The Dream of initiation

Chapter 7

Finishing his meal, Kevin returned to his room to rest. Even though it wasn't physically exhausting for him, it sure was mentally challenging for him to face many emotions upon returning.

Laying on his bed, his eyes again wandered toward the package that was supposedly sent by his uncle, something that he had left behind.

Now, during a brief reprieve, he picked up the package and opened it. Inside was a transparent crystal ball which was more like a container and inside he could see a dark liquid that felt ominous.

He couldn't tell whether it was smelly or not as there was no fragrance or smell leaking from the ball.

Inside the box, there was another note, this one however was different. Written in elegant writing, something he knew didn't belong to his uncle.

The paper was also smooth to the touch, and it didn't seem like it was made of paper like anything he knew, instead, it felt like some kind of material.

The note simply said, "Drink it, if you want all your dreams to come true."

'Yep, definitely not ominous. Sounds like a deal with the devil to me.' Thought Kevin not knowing that he was so close to the mark yet very far at the same time.

Kevin wondered what he should do. No doubt it sounded sketchy, and every piece of his mind was telling him to throw it away.

But deep inside himself, he didn't know whether it was in his heart or something deeper, he felt an unnatural attraction toward the liquid in the crystal, even though he couldn't tell what it was.

Even after all the considerations and justifications to throw it away, there was one feeling that was not making him do so, and that was that one feeling that the liquid was something that had something to do with him.

A part of him.

So, he did the only logical thing he could do, clenched his butthole, opened the small cork on the side of the crystal, closed his eyes, and gulped it down in one go.

The liquid was, contrary to its looks, sweet and calming. It felt like the sweetest nectar he had ever tasted and not only that, but it also felt like his whole body was floating in a hot water pool.

At least that was until he started feeling unconscious.


He opened his eyes and could see himself lying down. What he found unfamiliar was a chandelier in his room only to realize the whole room was different.

It was a baby's room which left him all the more confused. That was until he tried to get up only to see that he couldn't. he started struggling and that was when he saw that he himself was a baby.

That left him all the more flabbergasted. He started struggling more vehemently, trying to get himself up.

He kept trying until his movements garnered the attention of someone else in his room. A woman who saw him moving about and came to him.

"Oh my, is my baby up and feeling hungry? Why didn't you call Mama?" Said the woman and he turned his attention to her, and his eyes widened.

A beauty with dark red eyes and raven hair. A beauty that surpassed anything he had ever seen before. He recognized her, it was his mother.

'Mom! So, I'm dreaming.' Disadvantages of having a superior brain, he could assess his situation in a minute. 'What was that liquid?'

"Come here, let me feed you to the fullest." She picked him up and brought him closer to her face, kissing him on his cheek.

Even though it was a dream, he could clearly feel everything. The touch of his mother, the warmth radiating from her, and the affectionate kiss on his cheek. He could tell everything.

Soon after that, the woman freed her breasts and brought the baby to her left breast. He didn't feel bashful at all, if anything he was more eager to taste it.

Soon his mouth latched onto the nipple, and he started sucking enthusiastically.

"Oh my! Is my baby that hungry? Fufu. Go ahead, drink to your heart's content." She said while giggling beautifully and the warm liquid started flowing in the baby's mouth.

He again went wide-eyed as he recognized the taste of the liquid, it was the same taste the liquid in the crystal ball had.

Again, a calm wave washed over him, and he started feeling drowsy.

"Fufu. Are you already sleeping again?" The woman giggled again warmly. "Rest well my sweet dear Kevin, when you will wake up, all your dreams will come true." Was the last thing Kevin heard before his eyes closed again.


"Kevin, Kevin." Kevin heard someone calling him again and again, which brought him back from the dreamland.

He rubbed his eyes and got up from his bed only to see Samantha standing close to him, she was still dressed the same as before without the apron this time.

"Yes?" He asked Samantha wondering what she wanted and also at the same time trying to remember the weird events from before.

"Come on, take a shower, I'm about to make dinner so you should also freshen up." She said with a sweet smile on her face that brought one on Kevin's face as well.

"Sure." He replied and prepared to get up. Samantha also started walking towards the door to leave when she heard Kevin call her again.

"Samantha." He called her to which she replied, "Yes dear?"

"Do you lactate?" He asked her in a daze not knowing what he was asking her as if on instinct.

Hearing his question, Samantha was lost for a moment, when she finally processed his question, she blushed heavily while stammering, "Wh-What?" She couldn't believe what Kevin was asking her. If she didn't know Kevin's real nature, she would have gotten angry instead of blushing, but she knew there was some reason, Kevin was asking her that.

"Nothing sorry." Kevin replied realizing the appropriateness of his question and added, "I just had a weird dream. I'm sorry again."

Samantha, not wanting to delve deeper and face an embarrassing situation just left, while blushing heavily and telling him to come down after his shower.

As soon as Samantha turned her back to Kevin, his eyes fell on her skirt-covered ass, which was still very arousing, and weirdly enough, he felt very attracted to it.

His pants stirred but that was not the only reaction he felt, a screen covered his face, like a hologram.

[Time-limited quest received]

[Spank Samantha Derek]

[Reward: 50 EXP]

[Punishment: Divine Tightening]

Kevin was left flabbergasted, at many things at that. One, he didn't know what was happening. Two, he had no idea what that hologram was asking him to do. And third, he had an ominous feeling about the divine tightening punishment.

During his thoughts, another screen appeared before him, replacing the first one.


[You have been given the honor to inherit the Sex Demon's legacy.]

[System has been initiated]




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