First day 2 (Introduction)

Chapter 17

"Steven Swenson. Pyromancer."

"Ethan Carpio. Air."

"Sidney Evans. Telepath."

"Gabriella Jackson. Shapeshifter."

"Barney Levin. Earth."

"Dina Sweeney. Water."

"Max Drake. Lightning."

"Jake Murrow. Explosion."

"Bonnie Green. Healer."

"Alyssa Stone. Telekinesis."

"Lily Wayne. Metal."

"Martha Springer. Duplicate."

"Billy Dawson. Gigantification."

The heirs of the fifteen families introduced themselves. They stated their most prominent abilities but didn't say anything about their other ones. Kevin for one knew that they had more abilities. At least two if not three. He suspected some to have four.

The rest of the students had more or less the same abilities or extensions and weaker versions of them, for example, the sitting next to Sarah was from the green family and she also had a healing ability only hers was weaker than Bonnie, the heiress of the green family.

"Nathan Clinton. Strength." The boy under the director's wing said simply.

'A muscle head it seems. Though I doubt that's the only ability he has. Raw power is easy to deal with so either he has a movement-based ability or a ranged one.' Analyzed Kevin.

A few murmurs were heard in the class, murmurs of scorn as Nathan belonged to a low-class family. He wasn't even from a rich family, hence many if not all in the room thought that he didn't belong there.

"Sasha Brown. Light." Noah's granddaughter introduced herself in a cute voice before the murmurs could increase any further.

"Sarah Callaghan. Ice" Sarah introduced herself next. Kevin knew that Sarah had more abilities. To his knowledge, she had three, but he was sure she had at least one more.

She was a talent rivaling his father, he had heard many times, which was only possible if she had five abilities, the same number as his father.

"Elizabeth Derek. Support." Elizabeth introduced herself next.

So far, the instructor hadn't commented on anyone's ability, nor had he asked them to explain their functions. but Elizabeth's introduction was too vague so he had to ask, "Can you tell what kind of support you are?"

Elizabeth nodded and said, "I can increase someone's power for a definite amount of time. How much their power increases, depends on how much energy I put in. At most, I can only increase someone's power by ten percent yet."

Saying so her hand started glowing and she pointed it at Kevin who instantly felt a power rush. His system confirmed that as well.

[You have been blessed by the Fairy queen's power]

[All stats have increased by 10 percent for 30 minutes]

'Fairy queen?' Kevin wondered.

"That's an amazing ability and a power increase even for five minutes is rare. If you can do the same, then your ability is very useful." The instructor who still hadn't introduced himself praised Elizabeth.

Lastly was Kevin. He simply stood up, with an impassive and uninterested face, and lazily said, "Kevin Derek. No ability."

For a moment, the whole class was silent. Even the instructor didn't know what to say to that. Having to ability was not rare, there were many who had no ability, but someone with no ability in a special class was a first-time case.

And the fact that no ability holders were nervous when declaring this fact but this boy in front of him was anything but nervous. It almost seemed like he didn't care or maybe that was the case.

The silence was broken by Steven Swenson, who sat in front of the class, who scoffed and said "Defect." In a low voice but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Hearing these two spikes in the class were clearly felt. One from Elizabeth which was no surprise, but the other one from Sarah which was a big surprise for everyone.

Before they could say anything though, Kevin placed his hand on Elizabeth's shoulder and simply sat down. Seeing him like that Sarah also retreated her waves.

The instructor finally snapped out and looked at his partner who was equally puzzled as this situation was the first time for her too.

'It seems I will have to discuss this with the director later.' He thought before saying. "Since all the introductions are done, I will also introduce myself. I am Benny Scout, your homeroom and physical exercises instructor."

After which he turned to his partner who simply said, "Haylee Johnson."

Benny continued her introduction as she didn't seem to want to say anything more. "She will be your instructor on how to use your abilities better."

"We still have an hour, so let's begin with a little detail about our history." As Kevin suspected the lesson began with the history of the invasion and from what Kevin had read, the instructor was repeating the same from the books in the library.

There wasn't any additional information. What he also noticed was that the history lesson would go for a few weeks at the speed he was covering it.


After their homeroom class and a brief break, everyone was now gathered in a vast circular ground that was about half the size of the stadium in which the opening ceremony was held.

They were all dressed in their tracksuits, and so were Benny and Haylee who were again just sitting on a bench just outside the field.

"As you know using abilities uses a person's stamina just like doing everything else just on a larger scale. If running for 6 hours depletes your stamina, then using your ability for 6 minutes straight at full power depleted all your stamina." Benny began with a lesson on ability usage.

"What you will do in this lesson is simple. Increase your natural body stamina through exercises and limit your abilities to use the least number of stamina but at a greater efficiency."

"For the next one and a half hours, you will perform various exercises to push yourself to the limit." He explained their curriculum.

Everyone, including Kevin, thought that it was too easy of course Kevin was the only one who thought that there was more to it than just thinking that that was it.

"Easy right? Well, you are all wrong. The field is specially designed to change the gravity of the field so the weight you will all feel is three times greater than normal." Benny explained making all of the students' frown.

But again, Kevin's vast intellect picked on another detail in Benny's explanation. If they were supposed to increase their stamina, then the difficulty of the training would also increase gradually. To what extent though, he didn't even dare to imagine.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Give me ten laps around the field right now." Benny's voice suddenly became heavy, contrasting his earlier soft voice.

But it sure worked as everyone started running, intimidated by his heavy voice.


Same drill as always.

Hope you like it.