Ugly Jerks

"Stop struggling first or I'll be force to...

"Or what?" She asks, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I'll kiss you!" Reed said seriously and Carly's eyes widened. Even Reed was surprised he's talking about kiss, for the first time.

"No please don't!" She yelp and just then, the door burst open and Kylan rushed in.

"What's going on here?'" He let out a gasp when he saw Carly's teary eyes. He grabbed Carly's hand and pulled her away from Reed,who smirked as he turned to them.

"Bad timing... Why do you have to show up and spoil the freaking fun?" Reed smiled, crossing his arms.

"Is this funny to you Reed? If I didn't show up. You could have raped her!" Kylan snapped, his anger raising as he recall the position he met them.

"So what? Are you gonna sue me to court for what I did in my school? Are you her boyfriend?" Reed chuckled.

"That is not an excuse to rape a girl. This is bad!" Kylan replied.

"She's a scholarship students so what do you expect? You know the rules-"

"Then I'll pay for her tuition. Just stop bothering her" Kylan cut in.

"I'm afraid I'm not after the money. I want her" Reed licked his lips.

"See you around. Newbie!" He waved at Carly and left the class.

"Are you okay?" Kylan turned to Carly,who manage to gave a nod. He held her hand and took her out of the class.

They got into his car and he drove her home quitely. Kylan pulled the car to a stop in front of Carly's house and turned to her.

"Carly!!!" He called and Carly snapped out of her taught. She was actually thinking about what Reed could have possibly done to her if Kylan didn't show up.

"Thanks..." She smiled and got down from the car. She waved and made to walk into the house when Kylan spoke.

"Don't think too much about what is happen with Reed! That's just how he is!"

Carly sighed.

"I promise to protect you from him, Always!" Reed said determinly and Carly blinked. He stood straight and held her shoulders.

"Go in now!" He gave her a short smile and release her.

"Goodnight!" She waved and went into the house.Kylan got into the car and drove off smilling.


Kylan drove into the compound and pulled the car into a halt. He came down and make his way into the house, grinning from ear to ear.

He met Ava and Amanda (Thier mom) in the living room, watching TV. The shocking news is Ava is actually his sister, they are both twins.

"Good thing you're back!" Ava immediately stood and Amanda looked up.

"What's the problem?" Kylan asked, raising his brows.

"I saw you and that w*tch newbie together in school. Don't tell me you like her or something?" Ava hissed, crossing her arms.

"How's that your problem? Do I owe you any explanation?" Kylan replied codly.

Amanda stood up at once.

"Gosh! You both have started again... Seriously when is all this gonna end? You are no longer kids. When are you two planning to get along?" Amanda inquired,her eyes darting between the two.

"Tell him to stay the f*ck away from that b*tch" Ava snapped, stamping her foots on the floor.

"You can't tell me what to do" Kylan cuts her off.

"What's your business with who he's friends with?" Amanda turn to Ava.

"I'm his twin sister and anyone who's my f*cking enemy should be his too! Mom how can you let him do such a thing! How do you expect us to f*cking get along if he keeps doing this" Ava lamented.

"I don't even want us to get along. You even hide the fact that we're related in school... I prefer it that way!" Kylan resorted.

"Mom!!!" Ava yelled.

"Stop yelling Ava! Your don't expect him to treat people the same way you treat them..." Amanda cautioned.

"I knew you would take his side again! Dad is the only one who loves me I hate you both. F**k you mom! Just go to hëll with him..." Ava shouted and stormed to her room.

"It's okay mom! I'm used to her hatred toward me!" Kylan smiled and Amanda sighed. He turned to head to his room, but suddenly remember something.

"Mom!" He called and Amanda turn to him.

"Can I take a look at your new latest iphone model?" He asked.


Ava hissed and slammed the door behind her with a loud bang. She walk up to her bed and grabbed her phone, and dailed her dad's line. But its kept getting iso she dropped it angrily.

She closed her eyes, attempting to force herself into sleep but it's didn't work. She sat up and grabbed her phone again. She opened her message box, meeting a text from JoAnn.


"That only means one thing, Your lose is my gain fôôl!" She smirked and quickly text a reply.


She turned to the window side and as expected she saw a figure standing, attempting to force his way in. She immediately stood and helped him in.

"Ray! You're really here for--" The rest of the the words got stucked in her mouth cos Ray immediately pinned her to the wall and crashed his lips on hers, kissing her hard. Ava smirked and hunged her hands around his neck, kissing him as hard.

Ray hands went to her @ss immediately. He gave it one hard squeeze then lifted her from the ground with it.

Still kissing hard, he walk up to the bed and placed her on it, coming on top immediately. Ray's hands travelled under her top immediately, he covered her right b**bs in her palm and gave it a hard press.

"Ouch Ray!" Ava moaned out, and Ray smirked applying more pressure.

He did that for minutes before withdrawing his hand. Ray broke the kiss and Ava sat up, raising her hands in the air so he could took the top off fully, but her phone began ringing immediately.

She checked the Caller ID and hissed when she saw JoAnn.

"Who's it?" Ray asks, as he unbolting his belt.

"Your stupid girlfriend" Ava hissed again.

"I just knew it. The idiot don't even have a @ss nor b**bs. I wonder why I haven't broke up with that fool yet" Ray said disgustedly.

"I have a plan... You'll be breaking up with her soon" Ava chuckled, stripin

g herself completely.

