
"As I thought..." Valentina said to the wind. Her Vampire Count transformation was still active, and the Demon before her had already been completely annihilated.

His body wasn't pierced with one or two holes; it looked like a cartoon cheese, riddled with holes. If someone poured water on this poor soul, it would undoubtedly leak from all his pores.

"There isn't a single one besides him who can entertain me," she said, thinking of the only man who could truly give her a duel. "Now... where are my girls?" Valentina asked, watching the Demon's body turn to ashes and be carried away by the wind.

"I let him hit me multiple times to try to get excited about the fight, but... What a waste of time." Valentina stood up, her hair returning to its original length, her tense expression changing to a calculated gaze.