First Day

The table was set with fine china and crystal glasses, and a sumptuous meal had been prepared as the two families eat quietly, the knights and the Roberts.

"So tell me Jenny! Why would you like to study in Silver Hill?" Lauren (Reed's Mom) broke the long silence.

"Cos of him!!" Jenny smiled, staring at Reed who was hunched over his phone, completely engrossed whatever was on the screen.

He was actually staring at a b*tch nude, completing not interested in whatever the dinner has to be. Jenny's mom turned to him.

Reed, dear, I know you're busy with your phone, but perhaps you could put it away for just a little while?" she said, her voice sweet but firm.

Reed didn't even look up from his phone, he only gave a dismissive grunt.

"Let me!" Lauren gestured turning to Reed.

"Reed!" She called out, and surprisedly Reed looked up.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Staring at Nudes!" Reed stretched out his screen phone at them. Jenny exchanged worried glances with her parents.

"Are you serious right now?" Lauren inquired, trying to keep her composure in front of Jenny's family.

"Should I stare at yours instead?" Reed said, and all thier eyes widened.

"What is he saying? Is this the kind of person your son is?" Jenny's mom's spoke.

"What type of guy did you picture me as?" Reed faced her.

"Ignore what he he just said! He likes joking around" Lauren forced a smile.

"Did what I just uttered funny to you? If anyone here find that funny then you're not mentally stable!" Reed added.

"Reed!!" Lauren snapped.

"I've had enough of this boring gathering! I better go f*ck a b*tch!" he turned, and start to go out. He suddenly halted.

"Less I forgot, it was fun having dinner with you guys! Bye!" He smirked, then exit.

They all remained on thier seat, exchanging glance.


Immediately Reed left the mansion, he came to his condo directly m apart from the school lounge, this is a kind.

His friends and Michelle.

As soon as he entered he saw Michelle sitting on the couch,a look of anguish on her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, and Michelle explains everything to him.

"You should stay away from Ava" Reed told her.

"You should put her in her f*cking place, so she'll stop messing with me!" Michelle snapped.

"Why are you here?" Reed asked instead.

Michelle raised her lips up to his, attempting to kiss him but he immediately turned his head away.


"Stop! You know how much I hate it" Reed snapped.

"Exactly! I want to know why you hate it, we've been dating for years but you refuse to share a kiss with me, not even a peck-

"We're dating?" Reed chuckled.

"I know, but I'm different from all your b*tches, you should kiss me so, I'll stop thinking you're only f*cking me for fun"

"I'm really really f*cking you for fun" Reed replied, emotionessly.

"Reed!!!" Michelle shrieked, her eyes welling up with tears.

"If you're not ready for what you came here for, then I can find a replacement" Reed turned, and Michelle immediately grabbed his hand.

"Enough please, just f*ck me now"She begged impatiently, her p*ssy bulging and resting in excitement. Reed smirked. He loves when girls beg for him to be inside them.

"Turn around!" He ordered, and Michelle immediately did as he said. Reed gave her @ss a loud spank, before unbolting his trouser, he immediately buried his large cock inside her.

"F*ck me harder Reed, harder please" Michelle moaned, her b**bs pressing on the dressing table as she was bent over it. He began f*cking her from behind while holding her hips in place.

"You won't know how much I love bending you over this table" he replied and she giggled.

"I know doggy is your favorite" she said, giving him a quick look. His d*ck moved roughly inside her just like she wanted and she grinned.

"Yes!, Yes!!!"

"Ah yes!"

"Reed~ F**k!!!"



Carly awoke to the sound of her alarm clock, bleary-eyed and feeling less than enthusiastic about the day ahead.

Reluctantly, she rolled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom, where she turned on the shower and stepped inside.

The warm water felt soothing, but it didn't do much to lift her mood. Soon, she was done, she stepped out of the bathroom.

She dressed slowly, putting on a pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. She didn't bother with makeup or doing her hair. Her mind was filled with how to act on her first day. What if she doesn't turn out to like the school her mom picked for her?

