Side Quests..

After waking up Leo decided to train until he collapsed. Of course he had to visit his coach in the evening but it was now time for him to maximize his gains.

"System enter the training room" Leo murmured.

He was then teleported into the training room. Leo had done some prior planning and setup a simple training routine. First of his body, he decided to do a simple PPL x arnold training split to maximize muscle growth.

Monday: Chest, triceps, shoulders

Tuesday: Biceps, back

Wednesday: Legs, core, knuckle conditioning

Thursday: Chest, back

Friday: Shoulders, Arms

Saturday: Legs, core, knuckle conditioning

This training split was adopted by the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. It would train every muscle group 2 times a week and give the muscles enough time to recover.

After doing his PPL x Arnold split for his muscles Leo decided to do cardio and flexibility training. This would usually be sprinting intervals, jogging or a heavybag session alongside sets of splits, butterfly stretches and lying half spinal twists.

Then Leo decided to train all of his martial arts. 1 hour for each skill. With the shop having stamina regeneration potions this would be a easy task.

1 hour BJJ

1 hour Wrestling

1 hour Boxing

Then he would spar with the training dummy until he collapsed.

Shortly summarized it was like this:

7:00 AM wake up (breakfast, scroll on tiktok etc)

8:00 - 9:00 AM muscles

9:00 - 10:30 AM Cardio and flexibility

10:30 - 11:30 AM BJJ

11:30 - 12:00 PM Lunch and break

12:00 - 13:00 PM Wrestling

13:00 - 14:00 PM Boxing

14:00 - 17:00 PM Sparring

17:00 - 18:00 PM Review with coach and break

18:00 - 19:00 PM Muay Thai

19:00 - 20:00 PM Daily quest and chill

Then he would return home and take a cold shower to boost his recovery. He then ate dinner and went to bed.

This was no easy feat, training alone for hours everyday requires extreme discipline and tenacity to achieve. However Leo lasted by blasting music, he listened to Brazilian funk, David goggins motivational speeches and other motivating songs to keep him going.

Leo also told his uncle he would basically be living at the gym and his uncle accepted it. His next fight (semi finals) would be in 2 weeks and he undoubtedly will be stronger after.

1 week later..

Leo was training as usual and later went to his coach to review his skills and get briefed about his next opponent.

"I'm here coach!" Leo said taking off his shoes.

"Come to the living room boy!" He shouted to make Leo hear him.

"Cominggg" Leo murmured and walked across the apartment.

"I need a favor from you. My daughter has recently not been home a lot and she smells like cigarettes. Could you maybe follow her for a day?" He politely asked.

"Why the fuck would I stalk your daughter.." Leo thought until..




Help Lee Jong-Pils daughter!

Reward: 2000 points, 5 levels


"Well well well, we've got a deal now" Leo murmured.

"Alright but do you know where she even is?" Leo asked.

"I don't daughter often ignores me.." He replied disappointingly.

"Alright could you tell me about my opponent then?" Leo continued.

"Yeah his name is Park Seo-joon. He has amazing Jiu-Jitsu skills and a good foundation in boxing and Taekwondo. Also he isn't a hot head so he won't fall for anything I believe" he said.

"Okay I'll check him out later I guess" Leo replied and left the apartment.

"She's probably gonna be in an alley again" Leo said and sighed.

He didn't have time for small side quests like these but the points where worth it.

2 hours later..

" I should probably leave the training room now" Leo said and left it.

In his room he grabbed a black hoodie, black joggers and a balaclava shiesty mask he brought from the U.S. It would be used if he had to do something illegal like beating minors. Afterall it would be quite stupid to end up in a korean jail when he had a competition.

He then left his house and went to the convenience store where he saw her group of delinquents before.

"Lets get some carbs in first" Leo murmured and went inside to buy a snack.

He stepped into the store with his suspicious clothes and went to buy a sandwich. In the corner of his eye he saw a silhouette leave the store looking strangely familiar.

"This might be her" Leo thought and bought the sandwich before following the small person.

After a few minutes of walking the person turned into an alley and approached a crowd.

Leo instantly recognized the fools and Ji-Hos sister smoking a cigarette at the end.

"Tsk Tsk kids these days" Leo said loudly.

Even though she was older than Leo he still saw her as a child.

"T-this voice?? The American..." A girl said..

"Ji-Hos sister, your daddy sent me to get you!" He said out loud.

"Let's get a killstreak shall we!" Leo murmured and walked towards the delinquents.

"Oh gotta put the shiesty on first.. there we go" He thought.

"F-fuck not again.." a boy said.

"Who's this nobody? Watch me knock him out kekeke" another boy said not knowing what happened the last time.

"Woah we have a challenger!" Leo said.

"I don't know who you are but you are gonna pay for coming into my territory" the boy said.

"Territory? HAHAHA" Leo replied laughing his ass off.

Leo dodged the slow and weak jab and used his newly acquired skill deadly punch. The boy was sent flying and hit the wall with a loud thud sounding like metal.

"Dayum! This skill is deadly" Leo said and started giggling like a happy child.

"H-hes a monster.." The crowd said and started to look for ways to escape.

"All of you kids can leave just Ji-Hos sister will stay" Leo exclaimed.

"Y-yes Sir.." they responded and left the alleyway.

"You brat come with me your going to your dad" He said and grabbed onto the girls frail hands.

"Don't touch me you pervert!" She screamed.

"Yeah yeah whatever no one's gonna save you now" He replied and picked up the girl on his shoulder.

Leo then ran with a woman on his arms. He basically stole a woman? Nevermind...

After returning to his coachs house he dropped her off like a package and went home to sleep.