Spar again

Welcome luer_9. I hope you enjoyed my novel and will continue to do so.


Chapter 47

[You have performed vaginal intercourse with Elizabeth Green]

[You have gained 350 EXP]

[Elizabeth Green has gained 200 EXP]


[LV 14

HP 75\75

LE 125\125

EXP 800\2800

STR 18

AGI 18

END 18

INT 26

CHR 18

LP 0

Skills: Teleportation (LV: max), Forbidden play (LV: max), Dark Thoughts (LV:1)

Titles: Elizabeth's First Man

Partner(s): Elizabeth Green (Warrior) LV 13 (520\2600)

Partner points: 12]

After three weeks of extensive exercise, Kevin's level had risen by three while Elizabeth's level had only increased by one. Though there was no doubt she enjoyed any less.

Today was Friday. The day of their spar and tomorrow there was some sort of exploration which they weren't told anything about.

Kevin had a hunch it was what his uncle was talking about. Kevin's progress was fast but not that much considering he had no skills and the one that he had related to combat was so dangerous that Kevin didn't want to use it recklessly.

'My stats have increased by a lot since then. I doubt I will have much problem during today's spar.' Kevin thought inwardly while he saw Elizabeth dealing with her opponent with her superior combat skills.

Elizabeth had no combat ability before but now even if she did, she couldn't just recklessly show it as the Greens were already desperately after her when she only had three abilities. Now that she has four, the Greens would become even more desperate.

She had become a lot better after sparring with Kevin last three weeks as Kevin's skills in combat were superior to anyone in the class.

Dodging another earth spike, she maneuvered directly behind her opponent and delivered a straight strike to his spine, neutralizing him without much effort.

"Kevin Derek and Nathan Clinton," Benny called out next. Kevin moved to the stage while Nathan also made his way.

"I won't go easy on you," Nathan said while cracking his hands.

"Unless you don't intend to show the rest of your abilities, you won't be able to win," Kevin replied.

During the past three weeks, Nathan, Kevin, and the rest of the group had gotten quite friendly. Sasha was the one who had invited Nathan to their study group which then became the lunch group and then the group to train.

Nathan nodded at Kevin's words. He had seen Kevin fight and was sure that he wouldn't just be able to defeat him with his power ability. He needed more than strength to take Kevin down but that would mean showing his trump card before all of these hostile individuals.

But there was one thing Kevin had missed. He wasn't the only one who had improved during these last three weeks. Everyone else had improved too and unlike him, they could raise their physical capabilities naturally.

This fact became apparent when Nathan started running towards Kevin at a good speed. He wasn't too fast, but he wasn't slow either. 'His speed is good enough to react to normal attacks.' Kevin analyzed and moved to his left which Nathan expected and changed his direction.

'Too bad.' Kevin thought as he easily changed his direction again as his move was a feint. Nathan who had put a lot of power behind his push couldn't stop himself and Kevin simply readied a fist which would drive itself in using Nathan's own momentum.

Kevin delivered a good hit but unfortunately, Nathan's endurance was quite high with his bulky appearance.

Kevin had dealt a decent damage, but it was hardly threatening. Things weren't easy for Nathan as well. Though Kevin was in his range, he couldn't react fast enough to catch him. His speed was already moderate, then add the earlier strike of Kevin.

It was no wonder he couldn't react when Kevin slipped away. 'One hit would be a considerable damage.' Kevin thought while he pressed his fist with which he had hit Nathan. It was numb slightly just from hitting Nathan.

Kevin didn't dare to imagine what would happen if Nathan's attack connected.

Nathan moved again while Kevin resorted to the cautious approach. But he was quick to discard that thought when suddenly Nathan sped up.

Nathan had used his second ability to suddenly increase his speed which had caught Kevin off guard.

Kevin couldn't dodge. All he could do was reduce the damage and even that with a very dangerous option.

[Skill Dark thoughts has been used]

[Your opponent is confused for three seconds]

It wasn't much but that was enough for Kevin to move sideways and take his attack on his left arm. Nathan's whole fist hadn't connected only the side of it. But even that was quite strong as Kevin was pretty sure he had heard a crack.

Kevin quickly turned, bearing the pain, and delivered a flying kick straight at Nathan's temples using all his strength and speed.

His kick connected and Nathan was further disoriented from it. He took a few steps but fell down after a few seconds.

Kevin was relieved but he wasn't proud of his victory. Both of his moves were dirty, and he wasn't comfortable using them. Using them on someone with low defense could even permanently damage them.

"Winner. Kevin Derek."

After that, a healer came forward and healed Kevin which was quite easy. There was nothing wrong with Nathan and Kevin was very relieved to hear that.

Soon all the spars were done, and Benny once again came forward to announce, "Tomorrow, you will be going to a very special place. It will be really difficult so get plenty of rest today."

The class was dismissed, and Kevin made his way back to his room. Elizabeth caught up with him and asked, "What do you think tomorrow will be?"

"I have no idea but the way they are training us, whatever it is, it's probably dangerous," Kevin responded.

"Whatever it is; I doubt they will let anything happen to us," Elizabeth replied lazily, while she sat on his bed while Kevin didn't answer. It was true that they wouldn't let anything happen to them.

However ever since he had come to the academy, one thing had been plaguing his mind. What was the special class? The other academies didn't have it so why did they?

