Arya Rathore, a 29-year-old girl, owns an art gallery in Jaipur, India. Her dream is to meet and study her muse in person, the great artist and painter, Alessandro Mancini. Things take a sharper turn when she finds herself standing near the death's door. She must strive to fulfil her dream by hook or by crook before she runs out of time.
And the only person who can get her there is his son, Lionel Mancini, the arrogant, mysterious yet inadvertently irresistible and one of the most powerful men in West Coast USA. There is something dark about him that she can't put her finger on.
Would she be able to con Lionel and acquire her lifelong dream? Or would she get buried in the ground before its time?......
[img=Mad]Must-Read. Fresh & intriguing.