The Beginning; Watch The Pool

A young lady, could be seen walking through the airport, her face covered by the hood of her jacket. She look nervous and anxious as she sucked on her lower lip absentmindedly, lost in her thoughts.

Finally, she reached the exit and immediately spotted the car that her mother had sent to pick her up. She took a deep breath and approached the car.

The driver rolled down the window. She recognized the driver as thier family driver, Mr. Williams. He has been thier driver for years now.

"Ma'am Carly! It's so nice to see you. How was your flight?" He said with a smile.

"Oh please, just call me Carly, you're like a family to us" Carly smiled back.

Mr. Willam nodded.

"It was a long flight, but it was fine. I'm so glad I'm finally back! I miss England so much! Gosh!" She opened the car door and got inside.

Mr. Williams smile before putting the car in drive and they started off down the road.

Carly slowly pulled down the hoodie cap, revealing her delicate,small. face. Her skin was fair and smooth, with a light dusting of freckles across her nose.

Her eyes were a piercing blue, framed by long lashes. Her cheeks were rosy and flushed, and her lips were full and slightly parted giving her a look of both innocence and confidence.

Her hair was a dark, chestnut brown, and it cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves. In short, She's every guys dream.

Carly rolled down the window, letting in a blast of cool, fresh air .The sun was warm on her face, and she closed her eyes, letting herself relax for the first time in hours.

She leaned back against the car seat and let her mind wander, enjoying the sights and sounds of the world passing by outside.


The P3 CAVE, popularly known as the POPULAR THREE CAVE. Reed, Felix and Alex. The most popular playboys in Silver Hill, they've got the look, the style, the swags and everything a girl desired in a guy.

Reed, the only heir to Knights fortune, making him the rightful owner of the school. He's arrogant, Rude and leader of bullying. If there's two thing he's proud of, it's his face and his d*ck. No one can compare to his good looks.

His appearance could be described as striking, with his sharp features, chiseled jawline, and piercing eyes. He has this aura of confidence and sophistication that commands attention. His hair is styled always perfectly, same with his clothes. He's also a famous model.

In short, Reed is the epitome of handsome.

Felix and Alex has been his friends since highschool and also partner in crime, it's not surprising how they both clicked along well.

P3 CAVE the only place where the three hang out, and of course bring different slut in and b*tches to f**k.

As soon as Reed stepped into the lounge, he halted to read countless of letters attached to the front door. He need no one to tell him, they are from his sluts.




He just smirked as he entered his room. He was surprised to met Ava, stark naked on his bed

"You're finally here! I've been waiting for hours!" Ava spoke shameless, crumbling to his side.

"And why is that?" Reed asked, his hands shoved in his pocket.

"What do you mean Reed? Don't you love what you see?" Ava replied, bitting her lips seductively.

"The only thing I'm seeing is a slip-on and a pit hole which needs to be covered" Reed replied.

"I know you're mad because of what happens with Felix, but can we just put that aside and just f*ck me this once? I promise it will be quick!" Ava tries to kiss him, but Reed pushed her off and she landed back on the bed.

"Can you hear yourself? As much as I love sex, I won't ever stoop so low to f**k a pit hole like you b*tch! I only deal with new p*ssy and not a old granny well. Now, can you leave my room, I'm already getting bored seeing your face around" He said rudely.

"I really need you or else I might die. Just f*ck me once and I promise not to bother you again!" She said stubbornly, and attemp to hug him forcefully but he grabbed her instead and pushed her out of the room this time, bumping into Felix and Alex who was just coming in.

"Look who we have here! It's the most amazing virgin girlfriend of the year... You just be proud Felix! I know!" Alex teased, resting his head on Felix shoulder as they both stared at Ava. She didn't even bother to cover anything up.

Reed comes out with her clothes and threw it to her.

"Felix... I can explain!" She made an advance to Felix, who only threw her hands off and entered his room, slamming the door behind him angrily.

"What are you still waiting for?" Reed shot her a dangerous glare, Ava packed her clothes hurriedly and rushed out.

"You f*ck her? Again?" Alex faced Reed.

"What do you both think of me? Cos I committed a mistake once does not mean I'll repeat the same again!" Reed rolled his eyes, heading to the cella to grab a drink.

Alex followed him. Reed grabbed a tequila uncorking it with a hand. He poured the wine into two crystal glasses, handing one to Alex.

The two guys raised their glasses, clinking them together before taking a long sip.

"So, Are you ready for tonight?" Alex suddenly said, and Reed looked at him, totally confused.

"What do you mean? The pool party?"

"Your betronned finance will be introduced tonight, don't tell me you forget!" Alex chuckled.

"Is that sh!t even worth recalling? I sometimes wonder if that woman don't get tired of trying to match me up with someone! I'm f*cking gonna show her family what I'm made of. I don't even want to that about it, Can I get the list of new students coming in tomorrow?" Reed asked.

"I don't have it" Alex raised his hand up.

Just then, The door opens and Michelle walks in.

"Babe!" She called and the Reed looked up.

