Kiss You

"Yeah... Come with me?" Reed ordered and immediately turned, expecting her to do as he said.

"Is that a command?" Carly said out loud and everywhere became silent.

"Seriously?" Reed smirked, folding his arms in wonder.

Carly nodded.

"Sure it's a command and you should adhere without asking questions!" Reed said, pocketing his hands.

Carly went mute, unsure of what to reply with.

"What is the meaning of the this Reed? What do you want from her?!!" Michelle yelled, coming in between them.

"Stay the f**k out of this Michelle!" Reed warned, not sparing Michelle a glance.

"I won't. You should be the one to stop this nonsense!!" She shouted at him.

"Alright, that's enough! We should leave now!" Alex went to grab Reed's hand and pull him out.

The practical master entered the lab without them noticing.

"Already everyone gather around and listen to your names for grouping!" Mr Addam announced and surprisedly they all did as he said. He's the only feared lecturer among all. He's not the type that tolerate students nasty act, and don't f*ck b*thes for mark.

Michelle gave Carly a middle finger before walking back to her seat,still glaring at her from there.

"Just try you best to ignore her always okay?" Lavender whispered to Carly's ear.

"No way! Don't allow her to step on you especially when she's not match for your beauty. I'll teach you some skills to deal with her if she tries to mess with you!" Leah rolled her eyes and Lavender shakes her head.

"And what are you guys waiting for?" Mr Addam demanded, his voice full of anger.

The girls quickly packed thier stuffs and join the long queue with Freddie and Simon.

"But what does this mean?" Carly suddenly asks, gesturing with her middle finger.

"Seriously?!!!" Leah and Lavender exclaimed at once.


Reed has been fuming since he got back with Alex. No matter how hard he tried not think the lab scene, it's keeps popping on his head.

Did he actually got turned down for the first time, in front of the whole class??

'Who on earth is she?' He said inwardly.

Alex came out of his room.

"Are you still thinking about her? Really?" He joined him on the couch and grabbed a video game controller and turned on the TV.

"Wanna play?" He stretched it to him, and Reed looked up.

"No" He replied.

"What's your deal with that girl? Don't tell me you're interested in that girl?" Alex chuckled funnily.

Reed said nothing.

"Apart from being pretty. She's not even your type! Too skinny and flat @ss-

"That won't stop me from f**king her @ss" Reed cut him off.


"Yeah...." Reed said and stood up to his feet.

"You're leaving?" Alex looked up.

"Obviously!" Reed start to walk out.

"Should I tag along?" Alex asked.

"No. I'm enough for her. If we both visited, She might just join dad!" Reed said and Alex laugh.

"You're crazy!" He said admist laughter.

"I know... See ya!!" He waved and exit.

Almost immediately, Felix entered. He pretended not to see Alex and went to his room. He came back and was about heading out again, when Alex jumped to his front.

"Are you really planning to keep this silent treatment between you and Reed?" He asked.

"Out of my way!" Felix said codly.

"All because of a d@mn girl who care less about you! Reed didn't rape her, she give herself to him!!" Alex half yelled.

"And he f*cking give in! He f*cked my girlfriend and you expect me to be happy with him like before!!" Felix shouted back.

"Wait, you actually love this girl?" Alex stepped back, staring at him in disbelief.

"Do I look like I'm joking! If the first one was a mistake! He should have stopped f*cking her the minutes I caught them. But what did he do?" Felix glared.

"It's won't happen again..." Alex replied and Felix pushed him ozmut of the way and walked out.

"What do I do with them both?" Alex rough his hair and went back to sit. His phone buzzed immediately.

It's actually a text from Becca.


•SOON• He smiled and texted a reply.

He pocket his phone and left the lounge too.


"F**k! I'm so tired?!!!" Leah Leah yawned and stretched, her muscles feeling stiff after sitting in the same position for so long.

She turned to Lavender and Carly, who seemed to be in a similar state.

"I'm exhausted, I can barely walk" she added, her voice tinged with a touch of humor.

"I can carry you if you want..." Freddie bend as if to carry her in piggyback.

"I would rather walk myself!" Leah said, and turned to Carly.

"So where should we hang out? You can only mention a place. Saying No is out of it!" She giggled as Carly looked at her tiredly.

"She's obviously tired. There's still tomorrow" Lavender chirped In.

"You're really tired?" Leah made a puppy eyes and they all laughed.

"I have to head home now or mom will be worried!" Carly quickly said, checking her watch.

"Awwn. You're mummy's pet! Lucky you. My mom won't even notice if I sleep in the house or not" Leah chuckled.

"Does that mean you're staying with me for tonight?" Freddie asked sarcastically.

"Someone is planning to be out to bed on our graduation!" Lavender laughed.

"Stop joking around..." Leah rolled her eyes.

"Alright, we'll head home first! See you guys tomorrow..." Leah waved and left with Freddie.

"I'll drop you off on my way" Lavender offered.

"Thank you!" Carly smiled

"Let's go!" They both left.


Carly entered the lecture hall and met two couples making out crazily.

"Holy spirit!!" She screamed with wide eyes,turning back to bump into Ava and JoAnn.

"Use your eyes when walking! Not your nose. Fool!!" Ava hissed and JoAnn pushed her off, making thier way to their usual spot.

"I'm sorry!" Carly apologized.

"Keep your d@mn sorry to yourself Idiot!!" JoAnn turned and said.

Carly bit her lips and started walking out, only to bumped into someone again.

"Oh My Goodness! I'm so sorry..." She apologized with a bow.

"It's no big deal. Are you alright?" The guy asked softly.

Carly nodded.

"Mind telling me your name?" The guy asked with a smile.

