
Hello Keenan_Davis_8487. I hope you like my novel and keep on reading it.


Chapter 46

"Ugh…. Why did they increase everything all of a sudden?" Elizabeth groaned as she complained about the increase in everything during their classes. They didn't just teach history today but various scientific subjects as well.

"It was just simple trigonometry," Kevin replied, trying to soothe her.

"It was algebraic trigonometry, you clever doofus." She snapped back with an insult that didn't make sense.

"Hey Kevin, is there any chance for that massage of yours?" Sasha asked as her muscles were killing her today. Sarah also looked at him expectantly.

Kevin couldn't blame them though. Even he had to replenish his and Elizabeth's stamina during their second lecture.

The intensity had suddenly increased. Now they had to lift weights and perform various muscle exercises along with the run.

"Kev should be compensated don't you think?" Elizabeth suddenly spoke from the side.

"Sure, take all my dollars of the day." Sasha didn't even hesitate. Sarah also vehemently nodded.

"Don't worry about it. she's just messing around." Kevin said making Sasha and Sarah relieved.

"Hey! Not fair. How come I have to pay?" Elizabeth said with a pout on her face.

"You pay?" Kevin asked confused, trying to remember when that had happened.

"I pay, don't I? When I offer to clean and stuff," Elizabeth said with a suggestive expression.

Kevin could only shake his head at her words. It was as if she wanted to let others know of their relationship. No matter what, he didn't think that others were that stupid.

"Let's go now. Otherwise, I doubt I will be able to do anything during the last lecture." Elizabeth said while standing up.


"Ahh… This is life." Elizabeth exclaimed like an old man. She was standing with Sasha and Sarah who had the same expressions on their faces. Even Sarah had a different expression than usual though not that apparent.

"Kevin, you're a magician," Sasha said with a blissful expression on her face. Sarah agreed with her words by nodding.

Kevin simply nodded in return and focused on the field where everyone else was standing. He was curious about what changes they would make in this lecture since the earlier two had increased in intensity greatly.

What all of them dreaded came true. Benny entered the field with Haylee but this time they weren't alone. There were other people as well. Exactly forty-eight. Not only Kevin but everyone had a bad feeling.

"I must say that I am extremely disappointed by most of you. Only three of you made a noteworthy assignment. All the rest were pure disappointment. Which is why those who have failed at such a simple task will have to write today's homework three times by tomorrow." Benny announced angrily.

Nobody on the field groaned. They couldn't. Benny was truly angry as suggested by his deep voice.

"Sarah Callaghan, Kevin Derek, and …. Elizabeth Derek, Step forward." Benny next called out though he paused a bit when he said Elizabeth's name.

All three of them stepped forward and Benny said, "Excellent work on your assignments. You all will be awarded with five hundred extra dollars in your accounts."

All three nodded with only Elizabeth being truly happy.

"Now," Benny started speaking when all the other matters were done, "We have assessed your combat abilities during your spar on Friday and while there had been an unfortunate accident, it was contained so there was no problem there."

Kevin turned his attention to Steven who had a scowl on his face for being discussed like that. Benny was clearly using him as an example since he had used two lethal moves during the spar but was able to avoid punishment since he was the one injured most.

"Anyway, today we have fifty instructors for all of you. There will be no spar for the next two weeks. Until then, you will be trained by your respective instructors for combat experience. They will guide you on what you need to improve and what you don't. Now that that is out of the way, contact the instructor you are matched with and start training with them." Benny ended his instructions and at the same time, a message arrived on everyone's phone.

Kevin was surprised at the name that appeared on his screen. His instructor was none other than Haylee.


"You didn't think that you would be getting rest all this week too, did you?" Haylee asked as she put on her gloves.

"That is not what I am surprised about," Kevin replied with an awkward expression not knowing how to relay his surprise.

"So, you don't think that I can fight with this appearance?" Haylee caught on to what Kevin wanted to say. Kevin nodded in return.

Kevin had shown great physical superiority last week during lectures and spars. It would have made more sense to pair him with a similar instructor. Benny would have made more sense.

