Chapter Three: Prisoners of the Fang

It was a tense afternoon at Christchurch High, and the atmosphere crackled with the potential for conflict. Ho and Brendan had been diligently working with The Barefoots, advocating for change within the school and gathering support. The gang, feeling the pressure, decided to confront Ho and his allies head-on.

As Ho and Brendan walked through the courtyard, they were suddenly accosted by a group of gang members, led by a burly enforcer named Jeff.

Jeff: (grinning menacingly) Well, well, what do we have here? Ho and his little sidekick.

Ho: (calmly) Jake, we don't want any trouble.

Brendan: (nervous but determined) Yeah, we're just trying to make this place better.

Jeff, not one for words, lunged at Ho with a powerful swing. Ho's martial instincts kicked in, and he swiftly sidestepped the attack, using his agility to evade the blow. With a fluid motion, he grabbed Jeff's arm and twisted it behind his back, immobilizing him.

Ho: (firmly) I told you, we don't want trouble.

The other gang members hesitated, unsure of their next move. Seeing their leader in a vulnerable position, they began to retreat, backing away cautiously.

Brendan: (encouraged) Go on, get out of here!

However, one particularly stubborn gang member, Hickey, decided to press his luck. He lunged at Brendan, aiming a wild punch. Brendan, with newfound courage, ducked under the swing and stepped behind Hickey.

Brendan: (determined) Let me show you something I've learned, Nickey.

Brendan swiftly applied a basic version of the Footlock Hold, using his leg to trap Nickey's arm and neck, putting pressure on a nerve cluster. Hickey grimaced in pain and tapped out, surrendering.

Brendan: (victorious) That's right, Hickey. We're not the ones to mess with anymore.

The gang members, seeing two of their own easily defeated, finally retreated, grumbling and nursing their egos. Ho and Brendan stood victorious, having successfully defended themselves and shown that they were not to be underestimated.

Ho: (smirking) The Footlock Hold comes in handy, doesn't it?

Brendan: (grinning) You bet, Ho. We're not just talking about change anymore; we're making it happen.

As they walked away from the skirmish, Ho and Brendan knew that their struggle was far from over. But they had demonstrated that they were willing to fight for what they believed in, and that sent a clear message to the gang – they weren't going to back down.


Later that night, the moonlight cast a pale glow through the window of the dormitory, illuminating a scene of chaos. Ho, awakened by the sound of crashing furniture, found Brendan in the throes of a psychotic rage, his eyes wild and his movements erratic. Alarmed, Ho called for Will, knowing he needed help to handle the situation.

Together, they managed to subdue Brendan, holding him gently yet firmly until the worst of his episode passed. The room fell into a tense silence, broken only by Brendan's ragged breathing. Once calm, Brendan's confession poured out like a dam breaking.

Brendan: (hesitating) It's... it's The Fang, Ho.

Ho: (worried) The Fang? What's that?

Brendan: (looking down) It's a drug some of us at school have been using. It helps us forget, for a little while.

Ho: (shocked) Brendan, you're using drugs? Why?

Brendan: (teary-eyed) Ho, you don't understand. The bullying here, it's relentless. The loneliness, the fear – it's too much sometimes. The Fang is the only thing that makes it bearable.

Ho: (concerned) But Brendan, drugs are not the solution. What does The Fang do to you?

Brendan: (sighs) It makes everything numb. The pain, the fear, they all go away. It's like escaping from this nightmare, even if just for a little while.

Ho: (gentle) Brendan, I get it, I really do. But drugs will only make things worse in the long run. You need help, not a temporary escape.

Brendan: (voice trembling) I know, Ho, but I'm scared. I'm scared to face it all without The Fang.

Ho: (supportive) You don't have to face it alone, Brendan. We'll find a way to get through this together. You have friends now, and we'll help you every step of the way.

Brendan: (teary-eyed, grateful) Thank you, Ho. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Ho: (determined) We'll tackle this together, Brendan. You're not alone in this fight.

Ho realised that for years, Brendan had been using a drug known as The Fang. It was a common secret among the students, a synthetic substance that offered temporary respite from the crushing reality of life at Crisis High. For Brendan, it had been a means to cope with the relentless bullying and loneliness he endured. But recently, inspired by The Barefoots' spirit of resistance, he had tried to quit the drug, leading to severe withdrawal symptoms.

His revelation shed light on a darker aspect of the gang's control over the school. The Fang wasn't just a means of escapism for the students; it was a significant source of revenue for the gang. They had created a dependent clientele within the school walls, profiting from the despair they themselves perpetuated.

This new knowledge about The Fang added a layer of complexity to The Barefoots' mission. It was no longer just about standing up to bullies; it was about dismantling a system that preyed on the vulnerabilities of students. The gang had ensnared many in a cycle of addiction and despair, and The Barefoots realized that their fight had to include freeing their peers from this grip.

Determined to counter this new threat, Ho and his group began to devise a strategy. Their plan needed to be careful and precise, targeting the gang's drug trade without putting the student users at risk. It was a daunting task, but The Barefoots were resolute. They were no longer just a group of rebels; they were becoming the beacon of hope for the entire student body.

As the night wore on, Ho, Will, and Brendan sat together in quiet solidarity, contemplating the path ahead. The battle lines were drawn, and the stakes were higher than ever. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear – The Barefoots were ready to fight, not just for their school, but for the future of every student ensnared by The Fang.


Meanwhile, within the confines of a dimly lit room, Julian cowers behind a tall figure who is staring out the window. The tall figure is handsome, lean and fit, with sharp, angular features that give him a cunning appearance. His hair is styled fashionably, adding to his charismatic yet untrustworthy aura. His eyes are piercing, often calculating and cold. 

Looking out the window, Lance, the school captain and a key figure in the gang, seethed with anger. The rise of The Barefoots had led to a noticeable decline in The Fang's sales, hitting the gang's finances hard.

Lance confronted Julian, his second in command, with a venomous intensity. 

Lance: (with a cold, calculating look) Julian, we need to talk.

Julian: (nervously) What's on your mind, Lance?

Lance: (leaning in, his voice low) You see what's happening here, don't you? The Barefoots and their little rebellion are threatening everything we've built.

Julian: (hesitating) Yeah, I see that, but--

Lance: (cutting him off) No "buts," Julian. This is our territory, our school. We can't let these punks take it from us.

Julian: (swallowing hard) I get it, Lance. We need to do something about it.

Lance: (smirking) That's what I like to hear. Now, here's the deal. You're going to handle this problem for us.

Julian: (nervous) Me? How?

Lance: (leaning even closer) You're going to deal with Ho and The Barefoots. Show them we're not to be messed with. Make an example out of them.

Julian: (hesitating) I don't know, Lance. They're tough, and there are more of them than--

Lance: (interrupting, his tone turning menacing) Julian, let me make this crystal clear. You do this, or there will be consequences. We have ways of making you pay. Your family, your friends – they won't be safe.

Julian: (looking defeated) Alright, alright, I'll do it.

Lance: (smirking again) That's my boy. Remember, Julian, loyalty is everything. Don't disappoint me.

Julian: (nodding, his expression filled with conflict) I won't, Lance. I won't.