The Run

Violet was the first to stoop up and made to left the class, but Michelle and her friends blocked her immediately.

Emma pushed and she fell on the floor heavily

"Ouch" She moaned painfully and looked up to see Michelle and her friends

Scarlet smirked at her

"How dare you make me look bad in front of Simon again? You this pitiful disgusting b*tch" Scarlet snapped and Violet shivered in fear.

Emma grabbed her hair, pulling her up with it.

"Speak up, are you dead?" She yelled and Violet broke into tears.

"Forgive me. I didn't do any-" Scarlet slapped her hard before she could finish and everyone else gasp.

"This is just a warning b*tch! The next time I see you with my Simon. Trust me I'll kill you!" Scarlet pushed her out of the way and they left the class.

Violet held her cheek In tears and rushed out of the class, bumping into Simon who was just coming in with Freddie.

He saw her teary eyes and his eyes widened. He made to touch her but

"Violet!" He went after her and grabbed her arm.

"Please let me go. I don't want any more trouble!" She pleaded in tears.

"Who did this to you-"

"Stop talking to me Simon. Let's put a stop to our friendship!" She yanked his hand off and ran off.

Simon stood at a spot watching her.


Carly sighed as she arranged her hair properly while staring at the mirror. They just had their final class and she was crazily pressed

After she was done,she walked out of the restroom.

Ava was waiting right at the door,Carly stopped

"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked

"You should stay away from Reed,He's mine. Do you understand?" Ava yelled and Carly flinched.

"The next time I see you both together.. you'll regret ever coming to this school!" She hissed and purposely bumped into her shoulder, and Carly staggered. She almost fell but a hand caught her.

She look up to see Kylan.

"Are you okay?" Kylan asked and concernly

Carly nodded

"Did she said anything to you?" Kylan further ask.

Carly shakes her head

"Just stay away from her okay?" He stroke her hair and Carly smiled.


After f**cking to their satisfaction, Raymond and Ava came out of the restroom and met JoAnn in front of it.

Her eyes widened immediately.

"Why are you two... coming out together?" She asked skeptically.

"I...I kinda mistook this as the girls restroom. Right Raymond?" Ava turned to Raymond who quickly nodded in affirmation.

"I've been looking for you both since the class ended. Why didn't you pick my call last night?" JoAnn wrapped her hands around Raymond own.

Ava rolled her eyes.

"I was busy with work.. and assignment too!" Raymond lied.

"Oh... I was so f*cking worried! and I miss you a lot too" She pouted.

"Will you like to come over to my place?" Raymond said and JoAnn immediately nodded.

She turned to Ava.

"We'll be on our way then!" She said and left with Raymond.

"Enjoy it while it last. You'll soon cry!" Ava smirked and walk away.


As soon as Reed stepped into his condo, he could already felt Michelle's presence. He switched on the light and truly there was Michelle standing stark naked waiting for him.

"Babe.. you're back!" She gushed and made to hug him but Reed threw her hands off.

"What are you doing here?" He asked codly.

"What else? Aren't we f**kmates? Why ain't you f*cking me anymore? What did I do to deserve this?" She broke into tears.

"Save your tears cos that won't make me touch you" Reed said and Michelle raised her head.

"Please Reed! Is it because of that new b*tch? Why do you seem so interested in her?" Michelle snapped, raising her voice.

"You wanna know why? Cos she's nothing like you and other girls at school who throw yourself to me"

Michelle moved closer.

"But I never threw myself to you Reed! I gave you my virginity cos I'm on love with you. I f*cking love you Reed" She said in tears.

"And I don't and I never will. So wake up!" He start to walk out.

"Where are you going?" Michelle asked.

"Since you won't leave. I might as well leave the house for you!" He said without turning.

Michelle ran after him but he already shut the door,locking her inside it.



Carly emerged from the shower, feeling refreshed and clean. She slipped on a c of shorts and a top, then made her way to her bedroom. As she flopped down on her bed, she realized that she was starving.

She didn't have any food in the house, so she decided to try to sleep instead. But no matter how hard she tried, sleep wouldn't come.

She grabbed her phone and texted the group chat Leah added her in. It's consist of Leah, Lavender, Simon, Freddie and Her.

But no one was online. Not even Kylan, she dropped the phone, and closed her eyes again but she just couldn't brought herself to sleep.

Maybe because she's not used to being alone in a big house like this,and the feeling alone is creepy her out.

She decided to go out for a walk, hoping the fresh air would clear her head. As she was leaving the house, she passed by a convenience store and decided to get herself someone to eat.

Carly stopped and went inside, heading straight for the cup noodles section.

She was about to pick a noodle pack when she sighted a familiar figure backing the section. She peeped closer and when she saw who it is, she turned and immediately made to leave but-

"Newbie!" She heard a Reed's voice behind her.

She bit her lips as he rushed to her front, blocking her way.

"It's really you! I can't be mistaken" Reed smirked, his eyes moving around her whole body.

"What do you want? Are you stalking me?" Carly asks, taking a step backward.

"Stalk my foot! I obviously got here first.. I should be asking you that?" Reed grinned crossing his arms.

Carly said nothing and made to leave,but he blocked her way.

"You look hot in that? I never thought you've got something back there!" Reed smirked and Carly gave him a confused look.

What does he mean by that??

"Can I take a look?" He took a step closer and Carly quickly shrinked back.

"Don't come any closer" she blinked raising her hand as if to stop him.

Reed smirked moving even more closer but his smile faded as soon as he saw a group of guys enter the store. They all wore the same letterman jackets, and he recognized them as members of a notorious gang in town. His heart started to race as they spotted him and began to approach.

"It's him," one of the guys said, pointing at Reed. Reed eyes widened.

"Hey there, Reed," the leader of the group said, his tone menacing. "Long time no see huh" he smirked.

Reed swallowed hard, his hands trembling. "Hey guys," he said, trying to sound calm. "Everything okay?" Carly chirped in, noticing the tension.

"We've got a bone to pick with you, Reed," the leader said, his eyes narrowing.

"How dare you try nonsense with my bride.." one of them barked.

Reed shook his head. "I would never do that"

"I believe you! But you've to come with us" the leader waved his hand, taking a step closer.

"I've to speak with her first" He said, referring to Carly. He turned to Carly who raised her eyebrow.

"At the count of one...two...three! Run!" he yelled.

Before Carly could even react, Reed grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the store.

"God damnit! After them!" The leaders shouted and the gang sprinted down the street in hot pursuit.

Carly's heart was racing as she tried to keep up with Reed, who was running much faster than she was. They rounded a corner, the gang still gaining on them, and ducked into an alleyway, hoping to lose their pursuers.

Reed held Carly tight ducking into a narrow alleyway, the gang hot on their heels. Just before they reached the end of the alley, Reed spotted a small door, half-hidden in the shadows. He quickly pulled it open and pushed Carly inside, following close behind.

They found themselves in a small, dark room, their hearts pounding. Reed closed the door as quietly as possible and they listened, holding their breath. They could hear the gang's footsteps coming closer, but then fading away as they passed by.

Carly exhaled, a wave of anger flooding through her.

Reed turned to Carly who was trying to catch her breath.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He ask and Carly shot him a dangerous glare.

"What are you doing? Why did you brought me here? Why are the after you? What crime have you committed?" She threw him questions at once.

"I slept with the leader's bride to be!"

"So what's the big deal if you slept with her? It's just sleep right? Or did you disturb her sleep with your snore or something-"

Reed eyes widened beyond compare. What is she saying? Which kind of aged lady won't understand what that means.

"You're crazy?" Reed broke into laughter shocking her.

"What?" Carly asked confusedly.