"Don't worry. You will find out why your instructor is me." Haylee replied with a sadistic smile on her face which was the first smile Kevin had ever seen on her face.


A kick landed on Kevin's face and skidded off the floor. Around him, many stopped to see this spectacle. Since the session had started, all Kevin was doing was getting beaten up.

"You have great combat skills. What you lack is speed and strength. The technique isn't everything you know." Haylee replied while walking closer to Kevin.

Kevin stood up and wiped the blood leaking from his lips. He was surprised to the core.

[HP -7]

[HP 29\60]

[LE 43\75]

Each and every hit from Haylee was strong. Strong enough to drain around five to ten points of his HP. He already had to use LE three times to heal himself.

He readied himself and ran toward Haylee, making sure not to repeat the same mistake he had made last time, and kept his core low. His steps were fast which quite frankly surprised Haylee, but it wasn't that much impressive. It was impressive on the same level factor.

Even Haylee was a lot faster than him without using her ability. That was the second thing that surprised Kevin. She wasn't using her ability. It was pure physical power.

Haylee moved sideways to avoid Kevin's tackle, but Kevin wasn't going for a tackle. He lowered himself more and practically skidded on the floor to deliver a spinning kick to her feet.

Haylee again dodged. Kevin followed up with another lick to her legs, Haylee had to block this one since Kevin was really good when it came to technique.

'If I wasn't stronger than him, I would have lost in the first five minutes. Each and every hit of his is lethal.' Haylee analyzed and kept blocking his attacks. Dodging his attacks was getting difficult with each passing hit.

But soon Kevin displayed another opening which Haylee utilized and delivered a good kick to his ribs and a cracking sound was heard.

[HP -21]

Kevin had no choice but to keep lying on the floor. It was inevitable. His HP was really low, and he couldn't afford to use any more of his LE unless he risked going berserk.

The opening he was showing every time was because of his physical stats. Haylee was right. He had technique but not proper stats to back it up which created an opening as the fight was prolonged.

"I think that is enough for today. Hit the gym after classes. We will continue tomorrow." Haylee said while taking off her gloves.

'You mean you will beat me up tomorrow as well.' Kevin thought inwardly and stood up. He was having a hard time walking with all the bruising on his body.


Entering his room, he opened up the system panel, went straight to the shop, and purchased a health potion. He had only ten gold coins left, and he needed to start saving for the Craft skill in the shop.

[HP +50]

'So, a health potion restores fifty points of my HP.' He noted that he felt warmth throughout his body as the bruises on his skin and the pain in his ribs disappeared.

'I have to figure out other ways to heal HP.' He thought while opening his status panel. He was about to do what he had been putting off for a long time. His seven LPs.

At first, he had decided to evenly distribute them with three points in INT. 'But today's lesson was too close. I can't fill the gap in strength with just one point. That part will have to be with leveling up.'

He had decided otherwise as he deemed LE to be more important.

[INT 16 > 23]

[LE 78\110]

Kevin felt lightheaded as if all his mental fatigue had washed away. He hadn't felt such a clear feeling before as his INT had not been increased this much before.

Kevin also felt a little warm in his stomach. He had felt it before when he had used skills but right now, he couldn't experiment. His suspicion that LE might be located in his abdomen was not too far off.

'Also, I need skills.' He noted again. After finding out that there were skills in the shop, Kevin decided to get skills that would increase his combat abilities.

'But the prices of them are...' He dreaded the prices stated in there. 'If only I could use real money…' He thought again but there was nothing he could do.

While doing all the thinking, he heard the door of his room open, and no surprise Elizabeth emerged into his view. But he was surprised to see Sasha and Sarah, and even more surprised when Nathan followed them.

"Homework." Was the only word Elizabeth said cheerfully for him to understand the motive of this group gathering.


Today's chapter was a little slow but the whole novel can't be filled with smut scenes now, can it?

Also, some chapters ahead have little to no smut scenes. Let me know what you think about this and whether I should change that or not.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Do not hesitate to state your suggestions. I might even implement them if they are not too outlandish.

Happy readings!!!!