"You didn't inform me you wouldn't show up in class! I waited for you,, I couldn't even concentrate in class!" She pouted,lusting over him.

"As if you've ever concentrated for once!" Alex said hatefully, and Michelle turned.

"F*king stay out of this! Alex! I wasn't talking to you!" She rolled her eyes.

"Are you busy right now?" She faced Reed, who immediately understand what she meant by that.

"Yes, but I still have some minutes to spare" Reed smirked, and Michelle brought her face closer to his.

Reed turned his face away.

"Having a boyfriend whom you don't even know how his lips taste! That just showed how dumb you are!" Alex said, mockingly.

"Shut the f**k Alex!" Michelle barked angrily.

"Ignore him, let's just go!" Reed told her, she smirked to Alex who shooked his head.

As soon as they both entered Reed's room, What follows was moans which filled the whole place.


"Home sweet home!" Carly gushed as she stared at the big mansion in front of her. It has been more than 5 years.

"Welcome back!" Mr. William smile, as she handed her, her lauggages he offloaded from the back seat.

"Thanks mister!" Carly smiled back. She entered the house and met Mona at the living room, watching her favorite TV show.

"Mom!!" She gushed and rushed to hug her. Mona who doesn't seems happy about her return, didn't even bother to hug her back. Carly broke the hug.

"Have missed you so much! I was so happy when Dad told me I'll returning back to you. How have you-

"Carly!" Mona snapped and Carly eyes widened.

"You haven't stop this parrot character of yours! You're no more in Los Angeles where you can disturb your neighborhood peace! This is England! You won't want our neighbors next door to come around saying we're disturbing them!" Mona added, and Carly bits her lips in confusion.

"I'm sorry mom!" She muttered, looking down.

Mona rolled her eyes, and stood up, grabbing her bag and car keys.

"You remember where your room is right? You don't have to worry it's still intact, go in there and freshen up... you smell like fish, I wonder what that dude has been feeding you with! That aside, here's the scholarship form I applied for you already. You are starting tomorrow so get ready!" Mona said, stretching the forms to her.

Carly eyes widened even more.

"Why must i resumed school tomorrow? I just got her mom and you didn't even ask for my choice before picking a school for me? And did I just hear that correctly? I'm a scholarship students?" She asked at once.

"Oh my goodness Carly, you really haven't changed! I and that incapable father of yours has equal rights as your parents and if you had been a scholarship students in LA,why can't you be one here too? I'm busy woman Carly! I've a meeting to catch!" Mona said, and left.

Carly stood there, watching in total confusion. She really need to know why her own mum loathes her so much? She actually thought it will end after spending years with her dad in LA but she was totally wrong.

Why does she had to be born into such a complicated family.



The music was blasting, the bass vibrating through the floor. The pool was alive with activity, as students splashed around and danced to the beat.

The girls were clad in white bikinis, their skin glistening with sweat in the bright sun. The guys were shirtless, their tanned skin glistening like bronze statues as they moved to the music.

The party always took place on Fridays.

Michelle could be seen sitting in middle of her friends, Scarlet and Emma, fuming in anger.

"What's the problem? Again?" Emma turned to her.

"Do you really have to ask? She's mad because Reed hasn't showed up!" Scarlet replied, and Michelle rolled her eyes.

"No girls! It's something different this time! I feel like Reed is toying with me-" Scarlet and Emma broke into laughter.

"What is funny?"

"You of course! Did you just know who Reed is? What makes you think you're different? You're both f**kmates and nothing more!!" Emma responds and Michelle frowned.

"Are you both really my friends?" She stood, and left thier side.

She folded her arms, as she walks around the place her eyes searching for Reed, unknowingly bumping into Ava.

"Are you blind or something?" Ava yelled immediately, seeing who it is.

They are both biggest enemies.

"When I saw your face, the only thing I would have changed was the direction I was heading" Michelle replied.

"I keep thinking you can't get any dumber and you keep proving me wrong, I'm not stating you're stupid, but a glowstick has a better future than you have b*cth!!" Ava hissed, and attempt to leave but

Michelle lunged forward, grabbing Ava by the shirt and pulling her close. Ava's eyes widened, and she let out a yelp.

"You think you can mess with me?" Michelle snapped, her breath hot and heavy. "I'll show you who's boss!"

"Let me go, b*tch!" Ava yelled.

"Fight back! You should fight back!!" Michelle shouted back, and Ava hit her head on hers immediately.

Michelle staggered back, clutching her forehead, Ava let out a wild yell and charged forward. Before Michelle could react, Ava tackled her to the ground and began pummeling her with a flurry of punches.

Michelle managed to roll out of the way, and the two scrambled to their feet, circling each other once again. Students were already gathering around to watch the show. It's not new to anyone anyway.

Suddenly, their feet slipped on the wet floor, and they both went crashing into the pool with a giant splash. Water splashed everywhere, soaking them from head to toe.

Michelle and Ava fell into the pool, but that didn't stop them from piercing different bites on each other body.