Kiss Request

"'What's going on here?' Simon's voice echoed, and the girls stepped back quickly. Scarlet pretended not to know anything. 'Good thing you're here, Simon.' Scarlet smiled as Simon rushed to Violet.

He squatted in front of her, his face turned red, and he launched towards Scarlet, raising his fist in the air but didn't hit her.

"'You're lucky I hate hitting girls, but I promised the next time you hurt my girlfriend... I'll be breaking the stupid rules!' He growled, and Scarlet's eyes widened.

'Girlfriend?' She stuttered. Simon went back to Violet and carried her in a bridal style, leaving the class. He took her to the infirmary and was lucky to meet a doctor who immediately attended to Violet.

Simon sat next to her bed, staring at her and feeling guilty. All this was happening to her because of him, and he couldn't even do anything to stop them from bullying her.

Soon, the doctor was done treating her, and she turned to Simon. 'She already sustained a lot of injuries! You should be careful and make sure she doesn't lose more blood, or it might lead to infection... which is really bad for her health.' The doctor said.

"'I will, thank you so much, Doctor.' Simon smiled, and the doctor returned the smile before leaving them. Simon sat next to her bed and brushed her hair with his finger, staring at her face. How did she manage to be still so pretty after all the bullying?

"They've been friends since elementary school, neighbors, but Simon is from a wealthy home, while Violet's father is just a gardener. Violet's eyes slowly parted, and Simon jerked up, helping her sit up.

Violet threw off his hands. "What?" Simon's eyes widened. "I don't want more troubles, please stay away from me, Simon..." She cried.

"I can't..." Simon answered. "But...."

"I failed to protect you again, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you leave my side. I should have been more careful. I'm a bad friend, I know, but don't ask me to stay away from you—"

"You only added to my problems. Why did you introduce me as your girlfriend? Why?!!" Violet snapped, but what Simon did next shocked her. Instead of replying, he kissed her.

"Let's date, for real," he pulled away from the kiss and said.


"They won't bother you anymore if you become my girlfriend," Simon replied. He didn't allow her to respond before kissing her again. It was filled with thirst and deeper this time. Surprisingly, Violet responded, but she quickly broke it off when she remembered Scarlet's words.

"The minute I find out you're really dating my Simon, that will mark your last day on earth."

She pushed Simon lightly, and he fell onto the chair. She pulled the needle from her arm, ignoring the pain as it slid out of her skin. She got off the bed quickly and stormed out.



Freddie was heading back to class after spending some time on the rooftop, his comfort zone. His phone buzzed with numerous texts from Leah:

"Where are you? It's been an hour!"

"I'm really sorry, I miss you so much already!"

"Please pick my call or at least reply to my text!"

"I'm really going crazy already!"

He chuckled and pocketed his phone. As he resumed walking, Emma suddenly appeared in front of him. "Hey handsome!" she said with a wave. Freddie raised an eyebrow and ignored her, taking a different path. But Emma blocked him again. "What do you want?" he asked, sighing.

"You..." Emma smirked, biting her lips seductively.

"I'm not food. Go eat dog food if you're hungry," Freddie replied coldly, pushing her out of his way. He spotted Leah approaching and smiled, quickening his pace.

But Emma had other plans. She rushed up to him and stood on her toes, kissing him before he could react. Leah's heart shattered as she watched, unmoved. Freddie pushed Emma off roughly, and she landed on the floor, laughing as she saw Leah's face. Emma got up and walked away, still laughing.

Freddie approached Leah, who refused to move. "Babe... I can explain," he said, trying to touch her.

"Explain what? How you've been ignoring my calls and texts or how I just witnessed some girl kissing you?" Leah demanded angrily.

"She just kissed me!" Freddie explained. "But you clearly saw she did it on purpose. I didn't know..."

"But you allowed it!" Leah's voice cracked. "That's not an excuse to kiss another girl! How could you?!"

Leah broke into tears, and Freddie tried to comfort her. "I'm really sorry... Are you crying?"

He attempted to touch her again, but she shot him a glare. "Don't talk to me for the rest of today..."

Leah turned and ran off, leaving Freddie calling after her. "Babe... Leah!"

Meanwhile, Carly made her way back to class after washing her face in the restroom. She was humming a song when Kylan grabbed her and pulled her to the stairs.

"Kylan?" she asked, surprised.

"You're not happy to see me?" Kylan asked, and she shook her head.

"Of course not..." She smiled.

"Why didn't you reply to my text?" he asked, and she showed him her phone.

"I didn't hear it buzzing. Sorry!"

Kylan nodded. "I miss you..."

Carly stared at him, unsure how to respond. Reed, descending the stairs, saw them and halted. Carly bit her lips, and Kylan's eyes fell on them. He felt an urge to kiss her.

"Can I kiss you?" Kylan asked, and Carly nodded without thinking.

Kylan slammed his lips onto hers, and Reed watched, feeling a surge of anger. He turned and left without a word.