Aid from Samantha 2

Chapter 13

Monday, February 1. The day for the new year of the military to begin. The day for hundreds of young men and women across the world, to come together in one place and train themselves to prepare themselves for another possible war with Dawrians.

A new day, a new month but for Kevin it was the start of a frustrating day. He wasn't frustrated because he would have to face pompous and spoiled brats of many families, or he would have to face scorn from many of his and other leader families for having no ability.

No! he was frustrated because yesterday he had seen Samantha naked, in her full glory, her pink wetness and it had aroused him to no end. But when he came to his room to take care of his problem only to see that he couldn't achieve relief himself.

He tried everything, imaging, porn, and even furious rubbing to the point it would leave burn marks, but he couldn't discharge.

He considered asking Samantha again, only this time he wouldn't be lying about his situation, but he didn't have any chance with Elizabeth around and then his father coming home early to prepare for the entrance ceremony tomorrow.

Also, he didn't know whether Samantha would be willing to do something for him again or not and that hand job was a one-time help only.

Finishing his exercise and taking another cold shower to calm his libido, he prepared to head to the kitchen to have breakfast. Not before dressing in the uniform that was laid on his bed when he was in the shower.

A dark grey colored uniform, with white and blue stripes on the shoulders and waist. He dressed himself and he had to admit that he looked good in it.

Leaving his room, he arrived in the kitchen only to see Samantha, and Elizabeth who was dressed the same as him, only instead of pants, she had a long skirt. No sign of his father around.

Though for once he wished his father was present to distract him from his lusty thoughts.

Samantha could see that Kevin was troubled about something, her guess may not be correct, but the tight state of Kevin's crotch also stated that her guess might not be wrong as well.

She ignored it for the moment as there was nothing, she could do right now for Kevin with Elizabeth around.

Kevin sat down and started eating, his irritation not much visible if one wasn't focusing enough, and Samantha was focusing.

Finishing his breakfast Kevin asked, "So when do we leave then?"

"In about half an hour. Why don't you both check your bags just to be sure? You both have to stay at the academy till Friday. Wouldn't want to miss anything." Samantha replied to Kevin's inquiry and also reminded them about staying at the academy.

"All done last night. But I will still check everything for the last time." Elizabeth replied as she stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

"Why don't you do the same Kevin?" She instructed Kevin once more who seemed to be irritated to pay attention to anything else.

Kevin just nodded and headed to his room as well. He had not much stuff to take so he just sat in his computer chair.

Before he could dwell on his frustration further, he heard a knock on his door. Confused, he opened the door only to find Samantha standing there with a slight blush on her face.

Turns out it wasn't a one-time help only, but he didn't get his hopes up since she could be here for something else as well.

He just allowed her in, and she sat on his bed while he returned to his chair.

Both of them didn't say a word for a while but Samantha exhaled deeply and started, "Since you will be leaving today for the whole week, I wanted to ask you, are you having any problems with your ummm… condition?"

Kevin didn't need to know that she was asking this question with immense courage, if her blushing further was any indication.

Kevin just nodded and said, "I'm having the same problem, no matter what I do, I can't cum."

Kevin's directness wasn't lost even now. Samantha again just nodded and without saying anything, started unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her big milky white breasts also showing a lack of a bra.

Even though he had seen them before, that didn't mean he wouldn't get lost in them again. Only this time, it wasn't for long as his shaft hardening and inability to discharge was more irritating for him.

Samantha, seeing that Kevin hadn't done anything, picked up her courage again, stood up, and started walking closer to him.

Kevin's eyes followed her movements, lost but not too far gone.

Samantha reached him and without saying anything, grabbed his hand, which elated him only to be disappointed as she didn't guide his hand to her breasts but only to make him stand on his feet.

His disappointment though, didn't last for long when she reached for his pants to free his shaft from its confinement.

It sprung upwards and the length and surprise made Samantha yelp. She blushed a bit but reached for the pole that was radiating heat.

As soon as her hands touched Kevin's treasure, he felt it again. The magical feeling of her hand that he was unable to memorize last time.

It was a soft and magical touch, so it was understanding when a lengthy moan left his mouth. Though that made Samantha somewhat happy, knowing he was feeling pleasure from her.

Kevin was lost in that feeling and his climax was building up rapidly. Too rapidly than he wanted, so he focused, shook his head, and determined himself.

He couldn't gain any benefits from a hand-job again and he didn't want to end things just there.

"It's not working," he suddenly said making Samantha's movements stop, "Don't get me wrong, it feels amazing, but for some reason, I am nowhere close."

Kevin knew he was taking a risk here. Whether Samantha would take a step further or she would step back considering the appropriateness of the situation.

To his joy, Samantha didn't disappoint. "Well, maybe you should …. Try …. Touching them." She said stammering while cupping her left breast with her left hand.

Kevin, as if possessed, didn't hesitate at her kind offer and grabbed her right breast, a bit aggressively earning another yelp from Samantha.

"I'm sorry." Kevin removed his hand thinking he had been too aggressive.

"It's okay. It's normal to get excited but you should always begin with a gentle approach with a woman." Instead of getting angry, Samantha lectured him on women's anatomy and feelings.

Kevin nodded, and this time, gently grabbed her breast, his palm sinking her bountiful milker earning another sound from Samantha only this time a moan.

Getting the non-verbal permission, he started moving his hand slowly and gently, rubbing her breast which was twice the size of his hand.

While rubbing it, he felt something in the middle of his palm, and upon inspecting, he found her soft pink nipple, hard and poking.

He grabbed it between his fingers gently earning another loud moan from Samantha. That was all the courage he needed, he started rubbing her breasts a little faster and also reaching for the other one with his other hand.

Now, without any reservations, he started playing with her breasts, rubbing them, cupping them, pressing them, and pinching them in smooth motions.

Samantha's moans didn't stop the whole time and she also kept rubbing Kevin's meat-pole with her both hands.

Kevin's imagination was at work, and he kept changing the shapes of her breasts to whatever beautiful image came to his mind and kept repeating his movements until Samantha suddenly let out a loud moan.

She came but that was not all. The melody of her moans, the amazing sensation of her breasts in his hands, and the sudden tightening of her hands around his shaft was too much for Kevin to hold it in.

He blasted all over her abdomen and skirt, the amount no less than the first time if not even more.

Samantha, after some time, snapped out of her pleasure reverie. Kevin was breathing too hard for him to offer her another napkin.

By the time he came to, he saw Samantha had already cleaned herself with a napkin that appeared out of nowhere, but a napkin was the least of his concerns right now.

He slumped down in his chair, his breathing still labored, something that didn't happen even after two hours of exercising.

Samantha noticing that Kevin was finally relieved, headed out of the room while leaving some parting words, "I hope this can help a little until the weekend."

Kevin was ecstatic at her words. Until the weekend meant there was a chance of continuing on the weened.

It was a beautiful finish, but it wasn't the end yet it seemed.

[You have received a hand-job from Samantha Derek]

[No EXP gained]

[You have touched Samantha Derek's breasts]

[A hardly proud achievement]

[Still, Samantha Derek felt great lust from your actions]

[Your actions have brought her satisfaction]

[100 EXP gained]

[Level up]

[You will no longer receive EXP from touching Samantha Derek's breasts]

[You will no longer receive EXP from making Samantha Derek climax]

[Make Samantha Derek a partner to further gain EXP]

The messages were within his calculations and once again he noticed that the system was urging him to make Samantha his partner, only he didn't know how to.


Looking forward to your support.

Let me know if you spot any mistakes.