Best friend, Sarafina

After watching Silas leave the room, Tabitha turned to look at her hands that held the car key and phone he had handed to her.

'Thank you, Silas,' Tabitha silently expressed her gratitude to him as she placed them on the table.

After doing this, Tabitha rose from her seat and walked to the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of milk. Wanting to enjoy it with her food, she filled a glass cup and took satisfying gulps.

Having finished her meal and washed the dishes, Tabitha picked up the phone Silas had given her. She turned it on and explored it for a while, discovering that Silas had saved the card pin and house passcode as a contact. She figured he had done this, perhaps anticipating she might forget.

"He's so thoughtful," Tabitha murmured with a smile.

Tabitha was alone in the house, but she felt like a free bird. She wasn't locked up, she didn't have to follow anyone's orders, and she was on her own.

Realizing this, Tabitha stood up and began to hop around the house.