Quest of anger

Chapter 41

Kevin groaned and emptied himself inside Samantha for the umpteenth time. He had forgotten how many times he had come inside Samantha by now. What he did know was that he would feel refreshed after each ejaculation.

It wasn't that he wouldn't get tired during sex with Samantha, but he would feel completely refreshed as if all his fatigue had washed away after cumming inside her. Also, it only worked in her pussy. The same didn't happen when he came in her ass.

Kevin collapsed on top of her, his head buried in her generous bosom. Both of them were covered in sweat from the extensive exercise. Samantha was completely drained. She was so powerless that she couldn't even form proper words during their last few sessions.

She could only lay there and moan. However, it wasn't bad for her. The ecstasy she had felt was something else. She had never done something like this in her whole life.

Kevin moved. He slowly extracted himself from her warm wet mushy cave with a groan. She also moaned in the process. She had regained some of her energy after the brief moment of reprieve.

But Kevin didn't get off of her. He moved forward and straddled her with his knees around her arms, his thighs on her breasts, his dick near her mouth. Dangerously close. Samantha didn't need to be told what to do.

She quietly opened her mouth and took in Kevin's rod which was glistening with both of their juices. She didn't care though. The taste was heavenly to her. Quite literally so. Kevin's semen's taste had changed since getting the system but neither of them knew.

Kevin felt a strange satisfaction seeing Samantha lying underneath her, obediently cleaning his cock, bringing him closer to another orgasm.

She sucked on his cockhead for a few seconds and then moved to take him deeper. Effortlessly she took half of his length inside her mouth, making him groan. It was completely different from Elizabeth's blowjob. Samantha knew which spot was sensitive and what intensity of suction to apply.

Kevin thought that the surprise would end there only to be astonished once again when she took him deeper, two thirds of his cock disappeared in her mouth, entering her throat. Her throat was tight. Nothing compared to her womanly parts but still tight enough to bring him pleasure.

The feeling was too much for a newbie like Kevin. Along with the look in her eyes which were locked with his and the strange satisfaction from before, Kevin suddenly erupted with a groan. He lost the battle to hold even before it started.

Kevin directly discharged in her throat and Samantha somehow swallowed all of it, a clear gulping sound reaching Kevin turning him on even now. Alas, this time the effect of the achievement didn't kick in. Kevin's cock finally softened.

[Samantha Derek has given you a blowjob]

[Samantha Derek has consumed your semen]

[Samantha Derek is not a partner]

[There will be no effect]

[You have gained 400 EXP]

He pulled out of her mouth and got off of her. Samantha was still just lying there, her lower holes leaking his cum while her face was full of ecstasy, her eyes connected to him.

Kevin moved and took her in a princess hold. Samantha didn't reject or protest, but her eyes showed clear confusion at what Kevin intended to do. Kevin moved to the bathroom carrying her. He gently laid her down in the bathtub and turned the water on.

Both of them didn't say a word and let the whole situation play out. Once the water was filled, Kevin took the soap and started cleaning Samantha. He started with her shoulders, then her arms.

Then he supported her with one hand and started scrubbing her back. Samantha purred softly at Kevin's tender treatment. Once done with her back, he came to her front. He applied soap to her chest and started rubbing it all over.

"Mmmm…" Samantha moaned at the tender attention Kevin was giving to her breasts. It wasn't lust. There was no lust in his movements. Only tenderness and she loved it.

Kevin pinched her nipples softly as if cleaning them. Then he moved lower. Since there wasn't any lust in his actions, he didn't linger longer at any of her sensitive parts. His goal was to show Samantha that he wasn't only interested in her body. He cared for her as well.

He didn't love her. That was true but that didn't mean he would treat her like an object of pleasure. She was as important to him as any other person. Elizabeth was just on another level.

He cleaned her thighs, and her feet and then returned to her thighs again, his hands traveling on the thigh highway, headed to the forbidden city. Her forbidden garden. The place he had defiled so many times he had lost count and he had loved every minute of it. he had no doubt she did too.

Finally, he reached her pussy which was still flowing some of his semen out. He started cleaning her gently. "Ahhh..." She moaned when he rubbed her lower lips. Her moan wasn't like before though. It was the moan of comfort.

She was feeling a different type of satisfaction with Kevin's tender actions. Her angelic moan reached Kevin's ears and his loins stirred but he held on. He had to hold back. If he didn't, there would be no point in doing this right now.

Once done with outer lips, he inserted a finger inside her, inducing another charming moan from her.

"How is it?" He asked finally, not being able to hold back. He was nervous at her answer. Worried about what she might think.

"It feels soft," Her reply came. "The care you are showing to me. No one has ever treated me like that." She continued her answer. "I have never felt so wanted yet cared for at the same time." She said smiling.

Kevin smiled at her answer and continued fingering her softly. His goal wasn't to make her climax but just to clean her.

