More Problems

"Finally i can test this skill. Hopefully it doesn't damage my knuckles too much." Leo said while walking to the gym.

"Yo coach!" Leo said in a loud tone when entering the gym.

The gym was eerily silent for some reason.

Leo walked around the gym and then entered the office.

"Hmm, he's not here?" Leo murmured. Until he spotted something on the ground.

[Eviction Notice]

Dear Lee Jong-Pil,

You are hereby given an eviction notice and notice to evacuate the premise within 10 DAYS.

Leo couldn't read shit but he grabbed the paper and opened an app on his phone to translate the text.

"Let's see" He said when opening the app and aiming his phone camera on the text.

"The fuck? A Eviction Notice?? And 10 DAYS!? Well shit.." Leo exclaimed and then walked out of the office with the paper in his hands.

The door opened and Ji-Ho entered the gym.

"Yoo Ji-Ho? Where have you been?" Leo asked after meeting his friend after a month.

"Yeah..sorry about that I was with my mother" He replied while avoiding eye contact.

"You could have atleast attempted to text or call me right?" Leo continued.

"Congratulations on winning your fights" He said trying to avoid the topic.

"Thanks.."Leo said and decided to drop the topic.

"So what happened with the gym? I saw a Eviction Notice." Leo said showing him the paper.

"Yeah I father got depressed after seeing that." Ji-Ho continued.

"Can you take me to him? Leo asked.

"I don't know I think he's depressed because he failed you" He said.

"Okay and? Just take me to him or else I'll track him down myself" Leo said furiously.

There was no way in hell Leo would give up on the competition because of a gym and some coach who gave up.



[System level up!]

Congratulations host, you have upgraded your system to level 3!

You have unlocked the following,

[Training Room]

[Stat Points]


Leo almost had to grab a hold of himself after reading the rewards.

"STAT POINTS FINALLY!!" Leo shouted out loudly.

He immediately opened his status window.



Level: 0

Strength: 64/100 B+

Dexterity: 20/100 C-

Endurance: 87/100 B-


"What?? My stats are kinda bad.. but im still level 0 so it should be fine" Leo thought.

Leo then went with Ji-Ho to visit his depressed coach.

"Father? Are you there." Ji-Ho asked when entering the apartment.

"Don't worry I got this" Leo said and swiftly went to his coachs room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He said when entering the dark room.

"Huh?! Leo..what is it.." The coach said staring at the roof.

"Excuse me? After all we've been through your ignoring it? Pathetic.." Leo exclaimed.

"I-im sorry..I have failed you after everything you've done. Boy you are far to talented to stay with my poor gym.." He said after a few seconds.

"I don't need the gym, I only need you coach" Leo said and then started cringing.

Lee Jong-Pils heart was shattered after receiving the eviction notice. He had let the insane talent that only comes every millennium down.

"What...what do you mean?" The coach replied.

"I have a place where I can train, you just need to give me guidance and tips. Alright?" Leo said comforting the man.

"I'm sorry for letting you see me in this way" He then said and went to the bathroom.

"Coach I'll come back here at the same time tomorrow alright?" Leo continued.

"Alright.." He heard the coach say.

Leo then ran back home to try his newly acquired training room.

"System enter training room" Leo murmured in his room.

He felt lightheaded and then got teleported to his training room. Leo opened his eyes and was inside a huge 20 meter long room. It was filled with training equipment, benchpress, squat rack, dumbells up to 50kg and a airrunner pro. It also had a octagon alongside some heavy bags and a soft mat where he could practice BJJ or wrestling.

Leo toured around the room and came across a dummy. He tried to move it expecting it to weigh 20kgs however he was wrong. After attempting to move it 3 times he realized it wouldn't budge. He decided to ask the system about it instead.

"System what is this dummy?" Leo said loudly.

[Thank you for asking dear host. That training doll is for your use. You can make it spar with you or assist you in any skill.]

"Neat, but how do i activate it?" Leo said curiously.

[Imagine a fighting style in your head and then press the power button on the dummys head]

"Hmm, alright." Leo said and then proceeded to think about a martial art.

[Activating Muay Thai]

"Do I talk to it or what" Leo thought and watched the dummy come to life.

["You have activated the Muay Thai martial art. How should I proceed host?"] The dummy asked in a robotic voice.

"Try to punch me once" Leo said and activated the focus skill.

["Understood"] the dummy replied.

"Whoa? That's fast.." Leo said

If he didn't activate his focus skill he would have most likely gone unconscious.

"System what rank is this training dummy?" Leo asked.

["It is S+ rank however you can change it whenever you'd like"] the system said.

"Change it to A+ please" Leo replied.

["Understood, Activating the change"] the system said.

"Try to defend yourself from my attacks. Okay?" Leo told the dummy and then rose his guard.

The dummy nodded and raised its Muay Thai guard capable of blocking kicks.

After 2 hours of continuous training Leo had learnt a lot about the Muay Thai guarding style and eventually started getting more hits in. He then decided to wrap it up and teleport to the real world to get some rest.