The beginning of preparation

"Well... put it this way... I feel kind of bad for having helped my wives satisfy themselves," Dante confirmed with a mischievous grin. 

"Well, on paper, I was actually kidnapped and caught in a time trap. I had no choice but to relieve them in any way I could." Dante shrugged as if it were something completely normal. 

Fenrir felt a chill at hearing the man's words. She could hardly imagine the number of.... things Dante must have done having sex at the age of 150. Her gaze slid down his muscular body, imagining all the sinful things those strong arms and big hands had already done. 

'Don't think about it! It's the smell! The smell! Don't let it take you! Fenrir thought quickly turning away from all the thoughts he could have. 

"It must have been... exhausting." She murmured, her voice coming out a little shaky.