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Chapter 39

Kevin took her pants off slowly. He wasn't going slow so she could stop him if she wanted to. He was going slow to let her know that she was allowing it.

Finally, taking her pants off to her knees, he stared at her slit which was closed with her thighs closed. He parted her thighs a bit which was proving to be difficult with her pants on her knees so Kevin, without a warning, slid them down to her ankles.

"Haa..." Samantha gasped and hurriedly covered her intimate part with her hand. Kevin smiled. Her reaction was too endearing, especially considering she was not a schoolgirl who was doing this for the first time but an experienced woman with two marriages.

Kevin gently widened her legs until her nether region was completely in his view. Her hand may be covering her slit but the bottom of her ass and creamy milky thighs just like Elizabeth were creating an enticing scene.

"Gulp..." Kevin gulped. He wasn't seeing it for the first time, but the beauty of this scene was enhanced by Samantha's shy reaction and the red blush on her face.

"I can't see anything like that Samantha," Kevin said softly. Samantha blushed even more furiously but she still removed her hand to let Kevin see that beautiful slit.

'Clean shaven. Seems to be recently done. Someone came prepared.' Kevin thought and smirked inwardly. She was acting all shy and hesitant but clearly this much was within her expectations.

Whether anything further was something she expected or not, Kevin had yet to find out.

"It's beautiful." He said, running his fingers over her slit making Samantha shiver.

Samantha said nothing and closed her eyes. She blocked her mouth with one hand to prevent any moans from leaking. Kevin just smiled thinking how long she would be able to keep it up and parted her lips to see the inside of her slit.

Samantha's eyes widened at the sensation of her intimation exposed but she closed them again. Kevin was too mesmerized by her vagina to witness her shock.

There it was. All pink. Every component of her vagina glistening with her slight arousal and expectation. Even though Kevin had seen a pussy before and had done a lot more to it, he was still lost in the beautiful sight of this one.

He wasn't lost for too long though. If he was too slow then Samantha might start to get second thoughts about this. Though it was highly unlikely, it was still a possibility.

"Can I see it from a little closer?" He asked. He was barely holding himself back while every fiber in his body was telling him to dive in.

Samantha hesitated. Kevin tensed at her hesitation. Maybe he had read the situation wrong. But he didn't know how wrong he was.

'Hold yourself back Samantha. If you are too into it, he will think you are a loose woman.' Samantha thought inwardly while putting on a show of hesitation.

She was here because she wanted to be, and she had perfectly seduced Kevin without him knowing. Samantha wasn't a loose woman, but she was an experienced one.

The way she had played all the cards, it clearly seemed that Kevin was the one leading the situation but in reality, she was the one in control of the situation.

A few moments in, Samantha finally nodded. Kevin smirked. Feeling quite proud of himself unaware it was actually allowed by Samantha.

He moved closer but before he could, Samantha moved. Kevin panicked but only for a moment as all Samantha did was turn on her stomach, her legs hanging down the bedside.

Her great ass was in his full view along with her beautiful narrow puckered hole which seemed untouched and her moistened slit which wasn't quite closed like Elizabeth but still beautiful, nonetheless.

"It's embarrassing if I look so…" She said, her words unfinished but Kevin understood the gist of it. He figured that Samantha would be very shy seeing him doing obscene things to her.

'Yet only if she knew that she granted me a path without any obstacle.' Kevin thought while thinking that it would be easy now since Samantha couldn't see, she wouldn't be able to stop him, or at least not until she was too late.

'Finally…' Kevin wouldn't have thought that if he could see the face Samantha was currently making. Anticipation and ecstasy marred her face, she couldn't wait for Kevin to continue.

Once again, the situation was entirely under her control. Kevin was just following her lead.

Kevin again came closer, placing both of his hands on her thighs, earning a yelp from Samantha. He slowly rubbed her thighs, feeling them. They were smooth and plump. Exactly like Elizabeth's only fuller.

Kevin was amazed at how similar Elizabeth and Samantha were in every aspect. He moved his hands upwards, making his way to her giant heart-shaped plump ass.

He rubbed it slowly inducing moans from Samantha. He was doing great he thought and after some rubbing and feeling her giant ass, he moved to her hip.

Then he joined his hands in the middle of her back just above her ass crack. His right hand traveled down while the left one stayed in place.

He slowly brought his hand down her ass crack and reached her puckered rosebud. Samantha thought he would keep on moving like she had expected but she was wrong.

Kevin wanted to experience this hole as well, but it was too risky with Elizabeth. It was equally risky with Samantha but for a different reason. He wasn't in love with her.

