
Carly and Leah were already in the cafeteria when Lavender rushed in, sitting on the third chair immediately.

"You look all excited" Leah said.

"I think I've a crush on someone " Lavender gushed.

"OMG! Who's it? Tell me about him right now? His age? Department? Height? Weight? Every single details I need to know about him.. Finally Vender has a crush on someone" Leah screamed and almost everyone in the cafeteria turned to them.

"Calm down.. You're embarrassing me" Lavender snapped with a eye roll.

It's the P3

They are so handsome and Hot!

Why is my Felix not with them?

Reed look so unreal!

My Alex too!!!

They are surely brighter than my future!!

Mine too!!!

Carly raised her head and her eyes met with Reed. He winked and she immediately looked away.

"I'm hosting a pool party tonight at the fun house.. You're all invited" Alex announced.

I'm so in!!!

"You know the drill.. The most s*xiest got a free f*ck!" Alex winked.

I can't wait!!!

They both left the cafeteria.

"I can't wait for the party! It's gonna be fun and of course a scene like Ava and Michelle's last fight!" Leah giggles.

"Or you're excited to be f*cked by Alex?" Lavender said.

"Gawd forbid! My Fred is a great f*cker so ion need another" Leah said proudly.

"So you did it already?" Lavender exclaimed and Leah nodded shyly.

"Tell me all about it, the full gist"

"Maybe later" Leah turned to Carly.

"You're attending with us, You can't say no.. Like I said no isn't in my dictionary.. We've got to rock that parry!!" Leah shouted dramatically.

Carly stared at her for a minute before nodding. She has nothing to do in the house anyway.

"Yes!!!" Leah screamed.


The loud slams of music is enough to deafen anyone as students trooped Into the house in groups, ready to feel the night.

The atmosphere is extra exciting tonight, maybe because of the cool breeze blowing, the air is cool.

The girls rocking different kinds, shapes and color of Bikini. Especially Michelle and her crews, thier bikini is far from one, they are practically naked. They are in the pool playing and drinking thierselves to a stupor.

Ava and JoAnn are busy dancing crazily with some guys at the dancefloor, even making out.

Leah and Freddie were already kissing in their corner, and they were giggling into the kiss as it got heated.

He squeezed her @ss, and she bit his lip teasingly as they broke it.

"Are you okay?" Lavender asked when she noticed Carly's face.

She slowly gave a nod.

She was actually feeling really uncomfortable in the bikini she wore since she has never wore it before. She planned to wear something else but Leah forced her into wearing one.

It's not that exposing but still look so s*xy on her,showing off her hourglass figure.

"You can just change if you don't-"

"I can manage" she suddenly got up.

"Where is the restroom?" She asked and Lavender pointed to the direction.

"Can you manage alone?"

Carly nodded and left.

"Is he not coming?" Lavender bits her lips, as she stared at the entrance.


Reed just came in with Alex and girls immediately rushed to them, pushing themselves to get to them first.

Alex pulled three b*tches on his laps at once and they began kissing him.

"Get off!!!" Reed said to the b*tch that sat on his laps.


Reed shot him a glare. "F*ck off b*tch!!!"

The b*tch stood up and left angrily. Reed left the place too.

As he walked away,he pulled out a cigarette and lightened it up.

Carly who was heading back after washing up and saw him and gasped.

"What? He smokes too?" She muttered and made to walk away quickly but Reed already saw her.

"Hey! Newbie!" He called and Carly immediately increased her pace.

"Newbie!!!" Reed dropped the cigarette and rushed to grab her hand.

"What do you want?" Carly said fearfully.

"You.." He pulled her to seat on his laps.

"Let me go Reed.. Please!" She pleaded trying to break free but he was just too strong.

"One condition.." Reed smirked, tightening his grips even more.

"You look s*xy in that.. Give me a ten minutes lap dance and I'll let you" He smirked and forcefully grabbed her waist.

"What's a lap dance?" Carly asked breathing heavily.

"You're already on my laps.. All you need to do it dance. You know what twerking means right-"

"I don't" She muttered slowly.

"What did I even expect from you?" He shakes his head and released her.

