Rank Upgrade

Chapter 44

Kevin lay there in the bathtub with Elizabeth in his hold. Her cheeks were a little puffed which was her way of showing her anger which quite frankly made it really hard for Kevin to be afraid of her when she looked like that.

He had made sure to lock the bathroom door or he risked the chance of Samantha waking up and finding them both.

Since Kevin was free for the time being, he checked the notifications from before to see the changes.


[You have performed Anal intercourse with Elizabeth Green]

[You have taken Elizabeth Green's Anal maidenhood]

[Extra points will be granted]

[You have gained 420 EXP]

[Elizabeth Green has gained 280 EXP]

[Elizabeth Green is now level 12]

[You have gained 1 partner point]

Elizabeth had finally leveled up. He didn't know whether there was a stat increase or not, but he had found a way to gain the partner points.

"Liz." He called her.

She huffed but didn't reply. Kevin chuckled again but continued, "Okay you can stay angry for as long as you want but I need you to tell me something," He paused a little to see if she was listening or not, which she was, still with puffed cheeks and he continued, "When I came inside you, did you feel something? Like some sort of refreshing energy?"

Kevin waited for her answer which didn't come for a long time. Kevin waited patiently. It's not like he had a choice.

Finally, after some time, Elizabeth replied, her face still turned away from him, "Yes."

Kevin nodded. Deciding to ask her later when she won't be angry.

Deciding so, he moved on to the rest of the notifications.

[You are the first man to have taken every maidenhood of Elizabeth Green]

[Achievement obtained]

[Be the first man of a woman in every way.

Reward: Extra pleasure when performing any sort of sexual action with Elizabeth Green]

It was another achievement, but the reward wasn't that amazing. Still, Kevin didn't mull over it though.

But it was too soon for Kevin to be disappointed.

[Elizabeth Green is your partner]

[Reward will be evolved]

[Elizabeth Green is your first partner]

[Reward will be evolved]

[Your achievement has been evolved into a title.]

[Title: Elizabeth's first man]

[Effect: 10 percent increase in EXP gain from every sexual act with Elizabeth, 50 percent extra pleasure when a sexual act is performed with Elizabeth Green

Note: The bonus EXP will not be shared with Elizabeth Green]

Kevin was really pleased by the new reward. 'This means that I will share 30 percent of EXP with Liz now.' His analysis was correct though he didn't mind sharing that as well.

But what really interested Kevin was the pleasure increase. Kevin was curious whether it would be just for him or for both of them. Also, will this title have limitations like Samantha's achievement which said about being refreshed but Kevin only felt refreshed when he came inside her vagina?

'I guess there is only one way to find out.' Kevin thought and brought his hand to Elizabeth's breasts. She turned to him with her cheeks still puffed but before she could say something, Kevin pinched her nipples slightly and a shiver of pleasure ran throughout her body.

Kevin had played with her breasts before, and it was amazing but this time she felt as if the pleasure she was feeling was enhanced.

She moaned loudly, forgetting to protest after the heavenly feeling coursed through her. Kevin seeing that it was effective, moved and made Elizabeth sit on her knees, her hand on the bathtub edge.

Without further role-play, he aligned his shaft on her vagina entrance, and without any further ado, he pushed in slowly.

Amazing. Warm. Wet. Soft. At once many sensations assaulted him and it wasn't just him, Elizabeth opened her mouth at the new sensation, but no sound came out of her mouth. It was too much and too unexpected.

'Is it because of the new thing?' She thought inwardly as this could be the only reason for the enhanced pleasure she was feeling.

Kevin on the other hand who knew why he was feeling so much pleasure than usual was amazed at the miracle performed by the system.

"You feel amazing Liz," Kevin said in a soft voice.

"Ahann…" Elizabeth's reply came in the form of a moan and the tightening of her pussy showing she loved it as much as he did.

Taking her moan as encouragement, Kevin started moving at a moderate speed. He wasn't going slow, but he wasn't going fast like their earlier session. He was moderate yet the pleasure he felt was something he had never felt before from Elizabeth.

Though her tight anus was a different kind of sensation, so Kevin wasn't comparing it to that. He kept on moving while rubbing her breasts with both his hands, planting soft kisses on the back of her neck.

"Ahaannn... Ah… Ah… Ah…" Elizabeth moaned loudly, and her pussy tightened as her climax passed through her. Kevin stopped to let her breathe for a bit and then resumed his thrusting.

He wasn't too far from his release, but he wanted to make her climax once more before he would. It was a shame that the same perk as Samantha wasn't granted to Elizabeth. He couldn't go on forever with her, so he decided to make the most of it.

"AHHHNNNN…" Finally, he achieved his goal in a few minutes as Elizabeth was already very sensitive from her earlier climax, so it didn't take long for her to cum again.

Her pussy again tightened around his shaft and Kevin released inside her with a groan. Her moans only heightened his pleasure along with the heavenly sensation of her inner walls clamping around him.

[You have performed vaginal intercourse with Elizabeth Green]

[You have gained 350 EXP]

[Elizabeth Green has gained 200 EXP]

EXP 1000\2200]

[Elizabeth Green (Soldier) LV 12 (400\2400)]

Kevin noticed he was getting closer to Elizabeth in terms of level and soon he would surpass her. Most of it was courtesy of Sex with Samantha though since Elizabeth would only gain experience if he performed intercourse with her.

"It was amazing Liz." He said softly again planting soft kisses on her neck. She moaned in satisfaction and moved back, making Kevin do so as well. They returned to their earlier position with Kevin sitting down and Elizabeth on top of her, his manhood buried deep inside her was the only difference.

"I'm still mad though." She replied after some time.

Kevin chuckled and said, "Which means I have to keep on trying."

Elizabeth who understood his meaning couldn't help but anticipate how lovely and pleasing his apology would be. She tightened at the thought and Kevin felt it as well.

Kevin chuckled but he had to hold himself back. There was something he had been putting off for a while but now he wanted to try it to see whether it would be good or bad.

"Liz." He called her.

"Hmm?" She replied to him this time, showing she was no longer angry at him.

"I'm gonna try something. I don't know what it is, but I want to do it. Do you trust me?" Kevin asked.

At first, Elizabeth thought he was suggesting something sexual, but his last words changed her mind.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Was what she said in reply.

Kevin nodded and opened his system.

[Would you like to upgrade your partner's grade?]

[Cost 5 partner points]


Taking a deep breath, Kevin pressed 'Yes' in his mind and Elizabeth started glowing.

[5 partner points consumed]

[Your partner Elizabeth Green is now evolving to her next grade]

Her glow which was faint at first started getting brighter and brighter with each second until it got to the point that Kevin had to close his eyes.

Soon the glow started to recede, and Kevin opened her eyes to look at Elizabeth. Only her back was visible to him, but he couldn't feel any major changes to her.


[Your partner's grade had increased from 'Soldier' to 'Warrior']

[EXP gain increase by 25 percent]

[All stats of Elizabeth Green raised by 2]

[Next upgrade requires 15 partner points]

Kevin was pleasantly surprised at the new set of notifications. It was a sufficient improvement. Too bad he couldn't upgrade her rank anymore because he was short of partner points. But now that he knew how to gain more, he could do so easily.

Kevin was sufficiently satisfied with this development, but he was yet to be surprised when Elizabeth turned to him with shock written on her face and said, "Kev, I just awakened a new ability."


Six more chapters to go before i plan to go premium.

I would appreciate it if you would stick with me until then because this is a trial version of what my novel is gonna be like.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Do not forget to leave reviews as they are very important for me at this point.

Looking forward to your replies.

Happy readings.