The erotic massage

Chapter 22

"Hurry up," Elizabeth said which brought Kevin back to the land of the living.

He hurriedly put his hands on her only for Elizabeth to gasp. Though it wasn't the gasp of pleasure and Kevin could tell that too.

"Does it hurt a lot?" He asked, now concerned about her, enough to forget about her beautiful wetness which wasn't really much visible with her legs closed but still enough to mesmerize him.

"Not a lot but it's really painful. Your massages help but even then, it's hell."

Kevin was now even more concerned. This could lead to damage to her skin not to mention her feet and lags smoothness was at stake.

Forgetting about his libido and amazing view for a second, he rubbed some oil from the bottle that Elizabeth had brought with her.

He rubbed until his hands were warm enough and slowly started rubbing her feet. This time, he was fully focused, releasing the full extent of his skills.

Elizabeth instantly started feeling the effects of the massage. Her foot muscles loosened up. Gasp of comfort left her mouth.

Kevin pressed her pressure points with skill behind his movements and treated her feet like precious gems.

After some time, when Elizabeth's feet relaxed from the skillful massage, Kevin moved to her calves.

Her calves were also very tense, and he worked excellently to release all the tension in her legs.

His movements were constant and comforting, it was no wonder Elizabeth started feeling relaxed.

When her calves were equally treated as her feet, Kevin could feel that the fatigue and exhaustion she felt were now lessened considerably.

Up until now, it was for the sake of Elizabeth's Relaxation and comfort, but now it was time to move on to the part that Kevin desired.

Kevin moved to her lower thighs without a warning. His hands oiled properly and warm earned a moan from Elizabeth instead of a panicked reaction.

For Kevin, that moan was both melodic and a permission to move further.

Again, Kevin started showing his amazing skills on her plump thighs, squeezing them occasionally meanwhile Elizabeth kept moaning in a low voice that was enough to reach his ears for him to know that she was enjoying this.

Seeing that Elizabeth hadn't covered her mouth this time, Kevin knew her inhibitions were at an all-time low.

Getting all the permission he needed, he moved to her upper thighs. This time, Elizabeth moaned even louder but made no effort to stop him.

Kevin could feel some tenseness as her legs were still closed and he couldn't reach into her inner thighs.

Her skirt was lifted enough to tell him that she wasn't wearing a panty but not enough for him to feast his eyes on her marvelous perky ass.

The tenseness in her thighs soon melted though when Kevin's skillful hands worked to their full potential.

If her moans were any indication, he knew it was time to take things one step further.

Kevin parted Elizabeth's legs, slow enough for her to be aware of this move, in case she wanted to stop. As much as Kevin wanted to move further, he couldn't do so without her consent and that was only possible if she was fully aware of what was happening and not drowned in lust.

"What are you doing Kevin?" she finally spoke after her first words at the start of the massage.

"Your thighs are just at here you know." He used her answer from last time to loosen things up. He was afraid of her reaction, a bad one at least, but he kept paring her legs until he could see her soft spot.

A smooth slit. Not open to see her inner contents, but still enough to tell him about its cleanness.

Glistening a little to show her arousal and the soft fragrance that made its way to his nose was enough to tell him of her sweetness.

While he was admiring and lost in the view, he heard Elizabeth say, "You're right. A full course does sound nice."

He didn't need to hear anything more. Moving his hands before she could change her mind, he started massaging her inner thighs sensually. His soft touch on her soft and marshmallow-like thighs was incredible.

He felt like his hand could be buried in these thighs if they weren't slathered with oil. Still, he left no effort to squeeze them to his heart's content.

Moans from Elizabeth were now loud enough to echo in the room and Kevin could only pray that the rooms were soundproofed because he had no intention of stopping.

"You're quite tense here." He said while enjoying the feeling of her inner thighs on his hands.

"Then … Then you should properly take care of that part." She said in a low voice between her moans.

Getting all the permission he needed, Kevin moved a little deeper. Not deep enough to touch her wetness but enough for his fingers to accidentally brush against its outer layer occasionally.

"Why are you so tense?" Kevin asked risking everything so far. He was basically reminding her what they were doing and in doing so, she would become fully conscious of what was happening no matter how far gone she was in lust and arousal.

"Its …. Its tenseness of eighteen years. Maybe …. Maybe you are not doing a really good job if I'm still tense down there." She said between gasps.

Now Kevin needed no more confirmation anymore. She had given him the go but still limited to the pretense of massage. Meaning if he went any further, there might be a chance of things ending right there.

But Kevin was patient, unlike his erection which was on the verge of exploding out of his pants. His patience had taught him to take a step back, when necessary, no matter how tempting it was so Kevin would do just that.

"I can do a better job but for that, I would need to go further in. Would that be okay with you, madam?" Kevin asked. Since she was keeping up the pretense of a massage, Kevin would go along with her for now since it was easier for her to accept their current situation this way.