Carly felt a sense of dread as she walked down the stairs to the living room, hat if instead of finding her mom and her friend in the kitchen,Carly found Mona and a woman she could still recognize as her friend (Camilla) in the living room, engrossed in a TV show.

She stood on a spot for minutes, watching hoping Mona will notice her but as expected,she didn't.

She walked past them quietly, hoping to slip by unnoticed. But her mom looked up from the TV and spotted her.

"There you are!" she said, a hint of disapproval in her voice. Carly turned, and Mona eyes went through her body.

"Carly, what's wrong with you?" She asked.

Carly stared at her, confusedly.

"You look like you're going to a funeral, cos you are you no more in Los Angeles. That's not an excuse to look like a slob," her mom said, sounding irritated.

"I wish you'd make an effort to look more presentable. Why can't you be more like my friend's daughter? They always looks so put together" Mona continued.

Carly felt a surge of anger but she kept mute.

"And why are you still standing there? You should find something better than this cheap dress you brought!" Mona rolled her eyes.

"Why does it matter what she look like? Mona, Just let her be! She shouldn't be late on her first day" Camilla interrupted, patting Mona's shoulders.

She then turn to Carly.

"Carly dear, you should be on your way! Have fun at school!" Camilla smile, and Carly bowed politely, taking a glance at Mona who still had this annoyed look on. She ignores it, and walked out.

"You still haven't changed towards her!" Camilla turned swiftly at Mona.

"Why would I? I tried but it's never works! Everytime I see her she remind me of that idiot, I born her for!" Mona hissed.

"But you divorced already right? This is your blood we're talking about! Be nice to her!" Camilla sighed.

"Can you stop? I'm getting really annoyed here!" Mona cautioned.

Camilla just stare at her in disbelief, if only she could be blessed with a child like Carly, she would be the most happiest on Earth. But she had none.


Carly walked into the bustling college campus, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. She had never been to this school before, and she wasn't sure what to expect.

She walked slowly toward the front door, trying to take in everything around her. There were so many new faces, and everyone seemed to know where they were going except her.

Carly couldn't help but notice how put-together the other girls on campus looked, with their expensive-looking outfits and perfect makeup.

Her jeans and hoodie suddenly felt out of place, and she felt a pang of self-consciousness. She tugged at her hoodie and tried to smooth down her hair, wishing she had taken more time to get ready like her mom said, she slightly bit her lips.

Carly was still feeling a bit lost, so she decided to ask someone for directions.

As she walked down the hallway, she spotted a group of girls standing near a bulletin board.

She approached them and said, "Hi, I'm new here and I'm a little lost. Do you know where the exams is being done?" Carly asked.

The girls looked her up and down, their expressions unreadable.

"We're not tour guides, you know." One of them said. They all burst out laughing, and Carly felt her face turning red.

She tried to say something, but the words got caught in her throat.

Carly stood there for a moment, not sure what to do.

"I think you're in the wrong place, loser. This is a school for cool people, not for hoodie-wearing, directionless peasants like you." The other girls erupted into laughter again, and Carly felt her heart sinking.

She turned and hurried away, her face burning with shame. She had never felt so embarrassed in her life.

She couldn't believe how cruel those girls had been. She wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

Carly rushed down the hallway, tears stinging her eyes.

She spotted a sign for the restrooms and ducked inside, hoping to find a moment of peace.

But as soon as she entered, she saw a couple making out in one of the stalls.

They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't notice her. She hurried to the sink and splashed some cold water on her face, trying to regain her composure.

Her heart was still pounding, and she couldn't believe what had just happened.

She looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Why is all this happening on her first day?" She nodded, and left the place. Her eyes went on the couple she saw earlier, right now, the girl is already good as naked, cos her bra was partly pulled down from her body, and the guy was manhandling her aggressively.

"Oh my goodness!" She covered her eyes, and rushed out, bumping into a girl who was just coming in.

"F*cking use your eyes, will you?" The girl snapped coldly.

Carly flinched.

"I'm sorry.." she muttered, and the girl pushed her out of her way and walked in.

"Hey, wait..." She called, but the girl didn't wait.

What kind of school did her mom got her in? No one seems to be nice around here, she's really stucked.


