho was oblivious to the feint!" The announcer said.

"MIN-HO BE CAREFUL!" His coach shouted.

Leo's coach stood there watching his student having fun and not taking the fight serious. He wanted to remind Leo to stay focused but refrained from doing it after hearing Leo's statement earlier.

Kim Min-ho stood up after receiving Leo's beating. He stared at Leo trying to understand how he just ended up on the floor.

"I must have let my guard down.. it's only a fluke" Min-ho whispered to himself.

"Looks like my slave is already out of use" Leo said confidently.

"S-SHUT UP!" Min-ho replied and started charging at Leo again.

"Idiot" Leo thought.

Min-ho charged at Leo again and managed to land a cross after continuous dodging from Leo. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity to counter and it would soon come for Leo.

"Kim Min-ho is destroying Leon Pierce with his ferocious punches! What will he do" the announcer exclaimed.

After a few minutes of punching and attempting a takedown on Leo he started moving slower and tried to catch his breath.

"Nows the time I pay back that cross a thousand times" Leo murmured.

"Kim Min-ho is getting tired, Leon has done a great job parrying, dodging and blocking those punches. What great defensive abilities!" The announcer said in awe of Leo's defense capabilities.

Leo slowly but surely made Kim Min-ho walk into a corner and that's when it was time to feast. He threw a jab which Min-ho clumsily blocked and proceeded to throw crosses and hooks repeatedly until Min-ho dropped his weak guard. He then aimed his punches to graze his skin which would cause the skin to bleed. He successfully grazed his cheek 3 times and Min-ho received a cuts under his right eye and started bleeding.

"I'm not done yet" Leo said.

"Fuck i can't see his punches" Min-ho murmured.

After Leo managed to get a few successful cuts under the right eye he continued punching this time with full power around Min-ho's eye. This caused the eye to swell up and only see blurriness.

"What's happening??" Min-ho thought and raised his guard.

He tried to escape the punches by running to the right but was stopped by Leo's kicks to his ribs. This made Min-ho unable to escape, his only option was to get Leo to the floor and try to get a lock.

Leo saw this and allowed Min-ho to get him on the ground.

"Nice.. it's your time to pay now bitch!" Min-ho said loudly.

"In your dreams slave" Leo scoffed.

After taking Leo down Min-ho jumped onto him and tried to get on his back.

"I can't move??" He thought while trying to move.

"Finally got you dumbass" Leo said.

When Min-ho attempted to get on Leo's back he put him under a triangle head choke. Leo choked him as hard as he could with his legs before the referee came in and stopped the fight after deeming Min-ho unconscious.

Leo stood up and jumped onto the octagon wall screaming to the crowd like a beast. Min-ho woke up a few minutes later and limped to the locker rooms with his coach.

"Congratulations Leon for winning the match, do you have anything to say?" The announcer asked.

"He's my slave now" Leo said and walked off to his coach.