"I trust you and I can't wait" Ray bent over and captured her n*pple immediately, sucking aggressively as if to extract milk from it.

"Enough with the teasing... Just f**k me already!" Ava begged impatiently, her p*ssy bulging and resting in excitement.

He inserted it but removed it immediately.

"Stop doing this please, stop playing!" Ava groaned and Ray smirked and insert his large cock inside her at once.

"Ah yes!!!"



He didn't wait for a second, he started his rough ride which left her screaming throughout.


"Ouch~ Yes!"



Alex entered the mansion and a teenage girl immediately rushed to hug him. She's actually his kid sis, Becca.

"Hubby!!!" Becca squealed and Alex hugged her tightly, lifting her from the ground. He twirled her around.

"How are you doing Treasure?" Alex kissed her forehead and Becca smiled.

"I've not been fine! I miss you a lot!" Becca pouted playing with his hair.

"Is that so? Hubby is sorry. I'll make sure to always make enough time for you from now on okay?" Alex replied.

"Pinky promise" Becca raised her pinky finger up and Alex crossed it with his own. She then gave him a peck on his cheek and Alex dropped her.

Mrs Acosta showed up. Her gaze locked with Alex and she shot him a dangerous glare.

"I can explain myself!" Alex chuckled and Mrs Acosta took off her heels, wanting to threw it to at him. Alex rushed to hide behind Becca and she was forced to drop it.

"What's really your problem Alex? I really don't know what to do with you anymore! If the longness is the problem then you should cut it short cos I'm tired" Mrs Acosta snapped, holding her head tiredly.

"I swear to gawd. I didn't f**k her" Alex said.

"Don't use F word in front of my baby" Mrs Acosta spatted.

"She's just unserious, am I right Treasure?" Alex faced Becca, who also nodded.

"See... Stop blaming me mom! Just look for another tutor!" Alex groaned.

"Seriously? I should employ another tutor for her so you can start doing nonsense with her?" Mrs Acosta said, raising a brows.

"Is either you start teaching Becca yourself or I found another tutor, and tgus time if you try rubbish with her. I'm freezing your account!" Mrs Acosta vowed and walk away.

"F**k Mom! You can't do this to me!" Alex ran after her and Becca laughed.


Carly adjusted her hair properly as she walked through the hall way while humming a song. She had to take a taxi to school again because Mona already warned the drivers and guards never to allow her take any of the cars.

"Carly" Leah called from the back and ran to her. She's with Lavender.

"Girls!" Carly said simply. It's so clear in her voice that she's tired.

"Don't tell me you walk to school?" Lavender asks, noticing her voice.

Carly shakes her head.

"Let's go in! Class will soon start" Leah linked her arms with Carly's and began walking in with her. Lavender followed.

They got to class and was about entering when they heard a familiar voice behind.

"Carly" They turned to see Kylan.

"So all you see is Carly now? Huh?" Leah said when he got to them.

"Not really!" Kylan chuckled as they all sat.

Leah stood and look around the class.

"Has anyone heard from Freddie and Simon?" She faced them.

"Just say you wanna ask about you boyfriend!" Lavender snorted.

"I'm being serious! Com'on... They are not here and the class is starting soon" Leah rolled her eyes.

"I taught you spend the night at his place?" Lavender said.

"It's got ruined cos Mom got back from Paris and I had to rush him" Leah replied.

"He might be busy... We should just wait for him" Kylan chirped in.

Leah pouted and sat back reluctantly, not without her eyes glued to the entrance.

The P3 didn't attend as usual. Same with Michelle and her crews. Soon, the lecture arrived and the class began.


"Guys,we are going to the cafeteria" Leah announced as she walked out with Lavender and Carly.

"Don't leave without us!" Simon replied and Kylan chuckled as they both followed the girls.

Soon, they got to the cafeteria and ordered. Once they had their trays, they found a table and sat down.

"Freddie is still not picking up" Leah pouted checking her phone constantly.

"Don't tell me you're missing him cos he's just absent for a day?" Simon scoffed.

"She missed troubling him you mean" Lavender chuckled.

"Whatever!" Leah rolled her eyes.

Kylan looked at Carly and their eyes met.

"Am I staring too much ?" Kylan asked and Carly smiled.

"Maybe. I'm just not use to guys staring at me" She said before she started eating.

"Then I you should get used to it cos I'll be doing that more often" Kylan smiled.

"Whooooaa!" Leah and Simon exclaimed.

Kylan stared at her,he immediately looked away when she tried looking up

Isn't that Reed?

What is he doing here?

Wow,you're so hot Reed!!!

Just like his name. Red!

Can I get a hug?

You're so handsome and love your lips

Reed ignored them totally. His eyes roamed around the place untill he spotted Carly. She was also staring at him, and she didn't bother to look away when thier gaze met.

"I'm sure you didn't. Is there any girl here who don't find me hot?" he asked proudly. His voice full of sarcasm.

Leah snickered, while Carly just shook her head.

"I don't find him attractive at all. Ugly jerk!!!" she mumbled but Reed heard her. He raised his eyebrows and walk up to her.

"Repeat what you just said" Reed moved closer, a smirk playing on his lips.

"So what? I said you're ugly! ugly! ugly!.. You're the most ugliest man alive!" Carly shouted at his face and everyone's eyes widened.