Carly sat on a bench in the middle of the campus, her head in her hands. She had been wandering around for what felt like hours, asking for help from anyone she saw, but no one would even give her the time of day. She felt defeated and alone, like she didn't belong here.

As she sat there, trying to figure out what to do next, a voice called out.

"Hey, are you okay?" She looked up to see a friendly-looking girl standing in front of her. She was a little shorter than Carly, with dark brown hair and big brown eyes.

"I saw you sitting here and I wanted to make you were alright,you look a little upset" the girl said.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little lost around here. It's my first day today" Carly said, her voice catching in her throat.

"Oh that explains why? Don't tell me you're a scholarship students?" The girl, asked closing her eyes.

Carly stared at her confused, before speaking up.

"I am!"

"F**k!" She heard the girl muttered under her breath.

"Can you show me where the scholarship exam is being held? I really need help to get there!" Carly added.

"No exams for scholarship students here, most especially if you're a girl!" The girl said, pitifully.

"Really? So what do I need to do then?" Carly asked.

"Actually... " The girl paused, unable to complete the words.

"Actually, I'll take you to someone who know what you'll do" Leah smiled, and pulled her along with her.

They got to a class, and Carly eyes widened by the smokes that welcomes them.

A girl was busy smoking aggressively, staring at the window, her whole body almost visible in what she's wearing.

"Hi!" Leah called her attention, and the girl turned to them, her face cold as Ice.


"New students?" The girl cut Leah off.

"Yeah, she needs help!" Leah nodded. The girl eyes went on Carly, and she smirked, throwing down her cigarettes, she stepped on it, and moved closer to them.

"Come with me!" She said, walking out. Carly and Leah followed.

"Are you also coming with her?"

"Of course not! I'll see you around!" Leah waved at Carly and left.

"What do I have to do?" Carly asked the girl.

"You've to go through the heir of the school before you can get in" She finally concluded.

"Wait... You mean, I'll have to go through the heir before I get admitted? And that even if I'm a scholarship student? Really?" Carly asked surprisedly.

"Yeah... You'll understand more when you get to him." The girl replied causally.

"Can you take me to him then?" Carly asked, blinking innocently and the girl nodded.

"Follow me."

She led the way while Carly followed behind her, holding her bag tightly to herself as she suck on her lower lips. She kept on looking around as they walk through different department.

She must admit this school is way bigger than her former school in Los Angeles and she can't wait to start studying here.

As she kept on reading everything she came across, her eyes landed on a nameplate hung outside a office, with the tag CEO'S OFFICE.

Carly halted.

"Isn't this supposed to be his office?" She pointed and the girl also stopped.

"No, just follow me and stop asking questions." The girl said rudely, already getting tired of her endless questions and they resumed walking.

Carly just followed her without a word.

Then finally,they got to a lounge, even from the outside one could tell what the inside looks like.

From the soft lightning and ambient atmosphere, she was already drooling over everything untill they entered the room and her eyes and mouth flung opened.

Over ten girls are literally naked in front of a guy, they are busy taking turns in displaying thier bodies and nudity.

Her eyes dilated as she stared at them.

What the heck was going on? Are they okay? Why would they stand naked right before a guy??

She immediately turned to the girl who brought her there.

"What are they doing? Why have you brought me here? This can't be the heir's office, is it?" She questioned, tensed.

"It is. If you want to get admitted, you have to do what they're doing." She said to her and Carly's eyes widened.

"Holy Christ! I cover myself with the blood of Jesus! It's against my belief to commit such sin. I can't." She panicked, almost in tears.

"Then forget about this school." The girl said and walked away.

"No wait... Hey!" She called and made to rush to the door, but the girl already slammed the door on her face.

She made to open it but stopped. She could feel the thousand eyes boring holes into her skin, so she slowly turned to see them all staring at her, but that wasn't her business.

What bothered her the most was the guy's eyes which was lusting over her. He gestured her with a finger the moment their eyes locked.

"Come and give me a blowjob newbie." Reed said huskily and Carly gulped down.

"Wh-- what's that??"