The Fall Af An Emperor

The atmosphere was... sad to say the least... Dante began to walk through the corridors slowly after leaving Sara; his ears picked up everything that was happening in the distance, and he wasn't quite prepared for it.

With each step heavier than the last... He already knew this was going to happen, he tried to prepare himself to support them, but...

Even he has his limits.

"I guess I can't always be cheerful, can I?" He questioned himself as he saw the maids lightly bowing every moment he approached the Emperor's room.

There was a small commotion, they were all... waiting for the obvious news... Dante, however, couldn't just stay listening to what was happening on the other side while they waited to deliver the news.

"He's gone," Dante said to the maids, who were also restless and sad; the day before, Velryna asked to spread the news about her father's illness throughout the castle.