Chapter Four: Chemistry

The chemistry class was in full swing at Crisis High, with students huddled around lab tables, experimenting with various chemicals. Ho, always passionate about science, had immersed himself in the world of beakers, test tubes, and reactions. Little did he know that this seemingly ordinary day would take a dark and unexpected turn.

As Ho meticulously measured a solution, his attention was diverted by a soft voice beside him.

Jenny: (smiling) Hey there, Ho. Need a hand with that titration?

Ho looked up, his eyes meeting those of Jenny, a girl he'd noticed in class before but had never really spoken to. She was petite with captivating brown eyes and an infectious smile.

Ho: (blushing slightly) Uh, sure, thanks.

Jenny deftly helped him with the titration, and they soon found themselves engaged in a conversation about their shared love for chemistry.

As the days passed, Ho and Jenny spent more time together, studying, laughing, and sharing their dreams.

Ho couldn't help but be drawn to her, and it wasn't long before their friendship began to blossom into something more.


On Saturday afternoon, Jenny had convinced Ho to take a break and join her for a casual stroll through the shops. The sun was warm, casting a golden hue over the streets filled with the chatter of people and the aroma of street food.

As they walked, Jenny playfully nudged Ho towards a shoe store. The display window was filled with the latest sneakers and sports shoes.

Jenny couldn't help but chuckle at Ho's choice of footwear – or rather, the lack of it.

Jenny: (teasingly) "You know, Ho, there's this amazing invention called 'shoes.' You might want to try them sometime."

Ho: (smiling) "Shoes? Never heard of them. Are they any good?"

Jenny: (laughing) "I think they might just change your life. Imagine, your feet, but protected!"

Ho: (feigning shock) "Protected? But then how would I feel the earth's energy coursing through my toes? How would I maintain my legendary Barefoot Style?"

Jenny: (giggling) "Oh, the sacrifices one must make for fashion."

Ho glanced at the shoes, his expression one of mock contemplation. He stepped into the store, pretending to be profoundly interested in a pair of flashy high-tops.

Ho: (holding up a shoe) "This looks like something from another planet. Do you think it will give me superpowers?"

Jenny: (joining in the fun) "Definitely. Super speed, at least. Maybe even the ability to fly."

Their laughter filled the store as they tried on different shoes, joking about each pair's potential "superpowers." For a moment, the weight of their circumstances at Crisis High seemed to lift, replaced by the carefree banter of two teenagers enjoying a Saturday together.

As they left the store, Ho barefoot as ever, they continued their stroll. They talked about their dreams, favorite movies, and the little things that made them happy. In those hours, the harsh reality of Crisis High seemed a world away.

Their time at the shops was a reminder of the simplicity and joy of youth, a stark contrast to the complexity of the issues they faced at school. It was a brief escape, a chance to just be teenagers, unburdened and free.