'I have a feeling it is related to tomorrow and the government.' Kevin thought when he turned to Elizabeth to explain only to swallow his words when he saw her lying face down, completely naked, a pillow under her abdomen.

Her creamy ass was raised in the air slightly through which her forbidden hole which he had only tasted once, and clean slit were visible.

"I love it when you get lost like that even after all this time." She said with a smirk and a little blush on her face.

Kevin moved closer to her after her comment and placed his hand on her ass, brought his face closer to hers, and took her in a kiss while turning her around on her back and getting on top of her.

"It would be a crime if I wouldn't," Kevin said softly, breaking their kiss for a little while.

His left hand was still underneath her, fondling her generous ass while his other one traveled to her left breast and started playing with it.

"Mmmm…." Elizabeth moaned inside his mouth at his sensual touch.

Kevin felt himself going even harder at her reactions and the wonderful feeling he felt from her body.

Without holding himself, he straightened himself and took off his shirt. Elizabeth helped with his pants and his hard-on sprang upwards. Standing fully at attention.

"I'm amazed with how good this feels every time." She said grabbing his shaft and giving it a few slow strokes.

Kevin closed his eyes and relished the feeling of her soft hands.

Elizabeth moved from under him and got on all fours in front of his dick. Kevin knew what was coming and prepared himself for it.

"Did you miss me Mister Please?" She asked while giving his glans a soft kiss. Kevin shuddered at her soft and seductive words and her sensual kiss on his top.

"Mister Please?" he asked a while later.

"Yeah, Mister Please. One of the many names I have for this little fella." She answered looking at Kevin mischievously. She gave his shaft a long lick from bottom to top.

"Why 'Please'?" Kevin chuckled and asked.

"Because he gives me so much pleasure." She replied with a cute wink that made Kevin throb.

"Oh! Did you like that Mister Please?" She asked with a cute fake surprise.

"I thought I did that?" Kevin argued while smiling.

"Hmph! You? You are just lucky Mister Please is attached to you." She replied cutely.

"Oh really!? "Kevin replied.

"Yes really," Elizabeth said in return.

Kevin shook his head and threw her down, pinning her underneath him. "If you love Mister please so much, then have a taste of it," Kevin said before impaling her as far as her tunnel allowed.

"Ahhhnnnn…." She moaned loudly at the sensation of being filled to the brim in one stroke.

Kevin, who was amused at her shenanigans, started moving, pushing, and pulling his waist again and again, reaching a steady rhythm of a moderate speed.

"Ahh... Kev. You feel soo…. righhhttt…." Elizabeth who was at Kevin's complete mercy kept moaning and relaying how good she felt.

"You feel amazing too Liz. I love it." Kevin replied while his movements quickened a little.

"Ahhhh…. me tooooo…... Ahhh I love it tooo…" She said with great difficulty under Kevin's constant assault.

Kevin lowered his upper body, mashing their chests together and taking her in a long deep kiss. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him, responding back to his kiss.

Their tongues danced together while their lower halves kept banging with each other, bringing both of them close to their sweet release.

"Ahhh… Kev… I love it when you ahh… smash me like this… I love you…" Elizabeth said in between moans and gasps when she broke their kiss as Kevin kept on moving.

Kevin's heartbeat and his hip movements both quickened when he heard the words of love coming out of her lips.

"Me too," Kevin replied with a heavy breath and gave her neck a nibble.

"Say it." She said after he responded.

"I love you too. I love you the most in this world." Kevin replied loudly and his movements again picked up speed. He was now practically pounding her and she, who had a blissful expression along with a sweet smile on her face after hearing his words, couldn't hold herself back and erupted.

She squirted like a fountain and Kevin stopped all movements to let her get over it. Her lower half trembled when she kept on letting out small spurts of clear transparent liquid from her pussy.

Kevin moved forward and positioned himself atop her breasts. He placed his glistening, moist shaft between them and started moving back and forth.

"Hmmmm…." Elizabeth moaned through closed lips. She loved how he handled her breasts with great care and amazingly obscenely at the same time.

"Do you like my breasts Kev?" She asked, holding her breasts together from the sides.

"I love them. I love everything about you." Kevin replied, not ceasing his movements.

Elizabeth blushed at his answer and said, "It makes me so happy when you say that."

"It makes me happy when you are happy," Kevin replied with a smile.

"Then do you want to coat them? Coat them in your thick baby batter?" She asked with a seductive expression on her face.

Her expression needed a little work as it wasn't quite like Samantha's, but it was still more than enough for a love-struck boy like Kevin.

He erupted while sliding between her breasts, spurting out thick white cream that coated Elizabeth's collarbone, her neck, her face, and even her hair.

He groaned at the amazing sensation and kept his shaft buried in her wonderful mountains even when it went soft.

Elizabeth waited for him to open his eyes and when he did, Elizabeth brought her tongue out and licked the semen that had fallen on her lips.

"Hmmm, tasty as always." Her words were seductive and along with the view of her covered in his semen, Kevin's softening shaft paused midway and started regaining its glory.

It peeked from her breasts and soon half of it became completely visible for Elizabeth to see, peeking out of her breasts.

"Someone is ready for the next round." She said mischievously and continued, "Come one. The next one is in the shower."


Again the same drill.

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Happy readings!!!!