"What do you mean never?" He asked when he turned his attention to her puckered hole, turning her around in the tub with his hands.

She followed his silent directives and answered. "I have ever been with two men in my life. Both my husbands. One saw me as an object of jealousy and hate while the other one only ever saw me as a political tool."

"Let me guess the second one is my father," Kevin replied knowing full well how he was. Samantha chuckled at his response.

"Yep." She answered. Kevin smiled knowingly while cleaning her butt cheeks, rinsing them with water, and then turned his attention to her tight hole while saying, "And your first husband?"

"Leave it," Samantha replied. Kevin thought she was talking about the topic, so he replied, "Okay" and carried on with the cleaning.

"No, leave it. Leave it inside." She clarified turning her face to him. Kevin understood what she meant now.

"But won't it be…" He didn't complete his sentence, instead waited for her to finish it with her own answer.

"I want to feel this moment for as long as I can." She replied turning to her back, sitting with her face toward him, a cheeky smile on her face. It was a lot like Elizabeth's mischievous smile but a lot more seductive.

Kevin gulped. Both at her expression and the thought of her semen inside her while she sleeps next to his father. Kevin was harder than a rock right now.

Samantha spoke before he could dwell anymore on it though. "Join me." She spoke. Kevin snapped out of his imagination and unplugged the lid in the bathtub, washing the water down the drain. Then he filled the tub with fresh warm water and joined Samantha.

Samantha moved forward to let Kevin sit behind her and once he was settled, she lifted herself a little, enveloping Kevin rock hard pole inside her vagina, and sat on him, taking him deepest as she could.

"Annhh…" "Aghh..." Samantha moaned while Kevin groaned, both in pleasure. A few moments later, the moment passed. He was still inside her, the urge to move stronger than ever but he didn't. he had had his way before. Now it was Samantha's turn.

Besides, after hearing her words about how she was treated most of her life, he was already feeling a little guilty of his earlier actions so right now he was trying his hardest to not make her feel like that as well.

"He was an abuser." She suddenly said. Kevin froze at her words. To stunned to react. He thought he had heard wrong but then she said, "He used to beat me," Ensuring Kevin he hadn't heard wrong.

Kevin couldn't imagine that Samantha was a victim of domestic violence.

"He was jealous. He had only one ability while I had two." She continued her story. "I was more important to the Green family than he, the actual member was. He didn't like that."

Kevin felt her tremble, it wasn't the tremble of pleasure, but the tremble of pain. She was in pain living the memories of her past. He wanted to tell her to stop so she wouldn't unearth any more of those painful memories, but his voice wouldn't come out.

So, he only did what he could. He hugged her from behind to comfort her and started moving ever so slowly and tenderly. Samantha moaned and smiled at Kevin's care. Kevin was always sweet to her in his own way. Even now he was trying to comfort her in his own unique way.

"Then, why didn't you leave him?" He asked after a few moments. Samantha had no reason to be with him and it wasn't an era where women were powerless. Not to mention that the Green family was a woman-dominant family. Surely, they would have stood up against his actions.

"I did. For a while but then I had to return. I had to endure it." She said in return. Kevin understood that he shouldn't have asked this question. Whatever the reason was, it was much more painful for Samantha than getting abused herself.

So, Kevin didn't ask why. Why did she return even when she knew he would hurt her? Kevin didn't ask her that. One reason was that he didn't want Samantha to feel more pain. The other was something else.

Deep down he felt that he would like the second reason. He didn't know what it was, but he wouldn't like it.

Yet, "Why?" Unknowingly escaped his mouth. It was on instinct. His mind hadn't asked that question. But still, somehow, that question had left his mouth.

Samantha turned to face him, her face full of tears and she said, "Because if it wasn't me, then it was my Liz." She answered with a croaked broken voice.

Kevin's whole being froze. Samantha kept crying and saying, "My sweet innocent Liz." But Kevin failed to register any word that left her mouth. He failed to register anything. Only one thought reverberated in his mind.

"I'll kill him." That's all he thought. He even failed to remember that the person of discussion was dead. He kept on repeating 'I'll kill him' in his mind. On reflex, his arms around Samantha tightened and he pressed her head in his chest, but he didn't know he had done that.

He was still lost. Picturing Elizabeth hurt and it angered him. It angered him so much that something inside him started reacting. Something in his abdomen.

[A quest had arrived]

A system notification snapped him out of his crazed phase. He looked at it.

[First partner's pain]

[Someone who had hurt your first partner is still out there, living his life.

Find him.

Hunt him.

Hurt him.

Quell the anger within you with his blood.

Make him feel the pain your partner felt a thousand times and then hurt him more that even the Devil trembles.

Objective: Find and Kill Samuel Green

Time limit: none

Reward: none

Punishment: Death]


Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Happy readings!!!