
Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments.


Chapter 38

Kevin lay down on his bed. After his sex session with Elizabeth and a thousand questions during lunch about what they did at the academy and with Elizabeth complaining about money, Kevin was pretty tired.

Though his tiredness only consisted of mental fatigue, after frequent level-ups, he was feeling amazing otherwise. However, he felt that increasing INT stat doesn't have any effect on his mental capabilities and so far, its only effect is energy increase.

Whilst thinking about all of this, his eyes felt heavy, and he fell asleep.

He woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door. Kevin stood up and opened the door to find Samantha standing there with a small blush on her face.

Kevin didn't need someone to tell him what Samantha was here for.

"I hope I didn't disturb your rest," Samantha said apologetically seeing Kevin a little sleepy.

Kevin shook his head and said, "It's nothing. Actually, I wanted to talk to you too. Come in."

Kevin let her in by stepping aside and Samantha entered his room. Kevin closed the door after her and gestured at his bed, not his chair.

Samantha sat down nervously. It was weird that she was feeling like this, like a maiden but her actions were a bit arousing for Kevin.

Her clothing consisted of a tight black pant that emphasized her generous bottom and a light blue shirt through which Kevin could see a bit of her bra.

She had changed as Samantha wasn't wearing this outfit during lunch. It was clear that she had worn it to arouse Kevin which was definitely working.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked, a little happy inwardly seeing Kevin mesmerized by her.

"Ah yeah. What was it?" Kevin said a little flustered, caught staring, but soon composed himself, "I wanted to talk about us."

Samantha suddenly felt nervous again. From Kevin's tone, it sounded like he wanted to put a stop to it, so it was strange that Samantha was nervous about it considering she was his father's wife.

Kevin noticed that expression as he had that same expression when he and Elizabeth had the same kind of talk.

"I wanted to know where we stand with what we did. And what are our limits?" Hearing his question, Samantha was relieved, but she hid that relief as soon as it had appeared, but Kevin's keen eyes had noticed it.

"That is good." Samantha said, sounding like a responsible adult, "It is good that we set some limits."

Kevin nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"First of all, considering our relationship, it is safe to say that no sex." She sounded extremely responsible but the blush on her face while saying that betrayed her.

Kevin again nodded but he also blushed a bit.

"And second, we only do this until you find a girlfriend. Until then I will help you with your problem." She said the second term, sounding as if she was purely doing this to help Kevin.

Of course, Kevin knew otherwise but kept his mouth shut about that.

"And third should be obvious but I will say it anyway. Secret. It should be our secret, and no one is to know about it." Her third condition seemed final, so Kevin also nodded while saying, "Of course."

"So now that we have this out of the way, what should I do if I require your assistance?" Kevin asked as he felt aroused by Samantha's actions. Her clothes, her nervousness, and that beautiful blush were all turning him on.

"You, you can tell me when you feel your urges and I will do my best if the situation allows," Samantha answered, stuttering a bit and blushing furiously.

That was a mistake on her part. Kevin was already heavily aroused; her furious blush only incited him further. Saying nothing, he moved closer to her slowly, and slowly bringing his hands closer to her, he grabbed her breasts.

His movements were slow, so Samantha had all the time to stop him, but she didn't which was the go sign for Kevin.

"Hum..." A moan leaked her lips which she hurriedly clamped to prevent further moans.

Kevin slowly rubbed her left breast over her shirt and bra, feeling their suppleness. They were twice the size of Elizabeth's but just as soft and perky.

Without wasting any time, Kevin unbuttoned her shirt with his other hand and Elizabeth only blushed at his movements.

Unbuttoning her shirt and revealing her bra-covered breasts, Kevin didn't remove her bra but only pushed it and pulled her breasts out of it, leaving the bra still on but her breasts free to hang.

He grabbed both of her breasts with both hands and started feeling them. They were soft but heavy, yet they weren't pointing downwards. They were defying gravity and hanging like a pair of perky breasts with no sign of sagginess in them.

"They are amazing Samantha." He said lightly before moving in and taking her hard left nipple in his mouth.

She gasped again but made no attempt to stop him. Getting all the approval he needed, he started feasting on her breasts.

His mouth was on her left hard nipple while his hand was on her other breast, he started playing with her nipples. He licked and sucked her nipple while the other one was being squeezed between his fingers.

Samantha was having a hard time keeping her voice in which finally leaked when he slightly bit on her nipple.

"Kya..." She yelped in surprise and pleasure. Kevin seeing her enjoying it, changed the nipple and paid attention to the other one he had neglected, taking it in mouth and subjecting it to the same treatment.

With his free left hand, he started moving downward, placing it on her fatless belly, and started caressing it affectionately. Samantha felt each and every one of his movements and finally let go, moaning and gasping at his movements.

Seeing her somewhat lost in pleasure, he moved his hand down a bit more until he reached the hem of her pants, but he didn't unbutton her pants but directly inserted his hands through it, finding her slit, feeling the absence of a panty.

Finally, Samantha snapped out and said between gasps, "Kevin not there." She was reminding him of the second condition.

"I know," Kevin answered, removing his mouth from her erect nipple and said, "I won't do anything. I just want to see it."

His excuse was obvious but Samantha thinking that he had never seen one before considered whether it would be okay or not.

It didn't take her long to decide though when Kevin lightly rubbed her slit and took her nipple back in his mouth.

Under pleasure, Elizabeth caved in and said, "If you are only going to look then okay."

Kevin smirked inwardly. He had taken her pants off which was all he needed. But he was sure of one thing, condition number two was about to be broken today.


Let me know if you find any mistakes.

The next chapter is Samantha so look forward to it.

Happy readings!