"Nice @ss you've got there.." He winked and Carly hurriedly left his side. Reed didn't take his eyes off her backside till she's finally out of side.

He smirked and turned only to see Michelle walking up to him.

She already changed to another bikini, this was so revealing that her V was clearly almost visible.

"Babe...." She bit her lips and made to sit on his laps but Reed pushed her off.

"Get off me b*tch!!!" He shot and stood up.

Michelle ran after him.

"Please Reed.. What have I done wrong to deserve this treatment? I clearly saw you allowing that new b*tch on your laps, you even held her waist... You've never held mine.. Is that how much you hate me?" Michelle said in tears.

"I don't hate you Michelle..I just lost interest-"

"You've never been tired of me before.. Please just f*ck me this once and I'll stop disturbing you.. please f*ck me!!!" She pleaded and Reed pushed her off once again.

"Go f*ck your dad if you're that desperate for d*ck b*tch..." He spatted and began leaving.

Michelle folded her fist.

"I won't be stay out and let that b*tch take you away from me. Never! This is gonna be the last time you see her...." She yelled and Reed immediately turned

"What the f*ck are you planing to do to her?" He demanded angrily.

"I don't owe you any explanation, @sshole" She hissed and walked away.


Carly was sitting by the pool side watching as the students swim and played happily. She badly wanna jump in and join the fun but she can't swim.

She pouted and stood up, wanting to leave the place but Michelle showed up with Emma ana Scarlet.

Carly pretended not to see them and made to pass another route but Scarlet pulled her back, grabbing her forcefully.

"Let me go! What do you-"

A hot slap from Emma landed on her face and eneryone else turned to watch the scene.

Carly broke into tears, holding her redened cheek.

"Where did you think you're going b*tch!!!" Michelle yelled and grabbed her hair.

"You ugly b*tch! How dare you flirt with my Reed? He f*cking dare you seduce him? Now he's refusing to look at me again.. Sn*ch! Just d*e! D*e! You disgust me I hate you so much!!!!" Michelle yelled dragging her so much with the hair, almost removing it from her scalp.

"Please let me go! I didn't even do anything!!" Carly cried as Emma ana Scarlet grabbed both her hands, making it impossible it impossible for her to fight back.

Isn't that the newbie?

Serves her right, someone needed to put her in her place!!

I hate her too!!! She's always all over my Reed!!

Treat her f*ck up Michelle!!!

We love you?!!

Carly cried out in pain, reaching up to try to free herself. In a fit of rage, Michelle shoved Carly backwards, sending her tumbling into the pool.


SPLASH!!!! Carly landed in the water with a big splash, soaking wet and completely caught off guard. She came up sputtering, her hair plastered to her head.

"Help I c-ca-can't swim! Somebody!! Please help me!!!" Carly began struggling to breath.

The entire crowd watched in horror as Carly sank beneath the surface of the water, flailing and screaming for help. No one moved to help her, frozen in shock and confusion.

"Good job!!!!" Michelle and her crews laughed as they watch.

All of the sudden, a figure burst from the crowd and leaped into the pool. It was Reed, swimming towards Carly with powerful strokes.

The f*ck!!!!!

Don't tell me that's Reed!!!

It's can't be him!!!

Somebody pinch me!!

Why is he saving her? He's mine!

I wanna drown too.. Reed!!!!

Michelle's eyes almost popped out of its sockets,she began fuming.

But Reed wasn't the only one moving to help. Another figure leaped into the pool, diving deep to reach Carly before Reed did. It was Kylan, determined to save Carly.

Kylan too!

This isn't happening..

Two hotties because of her?

Oh my...

The race was on, with Reed and Kylan both fighting to reach Carly first. Just as they were about to collide, another figure appeared.

It was Felix, who had jumped in and was swimming with lightning speed towards Carly. He reached her first and grabbed her.

Reed and Kylan both came to a halt, staring in shock at Felix

Carly coughed and sputtered,staring at him in shock.

Reed and Kylan got to them and Reed immediately grabbed Carly from Felix.

"I'll pretend you didn't got to her first" He said and carried her in his arms.