One of Valentina's Shadows

"Pointing a sword at a stranger's throat is rude, you know?" I mocked as I felt the person's breath on my back.

"Invading Valentina Scarlet's private property is also a major breach of etiquette, you know?" She countered, coldly, without any hint of mockery.

"Reveal yourself," I said calmly, and the sword tightened around my neck, causing a small cut to trickle blood.

"You're not in a position to demand anything, Knight," she said, her feminine voice muffled by a cloth over her mouth.

"I understand, let's play it this way," I said, raising my hands in surrender; she seized them and placed them behind my back, swiftly removing the sword from my waist and tossing it aside.

"Sit down," she said, and I complied. It took less than twenty seconds for me to be completely immobilized, as I looked at the woman in front of me: sturdy, with green hair, wearing a black cap and a black mask.