Carly was about replying when Leah appeared with Lavender, Freddie and Simon.

"Carly!" Leah giggles, pulling her to a hug immediately.

"Carly?" A smile approved on the guy's lips.

"Kylan! What are you both doing together?" Lavender asked, when Leah broke the hug with Carly.

"Just happens to run into her!" Kylan smiled.

"That's even better... I was going to introduce her to you" Leah clapped.

"Oh!" Kylan smiled, his eyes not leaving Carly.

"Enough with the talks! Let's find a sit before other students start coming in" Lavender chortled and they all took a seat.

Michelle also came in with Emma and Scarlet. Her eyes landed on Carly and she stood.

The lecturer also came in at that moment and Michelle went to sit down.


"Michelle is your sister?" Carly mumbled, staring at Michelle and her crew who was sitting alone at the far end of the cafeteria

"Hard to believe right? There are more interesting things about this school that is really weird and hard to believe" Leah chuckled

"Com'on guys, she's not my real sister. She's just my dad's mistress daughter. I ain't related with that b*tch" Lavender shakes her head.

"But Carly, I've been meaning to ask. What does Reed want from you?!!" Leah suddenly asked.

"Who's Reed?" Carly asked confusedly.

"The guy that I ask you to meet on your first day.... The guy from the lab!"

"Oh!" Carly then explain everything to them.

"I was wondering why you came back and got admitted when he didn't do anything with you...

"Was he supposed to do something to me?" Carly eyes grew wide.

"Just forget it babe. You can't even understand if we tell you about it... Just try to avoid him okay?" Lavender pat her.

Carly nodded.

"But I still find it hard to believe that d*ckhead never kissed before! Don't you think it's weird?" Leah mouthed.

"He doesn't kiss?" Carly cuts in.

"I heard he hate it!" Lavender added.

"Like he has never kissed anyone! I'm still waiting for the perfect day a video of him kissing a girl will went viral on our school blog!" Leah said.

"Me too... I wonder who the first luck girl will be!' Lavender smile, taking a bit from her burger.

"So you're admitting he's handsome now?" Leah muttered.

"I never denied it, he's just not my type!" Lavender replied.

"Who's handsome?" Freddie said, coming in with Kylan and Simon. He sat next to Leah.

"You of course" Leah held his cheek and peck his lips lightly.

Freddie smile.

"Good thing you guys are here. We only have a class left for today, Should we hang out? We'll head back before sunset, who's in?" Leah said.

"Everyone of course!" Simon answered.

"Except someone we all know..." Freddie croaked staring at Kylan.

"I'm in too" Kylan smile, stealing glances at Carly.

"Whao, that's new. Are you coming because of some-

"Stop it Fred. He already agree, don't make him change his mind..." Leah cut in.

"So where are we going?" Simon asked.

"We won't be going anywhere. We'll be showing Carly around" Leah giggles.


The night was getting close, but it's seems they just started having fun. It was until Lavender checked her phone that they realized how late it had gotten.

"It's past 8!" Lavender exclaimed.

The others looked at each other in surprise, their laughter dying down.They all started to gather their things, preparing to leave.

"We've been sightseeing for hours... I didn't realize this school is this big until today!" Freddie suddenly said.

"Me too..." Kylan said.

Simon left already cos he has something to attend to.

"I don't want It to end. But we've class tomorrow" Lavender said.

"I know right!" Leah pouted.

Kylan turned to Carly.

"Do you mind if-

"She wouldn't mind! Thank you so much Kylan!" Leah pushed Carly to him and took both Freddie and Lavender's hand, before they could protest she pulled them out of their.

They chatted along as he led her to the car. Kylan was about open the car for her.

"I think I might have left my phone in class!" She panicked, searching her bag thoroughly.

"Are you sure about this?" Kylan asked and Carly look up, before nodding.

"Yes I need to go back for it"

"I'll come with you!" Kylan said.

"It's okay!" She said and hurriedly left.

Carly got to class and met

Carly hurried down the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest.The hallway was dimly lit, and she could barely see anything. She felt a rising sense of panic as she searched in vain. She wanted to give up after searching for minutes but she can't even get a new one if she want to. Her mom won't even listen to her excuses.

"What do I do!" She bit her lips tiredly.

Just as she was about to give up, she heard footsteps behind her.She whirled around, only to see Reed standing there, his eyes fixed on her.

She let out a small gasp of surprise, taking a step back.

"Hey, Newbie!" Reed waved with his usual smirk he's always wearing around.

"You again?" Carly said in a mutter,but heard her.

"Yes... and you can't get away from me now..." Reed moved closer.

•DO YOUR BEST TO AVOID HIM• She remember Lavender's words and Carly made an advance to ran out but Reed reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her back into the classroom. He closed the door behind them, and Carly felt her heart racing.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, trying to pull his hand away.

Reed ignored her, his eyes searching the room.

"Stay quiet. You don't want anyone to hear us." He said, his voice low.

Carly was frozen in fear, unable to move.

"What are you going to do to me? What do you want!" She asked, her voice trembling.

"You'll see" He forcefully pull her to a seat.

"Let me go" she stood to leave, and Reed smiled before pulling her back, and her back landed on him.

"Let me go, Reed" she said nervously.

"Whoa! You even know my name now, I'm impressed!!" Reed smirked, holding her shoulder.

"Let me go please!!" Carly pushed his chest.

"I hate it when girls struggles with me. It's makes me think I'm taking advantage of them. So keep your voice low and allow me do my job."

"Which job are you talking about?"

"Stop struggling first or I'll be force to...

"Or what?" She asks, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I'll kiss you!" Reed said seriously and Carly's eyes

"What?" Everyone gasped loudly.