[Skill forbidden play has been used on Samantha Derek]

[LE -30]

[LE 35\65]

Kevin used a skill for the first time and felt something leave him. He had consumed LE before when it was used to heal him but that was the system's doing. Right now, he was doing it himself and he felt as if something was leaving him.

He traced it faintly back in his body, but he lost track of it around his chest, so he had no choice but to give up.

And in the current situation, he couldn't afford to dilly-dally around. Focusing back on Samantha, he felt her anus smoother than before. As if it was lubricated but there were no signs of any lubricant.

It smelled nice as well. Like roses. Was it the skills' effect?

Kevin didn't ponder anymore and pushed his forefinger inside.

Samantha jumped. "Kevin! What are you doing?" She asked, turning to face him but kept lying in the same position.

Kevin didn't answer, but instead pushed his finger deeper inside. "Ahhhhh…." Samantha moaned. Moaned not shrieked. She felt pleasure from this. She was puzzled as it wasn't supposed to feel good. Only pain. Which was why she had never tried it before.

"Kevin… Stop…" She said in between gasps when Kevin started moving his finger inside and out completely, fingering her asshole bringing her pleasure in the process.

Samantha was feeling pure ecstasy from his finger. Kevin saw that and marveled at how tight it felt around his finger.

Feeling amazed, he pushed another finger inside. "Ohhhh…." Samantha arched her head backward. She started moaning without a constraint. Her moans are an encouragement for Kevin to do more.

He inserted another finger inside which was Samantha's limit. "AAAANNNNHHHHOOOHHH…..." She moaned very loudly almost drilling a hole in Kevin's eardrums and came.

Her incoherent moan and her gush of wetness both assaulted Kevin and he fell into bliss. Showered in her squirt, his whole face was wet from it and even his shirt was wet from the collar area.

He stopped the movement of his fingers but kept them in feeling Samantha's tremble after her explosive explosion. He slowly removed them from her asshole and watched how her forbidden hole gaped and contracted.

He was amazed and mesmerized by this sight. On instinct, still eyes on her asshole, he freed his member and aligned it to her backdoor entrance.

Samantha who had just snapped out of her ecstasy, felt something touching her near her hole. She panicked, she had felt something for the first time and felt great pleasure from it as well.

But fingers and a gigantic cock were two different things.

"Kevin... No... that would tear me apaaaarrr-------" She shrieked when Kevin thrust in half in one stroke interrupting her plea to stop.

"Annghh." Kevin groaned loudly. Enveloped by her tight tunnel, he was trying very hard to fight back his urge to release.

He was only halfway in, yet he felt like he would release his load even at a slight movement and the way Samantha was clenching her anus in fear wasn't helping him in the least.

A few moments in, Samantha calmed down when she didn't feel any movement. Her anus relaxed a little, still tight but a bit relaxed. Kevin's urge also died down to a certain degree, enough for him to move.

"I'm going to move now." He informed Samantha while moving his hips a little. He extracted his manhood from her tunnel slowly, earning a whimper of pleasure from her while doing so.

She was feeling pleasure from it. Kevin suspected that it was the effect of her skill that she was feeling no pain as the description had said something about it.

Finally, when he pulled enough for only his head to be in, he pushed inside again. Samantha braced herself for another bout of pleasure she had never felt before. She was having a hard time trying to hold herself from moaning from the unfamiliar pleasure.

Kevin started moving. Slowly and steadily, he started filling her and then stopped when he was two-thirds inside. He pulled again and repeated his movement, every time going deeper than before.

Soon he had established a rhythm. He wasn't ramming inside her but going slowly. Still, this slow movement was hard for him as the grip from her tightness on his shaft was otherworldly. It was a miracle he hadn't exploded yet.

But luck was on his side. Samantha was feeling immense pleasure just from this simple movement. She exploded again soon, just moments before he caved in with another shriek.

"OHMYGOOODDDD-----" She couldn't help but gasp and moan loudly after another immense orgasm. Her anus tightened so much on her orgasm that Kevin felt she would cut his tool in half.

Not being able to hold himself back anymore, he also erupted in, filling her bowels with his essence.

"Angh..." He groaned and emptied himself in her, spurt after spurt. He hadn't cum like that before. This was the most pleasurable orgasm he had had.

He fell on her, lying on top of her, feeling her body trembling with pleasure, the slight vibration enhancing the pleasure on his penis still buried deep inside her.


[You have performed Anal intercourse with Samantha Derek]

[You have taken Samantha Derek's Anal maidenhood]

[Extra points will be granted]

[You have gained 1400 EXP]

[You will not gain EXP from Anal intercourse with Samantha Derek again]

[Make Samantha Derek a partner to further gain EXP]

[Level up]

[Quest complete]




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