"You're the pro. Ahhh. You should know better how to deliver a massage." Making no efforts to hide her moans, Elizabeth had given him her subtle permission.

"As you wish." Shifting the whole situation on her as if he was just doing his job and following orders, Kevin moved in.

Removing her skirt that covered her ass, he exposed her lower half completely. Her ass came into his view.

For a moment he just admired it, but visual admiration was not enough to know its traits, so waiting no more time, he gently grabbed her ass with his hands, each cheek in each hand.

Soft, was his first thought.

Supple and like a marshmallow, his hands sank into her ass cheeks.

It was big, soft, supple, and bubbly. A perfect bubble butt which when covered in his hands felt so pleasant, that for a while he forgot about everything.

"Kevin, is it tense there too?" Elizabeth's voice diverted him from her hypnotic ass.

"Yes. Yes. Very." He said hurriedly. "It may feel soft to touch but it's very tense." He continued in a throaty voice while changing her marvelous bottom to various shapes as his imagination allowed.

Though Kevin hadn't seen Samantha's ass, he was certain that Elizabeth's was smaller but that didn't mean that it was less pleasant, especially since he could touch Elizabeth's right now.

Elizabeth, whose face was now no longer buried in a pillow but was visible to him, blushed even further at his remark.

In a soft voice, she answered, "But that is not where I am most tense." while blushing even more furiously. Her face was crimson, from the mix of arousal and embarrassment.

And Kevin's two years of patience almost went down in the crash when he heard her. Almost though he still managed to hold onto it. Losing it right now could bring unpleasant results and wasn't risking it.

Coming back to his senses, he replied after a brief pause, "Then I should take care of that part first."

Parting her ass cheeks, he could see her tiny, puckered hole. A tempting sight. Everyman's dream. Even his as he had seen enough porn to know what a pleasure it was.

But sadly, that wasn't his target today. Today, his target was to please Elizabeth and introduce her to the world of pleasure, as he had no doubt that Elizabeth was even less knowledgeable than him in this field if she had any knowledge at all.

Moving south from her crack, he eventually found her slit. Parting her lips, he was met with a sight of pink.

With her legs fully parted, no part of her pink pussy was hidden from him.

Her labia majora, her labia minora, her cute button-like clit, her inviting vaginal opening, and her urethral opening were all laid bare before his eyes to feast upon.

Not one part of her that Kevin didn't find beautiful. She was perfect in his fantasies, but his fantasy didn't come close to what he was seeing right now.

Her vagina was wet with arousal, its fragrance wasting in his nose, tempting him to dive in.

Resisting the urge, he said in a throaty and sensual tone, "Is this part the tensest madam?"

Crimson in shame and pleasure, Elizabeth refrained from saying anything but if her going even more red was any indication, then that was all the answer Kevin needed.

Slowly rubbing her inner lips with his fore and middle finger, coating them in her discharged wetness, he slowly traveled south.

As tempting as her vagina was, he knew enough about anatomy to know that even though it was wet with arousal right now, there was no doubt it would be tight right now.

He wanted her to orgasm before that to relax otherwise it would only hurt.

It was amazing, his willpower. But the fact that Elizabeth was special to him was playing an equally important role for him not to lose control.

Passing her urethra, he made his way to her clit. Her outer clit was sensitive to his touch and Elizabeth suddenly gasped louder when he reached it.

Slowly parting it, he revealed her sensitive button completely from its fold. Like a piece of delicate jewelry, Kevin touched it with great care.

His soft and sensual touch earned another gasp from Elizabeth along with sudden tenseness. She closed he legs with his hand still between her legs. Which was a mistake on Elizabeth's part as his hand rubbed with great intensity on her whole vagina, earning a louder moan from her.

Good thing for her that Kevin had acted fast when she closed her legs and moved his hand slightly to avoid any unforeseen action though even then he couldn't prevent his hand from being buried in her pink pussy.

After the loud moans, he tried moving it, which was a mistake on his part as she was already very sensitive, and his movement just procured the result he was yearning for. Moaning even loudly, Elizabeth's dam opened, gushing water from her vagina, soaking his hand.

She moaned and trembled, torturing Kevin in the process for his inability to achieve any sort of pleasure here.

[You have brought Elizabeth Green great satisfaction]

[LE filled up by 4]

[LE 35\35]

[You have gained 50 EXP]


[You will no longer EXP from making Elizabeth Green orgasm]

[Make Elizabeth green your partner to gain EXP again from the same action]

His system tried cheering him up by awarding EXP, but he hardly felt any joy from that. Instead, the notifications made him ponder on some things, but he cast those thoughts to the back of his head.

He could think about them later but doing so when there was a gasping and trembling beauty, feeling the aftereffects of her possible first orgasm was a blasphemy.

"I think ... I think most of my tenseness has melted away." She said in a croaky but tempting voice, tempting him to do more but he knew this was the end of their massage session.


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