A Field of Flowers

I somehow got used to carrying Gray's box to the school. The other kids started slowly to get over their curiosity and everything is now going well as if I have a real Dream. Things were good for me.

Since then, I started to wait for the old man's appearance again. Hoping that he will give me a real Dream the next time he will pass by.

A real Dream... My own Dream...

One day, I stayed after school with the class president because it was our turn for the cleaning duty. After we got our work done, we turned to get our things into our bags and leave.

When I was about to finish and pick up Gray's box, I turned to the class president to ask her if she wanted to go together. But stopped when I saw her looking down at her open Dream box, she had a look of sadness and confusion.

Curiosity got the best of me and I walked next to her. When I took a peek inside the box, my eyes widened in fear. Her Dream was dead... 

I looked at her, still with wide eyes. " Can you help me with it?" She asked, her face remained indifferent.

I nodded at her and we got out of the school, walking to a small garden behind it. This garden was full of flowers, pink, red, blue, green, and yellow. Lost Dreams, dead Dreams, were all buried there behind the school building, despite what it may seem, that was a graveyard. And each flower was a grave marker of where a Dream was buried.

Hannah picked a place and turned towards me, I nodded at her before leaving Gray's box aside and started digging. Once I reached the needed depth, I walked aside and left the rest for her. She took the small fluffy red ball and looked at it. " Thanks for staying with me for so long, and sorry to get you involved in this." She pressed a kiss on it before sliding it into the hole I dug and burying it.

I was still confused. A Dream is related to our feelings as I told you before. When we start to doubt our dreams and ourselves, and regret our choices, the Dream will get sick. But it can't die unless we give up completely on our dreams, or in some cases, have no interest in that dream ever.

" It started from when I played the piano..." Hannah voiced out, much to my surprise. It seems that she noticed my confusion and decided to remove it. " From that day, my Dream got sick. And so it ended up like this."

" But why?" I'm not the kind of person to get into other people's lives. But now my curiosity left no choice.

" Because it's not my Dream, that's a way of putting it," she said forcing a smile. " I have to try and accept this reality that was forced on me, this Dream that I'm obliged to carry on. Or else, more of them will go." She faced a spot with only red flowers. My eyes widened even more at that.

" If you don't like this Dream, then why you should carry it on?" I asked her.

" Because that's what father wants..." She answered with a shaking voice, her eyes became moist but it seemed she was trying to hold her tears and gasps back. "... No matter what, he won't listen to me."

She quickly rubbed her eyes and turned to me with a smile, a forced one again. " Don't worry, my father will buy me another red Dream, and all I have is to stay away from the thing that I love to please him."

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't find my tongue, not the appropriate words for that.

Going back to my home, I kept thinking about her, and how people have to throw away the things they love to please others.

I entered my room, placed Gray's closed box on my table, and looked through the window. " Just why do people have to please others in exchange for the things they love, that's not fair," I muttered. Yeah, that wasn't fair. This whole Dreams' world doesn't seem to be fair.

I looked back at Gray's brown box. To think about it, it had been so long since I took off the cover and checked on it. Most likely because I was working harder than ever for the sake of my coming Dream.

I looked at the other decorated Dream box. A smile escaped me. " I'm sure I will get a real one soon, but now..."

I turned to the brown box and took off the cover, only for a gasp of horror to escape me...