
Chapter 23

Elizabeth had calmed down by now. Kevin stayed quiet until her climax high ended. He wanted to say something, but he was afraid that their conversation would flow in the wrong direction.

He was not wrong, after all, how many relations like them existed out there?

"Tell me you're not suffering from post-nut clarity?" He asked hesitantly, with a little hitch in his voice.

She turned on her back, still lying on his bed but her skirt was now covering half of her legs. She looked at him with still eyes and said, "I may not be the smartest person out there, but I know what we are doing."

"And I still came, didn't I? Why did you think I chose to come here after the classes were over when there is no pesky alert of the next class.?"

Elizabeth's questions were clear answers for Kevin. So now that he had that out of the way, he asked, "Now what? Where is our limit?" 

Elizabeth didn't answer. Instead, she pointed at his bulge in the pants which looked painful even to her, "I think you suffered from tenseness yourself while relieving mine." Her voice was a tease.

"Why don't you relieve yourself now?" She asked. She was suggesting to him to masturbate in front of her which he would have done in normal circumstances but since getting the system, he couldn't masturbate no matter what he tried.

It was like a wall blocking the sensation from crossing over. He only knew of one way, but Elizabeth's answer meant she wasn't ready for it.

"Don't worry about it." He said and continued, "I just don't want things to become awkward between us. So, if you think it's wrong at any point, say it. I'll stop."

Elizabeth just hummed to his questions and got up from his bed, she was still a little weak in the legs, but she wasn't a superhuman for nothing.

"I'll see you tomorrow then Mr. Masseuse. When I have registered everything properly and have accumulated another bout of fatigue."

She said and walked out the door, but Kevin didn't say anything. He stayed in his spot looking at the wet spot on his bet sheets, evidence of Elizabeth's pleasure.

Now that everything had ended and Kevin was left with a painful erection which he dismissed for now, he had to make a detailed analysis of the situation.

The earlier system notifications had answered some of his questions but also made some new ones.

First was the LE gain. He couldn't gain LE by climaxing himself but making a woman climax. The requirement of the woman feeling lust was still his own assumption for now.

The second thing was the experience gained. When he made Samantha climax, he had gotten 100 EXP points but for Elizabeth, he only obtained 50.

The reason could be that he didn't touch her breasts like he touched Samantha's, or it could be that Samantha was stronger than Elizabeth. He was heavily leaning over the second one.

The need to make a partner was again reminded by the system but until that moment he hadn't been told how to.


"Ugh …. How come you are fine every day?" Sasha asked Elizabeth when they were having lunch after their physical class.

"I told you; Kevin's massage does wonders. The fatigue in my feet is gone like a fart smell in the open air." Elizabeth replied to Sasha's using her usual unusual examples.

Sasha and Sarah were too tired to comment on her answer.

"Then can I have one too?" Sasha asked turning to Kevin. Sarah also looked at Kevin with no expression change, but he knew what she was asking.

"Fine but only after the classes," Kevin replied. He was hesitant at first but since Elizabeth had given the go two times, he had no problem doing so. It's not like he wasn't going to give them the full course anyway.

"Hey, Elizabeth. How are you doing?" While eating, they heard a voice call over to Elizabeth.

Kevin recognized the voice and so did Elizabeth if her contorted expression was any indication.

"What do you want Steven?" She asked without getting up or turning around to face him.

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your progress in the running field. It's really amazing that you can run almost nine laps while the rest of us are still stuck at the sixth. I can't help but admire your efforts." Steven replied in a pleasant flattering tone and with his looks, many other girls would have loved those words.

Pity, Elizabeth wasn't one of those. "Is that so? Glad to hear." She said with her back still turned to Steven but her face not any less distorted.

"I was thinking, after classes how about a movie----" He asked but was interrupted before he could finish.

"Too bad. But I got plans with Kevin and the rest already." She said, saying nothing about the future or telling him about her plans.

"Well then maybe tomor-----" once again interrupted but this time by someone else, "She said she doesn't want to go with you. How thickheaded do you have to be that you can't understand the underlying meaning of her reaction."

Kevin stood in front of Steven, their heights about the same. Steven didn't like that. In less than a second his face contorted into the ugliest expression Kevin had ever seen on someone, "What did you say defect?"

"I said she doesn't want to see your ugly face so beat it," Kevin said not backing down one bit.

It looked like things were about to be heated when a soldier was standing next to them, with both his hands on each of their shoulders.

"What is going on here?" He asked in a strict voice. His grip was strong if Steven's expression was any indicator, but Kevin didn't feel much but he could tell that the soldier was holding back.

"Nothing. Just a bit of disagreement." Kevin replied not wanting to antagonize the soldier.

"Well, whatever it is, solve it in an official and supervised duel. Not here. Violence between students is not allowed." He said while letting both of them go.

They didn't say anything to him, and Steven turned around, walking away without saying anything.

Kevin also quietly sat down only for Elizabeth to admonish him, "Control yourself. It's not good to make enemies with anyone right now. Not with your special circumstances."

Kevin just nodded and said nothing in return.

However, there was one girl at that table that had changed her view about Kevin. 'He would have really stabbed him.' Sasha thought looking at the fork in Kevin's hand.

"I don't understand, how can someone not understand the meaning of 'no'?" Elizabeth said frustrated,

"Maybe he is into your big butt," Kevin replied not caring about the appropriateness of his answer.

"Ugh… don't tell me. All I want is the image of a creep ogling at my ass." Elizabeth replied with an equally inappropriate answer.

"It's weird how you two can talk about this stuff so openly," Sasha commented on their conversation.

"You get used to it after living together for 13 years," Elizabeth replied like it was obvious while Kevin said nothing.


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