
Chapter 40

Multiple notifications appeared in Kevin's view, but he ignored them. He had completed a quest and leveled up but right now, he wasn't able to register anything.

Samantha's forbidden tunnel was tightening around him, keeping him hard. He moved slightly. Samantha quivered at his movement but didn't have enough energy to say anything.

Kevin, seeing no sign of protest, moved again. His movements were slow, he positioned himself behind her in the same position and started fucking her again. His movements were however faster than before. Still slow but a little faster than before.

Even that was difficult for Kevin as the tightness brought him to the edge again even though he had just emptied himself inside her.

Samantha started moaning at some point, the pleasure getting to her. She clenched her anus again which was the point of no return for Kevin. He came again. Only this time, he couldn't make her cum.

"YES!" Samantha moaned when she felt her bowels being filled with Kevin's hot spunk again.

Kevin didn't stop his movements even while he came. The pleasure was too much for him to stop. The way Samantha was clenching herself now was entirely different than before. Before she was only clenching out of fear but right now, she was clenching according to her experience.

The feeling was entirely different, and Kevin couldn't hold himself back.

[You have performed Anal intercourse with Samantha Derek]

[No experience points gained]

[Make Samantha Derek a partner]

A new set of messages appeared in Kevin's view, but he ignored it. He was too far gone in lust and pleasure to care about any of that.

Kevin kept moving even when his orgasm passed. Soon he was on the edge once more. His third orgasm however was accompanied by Samantha's own.

"KEVIN... Aaaannnhhh" Unlike Elizabeth, Samantha was very expressive when she felt pleasure which turned Kevin on even more.

"Arrgh..." For the third time, Kevin discharged everything in her anus, thrusting as deep as he could.

Spent, he again fell on Samantha who was trembling as her orgasm passed over her. Her slight stirrings again kept Kevin hard.

[You have performed Anal intercourse with Samantha Derek]

[No experience points gained]

[Make Samantha Derek a partner]

The same set of messages appeared but this time Kevin could spare them some time. He had made Elizabeth a partner when he had confessed to her but according to the system, a commitment was made which meant that the confession wasn't the key. something else needed to be done.

'I will have to look into that.' He thought while opening the messages from before.

[Quest complete]

[Sex Demon's Legacy 1]

[You have stepped into the realm of a third-rate warrior]

[Your journey for strength has now officially begun]

[You have gained the skill: Dark thoughts]

'Third-rate warrior? What does that mean? Is it a power classification?' Kevin thought when he read the notifications given by the system upon his level up.

[A quest has arrived]

[Sex Demon's Legacy 2]

[Synopsis: Sex demon has left various rewards for you in his inheritance.

You who have taken baby steps on the road of cultivation are now a beginner martial artist. Become stronger and take your place among the overlords of your world.

Mission: Reach level 20

Reward: 5 LPs

Punishment: None

Time limit: None]

'Now I am sure it is some sort of power classification. But what does it mean by martial arts?' Kevin became more confused as he read but kept going on as there was still something left.

The reward was different this time but something Kevin welcomed. he needed LPs for his personal growth along with the overall growth provided by the system. A specialization in other words.

[Dark thoughts LV1]

[Confuse your enemy. The skill reaches the inner mind of your opponent and shows them what they fear, what they want, and what they desire.

At higher levels and with the great strength of the user, you can even destroy the minds of your opponents and make them mindless puppets.

Effect: Corrupts and confuses your opponent. Works on multiple enemies.

Requirement: No LE is required. The effect depends on the user's INT stat and the skill level. The opponent's will and mental powers are also factors for this skill to work.

Cool down: 5 minutes]

Kevin gulped. After reading all the information about the skill, Kevin was a little scared. This description wasn't quirky in the least.

The effect was scary and maybe not now but at later stages, would he really be able to play with people's minds? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

The description was ominous and there was no quirkiness in it, unlike his earlier two skills. Kevin realized that it wasn't all about sex. This skill was dangerous and if he really could destroy minds then he would have to be careful when he uses them. Noe he realized the word demon in the system had an entirely different meaning than he had thought.

Before Kevin could think any further, he again felt a shiver throughout his whole body only this one wasn't out of dread but of pleasure. Samantha was once more clenching around his hardness.

Kevin was tempted to go for another round but the knowledge of no experience out of it made him a little disappointed. So, he pulled out.

Samantha who felt the absence of Kevin made a disappointed face but soon it turned to surprise. She didn't panic but the voice in which she said her next words was panicked.

"Kevin! Please not there." She said pretending to panic when she felt Kevin's member aligned with her vaginal hole, his fingers parting her slit to reveal her lubricated wetness.

"But I am still hard Samantha," Kevin said, entering the head of his penis inside, making Samantha shiver.

"Yes, but this is wrong. You can put it back in the other one," Samantha argued. But at the same time, clamped her vagina around his head to give him the greatest pleasure ever.

"NNgghhh…." Kevin groaned but he didn't listen to her. "That one is already full," Kevin said in his defense. It actually was. Kevin's semen was dripping out of it slowly making a scene that was hard to describe in words but aroused Kevin incredibly.

Before she could argue back, Kevin thrust inside, in one stroke more than half of his penis was inside her.

"Annnhhhh…." Samantha moaned and arched her back and raised her head. Her face still not visible to Kevin was full of happiness and ecstasy.

If only Kevin could see that. The sight of her face alone could have made him climax very hard.

Trying to fight off the pleasure, Kevin pulled out and pushed back in, this time with more force, going in deeper than before. Only an inch of his cock was left outside which he couldn't insert because her thick ass was fully smashed against his thighs.

But even this much was too much for both of them. Samantha was incredibly tight. As tight as Elizabeth which was a wonder as Elizabeth was a recent virgin.

Samantha on the other hand had never had one gone so deep in before. And along with the absence of anything in her for a long time, she was feeling too much pleasure.

Kevin couldn't hold himself in that tightness, but he didn't want to discharge just now. He wanted this moment to last. He started drilling inside her, slowly picking up speed. His release was close, so he wanted to make the most of it.

Alas, it didn't even take ten full strokes for him to cum.

[You have performed vaginal sex with Samantha Derek]

[You have gained 1000 EXP]

[EXP 1530\2000]

Kevin's eyes widened at the amount of experience he had gained. It was double the amount of Elizabeth. He couldn't think too much about it though as the notifications continued.

[Achievement obtained]

[You have done something even The Sex Demon couldn't do.

You have cuckolded your own father.

A marvelous achievement.

Reward: You won't get tired when having intercourse with Samantha Derek]

Kevin felt a little awkward at the wording. Only now did he realize that he had indeed boned his stepmother and his father's wife. But for some reason, it felt really good deep down, but he didn't know why.

'That's not a very useful reward.' He thought which he was quick to change when he felt his member come back to life. Even after four orgasms, he wasn't tired at all. He was starting to feel it before he received the achievement but right now he was fresh as new.

Samantha who was feeling warm and bliss after feeling Kevin's hotness discharged inside her was smiling ear to ear. But that smile didn't last too long as she felt Kevin moving again.

'What stamina.' She was flabbergasted. Four times and Kevin was still able to go. She was amazed. Unfortunately for her, she was in for a ride as Kevin may not gain any more experience from her, but he was far too gone in lust to let her go anytime soon.


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