He's getting stronger

"Two demons fighting, and one of them wants to defend a kingdom," Skyla said as she flew alongside Morgana. "Curious, isn't it?" Morgana questioned, and she nodded, watching the man throw Ethan several meters away.

"Morgana... is it just me, or is that...?" Skyla began to say, and Morgana completed: "Stellar Launch of the Flame Queen." Morgana confirmed Skyla's suspicions... one of the attacks for which Valentina was known.

"That's not all," they heard, and beside them, Sara hovered with two feathered angelic wings and golden hair, appearing breathless as she arrived next to the women.

"Sara Vortex," Morgana said, analyzing her being. 'Interesting,' she thought.

"That man used the damn Walk Among Flames earlier, and Simon said he was the one who taught him," Sara came to her, going against the plan just to question her about it.