Everyone Gathers...

"O-What is that bitch doing here?!" Velkan shouted, looking at Vlad.

Originally, the one who had officially summoned everyone was Vlad, who was on alert due to problems related to Demons. So, for Velkan, the one who had extended this 'invitation' to Siren could only be him...

Little did he know, the real culprit was a man eager for a conflict with the remnants who had dared to try and kill him some time ago...

Vlad remained silent, simply because he had no reason to defend himself or those two women. After all, they were more than capable of doing whatever they pleased.

"Quiet, worm," Valentina said, pouring her aura into the room, though focusing solely on the two werewolves. "I believe we all know who's really in charge here, so save your words and bow down." Her eyes gleamed blood-red, flaring like a frenzied flame.

"Stop acting like you own this world, you bloodsucking whore," Velkan shot back. Immediately, everyone turned to look at him...