
I don't remember a lot about her. Only when we were sitting together to her white piano and she would take my hand and place it on the keys to teach me how to play. Every other memory was hazy and blurry. So as I grew up, that white piano and the song she used to play to me every night so that I could go to sleep peacefully were all that was left of her.

After her death, my father, being a very rich businessman, had decided that I should be a doctor to ensure my future. Without my mother, and if something is to happen to my father, his brothers will come and get his fortune and leave me behind. Dad wanted me to be independent and to take care of myself. And so he believed that only the red Dream could assure that.

The thing that my dad is trying to ignore, is that I don't really want to be a doctor or something like that. He just kept buying me red Dreams one after the other. But I wasn't interested in them, what I was interested in was the white piano that was kept in our house. I just want to stay by its side and play it for the whole day. Because when I do so, the memories of those past days come back to life, and I can feel my mother sitting next to me again and smiling at me while listening to my play.

My father noticed that, and so he prohibited me from playing the piano ever again. The soft sounds of the keys became taboo sounds in our house. I couldn't say no and just obeyed him. Working hard to reach the top of the class and trying to achieve what my father wants.

Yet, the day Amy played the piano, something went wrong with me. I wanted to be in her place and to run my fingers on the cold white surface of the keys.

When everyone turned to leave, my feet moved all alone to the instrument and I found myself touching it after a long time. I want to see you one more time.

With that thought in mind, I started playing. Forgetting about everything around me, I let my feelings lead me as I repeated the same melody.

I felt her sitting next to me, I felt her smiling at me. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her.

When the melody came to an end, I heard clapping all around the room. It seemed that everyone was listening to me, which was embarrassing.

After the teacher complimented me, I took my Dream box and my bag and got out, but didn't walk home. I sat down under a tree and opened my Dream box slightly, knowing what was waiting for me. But soon Yume appeared from behind me. I quickly closed the Dream box and looked at him with a smile. We walked home together and he took me by surprise when he said that he liked my play. I swear that my cheeks became very red at that.

I stopped in front of my house and waved at him goodbye. He waved at me and walked away. When I was sure he wasn't going to turn back again, I took my Dream box and checked on my Dream. " It's starting again..."...